require 'xml/mixup/version' require 'nokogiri' require 'set' module XML::Mixup # # these are node attachment protocols private ADJACENT = { parent: lambda do |node, parent| if parent.node_type == 9 and node.node_type == 1 parent.root = node elsif node.node_type == 11 node.children.each do |child| parent.add_child(child) end else parent.add_child(node) end end, before: lambda do |node, sibling| sibling.add_previous_sibling node end, after: lambda { |node, sibling| sibling.add_next_sibling node }, replace: lambda { |node, target| target.replace node }, }.freeze RESERVED ={comment cdata doctype dtd elem element pi processing-instruction tag}.map {|x| "##{x}"}).freeze public # Generate a handy blank document. # # @param version [Numeric, nil] # # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Document] a Nokogiri XML document. def xml_doc version = nil version end # Generates an XML tree from a given specification. # # require 'xml-mixup' # # class Anything # include XML::Mixup # end # # something = # # # generate a structure # node = something.markup spec: [ # { '#pi' => 'xml-stylesheet', type: 'text/xsl', href: '/transform' }, # { '#dtd' => :html }, # { '#html' => [ # { '#head' => [ # { '#title' => 'look ma, title' }, # { '#elem' => :base, href: 'http://the.base/url' }, # ] }, # { '#body' => [ # { '#h1' => 'Illustrious Heading' }, # { '#p' => :lolwut }, # ] }, # ], xmlns: '' } # ] # # # `node` will correspond to the last thing generated. In this # # case, it will be a text node containing 'lolwut'. # # doc = node.document # puts doc.to_xml # # @param spec [Hash, Array, Nokogiri::XML::Node, Proc, #to_s] An XML # tree specification. May be composed of multiple hashes and # arrays. See the spec spec. # # @param doc [Nokogiri::XML::Document, nil] an optional XML document # instance; will be supplied if none given. # # @param args [#to_a] Any arguments to be passed to any callbacks # anywhere in the spec. Assumed to be an array. # # @param parent [Nokogiri::XML::Node] The node under which the # evaluation result of the spec is to be attached. This is the # default adjacent node, which in turn defaults to the document if # it or no other adjacent node is given. Conflicts with other # adjacent nodes. # # @param before [Nokogiri::XML::Node] This represents a _sibling_ # node which the spec is to be inserted _before_. Conflicts with # other adjacent nodes. # # @param after [Nokogiri::XML::Node] This represents a _sibling_ # node which the spec is to be inserted _after_. Conflicts with # other adjacent nodes. # # @param replace [Nokogiri::XML::Node] This represents a _sibling_ # node which the spec is intended to _replace_. Conflicts with # other adjacent nodes. # # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Node] the last node generated, in document # order. Will return a {Nokogiri::XML::Document} when called # without arguments. def markup spec: nil, doc: nil, args: [], **nodes # handle adjacent node declaration adj = nil ADJACENT.keys.each do |k| if nodes[k] if adj raise "Cannot bind to #{k}: #{adj} is already present" end unless nodes[k].is_a? Nokogiri::XML::Node raise "#{k} must be an XML node" end adj = k end end # generate doc/parent if adj doc ||= nodes[adj].document unless adj.to_sym == :parent unless (nodes[:parent] = nodes[adj].parent) raise "#{adj} node must have a parent node!" end end else doc ||= nodes[adj = :parent] ||= doc end node = nodes[adj] # dispatch based on spec type if spec and not (spec.respond_to? :empty? and spec.empty?) spec = spec.to_a if spec.is_a? Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet if spec.is_a? Array par = adj == :parent ? nodes[:parent] : doc.fragment out = do |x| markup(spec: x, parent: par, pseudo: nodes[:parent], doc: doc, args: nodes[:args]) end # only run this if there is something to run if out.length > 0 # this is already attached if the adjacent node is the parent ADJACENT[adj].call(par, nodes[adj]) unless adj == :parent node = out.last end # node otherwise defaults to adjacent elsif spec.respond_to? :call # handle proc/lambda/whatever node = markup(spec:*args), args: args, doc: doc, adj => nodes[adj]) elsif spec.is_a? Hash # maybe element, maybe something else # find the nil key which should contain a viable node name # (and maybe children) name = nil children = [] if x = spec[nil] if x.respond_to? :to_a x = x.to_a name = x.shift children = x else name = x end elsif (compact = { |k, _| k.respond_to?(:to_a) or k.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Node)}) and not compact.empty? # compact syntax eliminates the `nil` key raise %q{Spec can't have duplicate compact keys} if compact.count > 1 children, name = compact.first children = children.respond_to?(:to_a) ? children.to_a : [children] elsif (special = { |k, _| k.respond_to? :to_s and k.to_s.start_with? '#' }) and not special.empty? # these are special keys raise %q{Spec can't have multiple special keys} if special.count > 1 name, children = special.first if %w{# #elem #element #tag}.any? name # then the name is in the `children` slot raise "Value of #{name} shorthand formulation" + "must be a valid element name" unless children.to_s name = children # set children to empty array children = [] elsif not RESERVED.any? name # then the name is encoded into the key and we have to # remove the octothorpe name = name[] end # don't forget to reset the child nodes children = children.respond_to?(:to_a) ? children.to_a : [children] end # note the name can be nil because it can be inferred # now we pull out "attributes" which are the rest of the keys; # these should be amenable to being turned into symbols attr = { |k, _| k and k.respond_to? :to_sym and not k.to_s.start_with? '#' }.transform_keys(&:to_sym) # now we dispatch based on the name if name == '#comment' # first up, comments node = doc.create_comment flatten(children, args) # attach it ADJACENT[adj].call node, nodes[adj] elsif name == '#pi' or name == '#processing-instruction' # now processing instructions if children.empty? raise "Processing instruction must have at least a target" end target = children[0] content = '' if (c = children[1..children.length]) and c.length > 0 #warn c.inspect content = flatten(c, args) else content = { |pair| "#{pair[0].to_s}=\"#{flatten(pair[1], args)}\"" }.join(' ') end node =, target, content) #warn node.inspect, content # attach it ADJACENT[adj].call node, nodes[adj] elsif name == '#dtd' or name == '#doctype' # now doctype declarations if children.empty? raise "DTD node must have a root element declaration" end # assign as if these are args root, pub, sys = children # supplant with attributes if present pub ||= attr[:public] if attr[:public] sys ||= attr[:system] if attr[:system] # XXX for some reason this is an *internal* subset? # anyway these may not be strings and upstream is not forgiving node = doc.create_internal_subset(root.to_s, pub.nil? ? pub : pub.to_s, sys.nil? ? sys : sys.to_s) # at any rate it doesn't have to be explicitly attached # attach it to the document #doc.add_child node # attach it (?) #ADJACENT[adj].call node, nodes[adj] elsif name == '#cdata' # let's not forget cdata sections node = doc.create_cdata flatten(children, args) # attach it ADJACENT[adj].call node, nodes[adj] else # finally, an element raise 'Element name inference NOT IMPLEMENTED' unless name # first check the name prefix = local = nil if name and (md = /^(?:([^:]+):)?(.+)/.match(name.to_s)) # XXX match actual qname/ncname here prefix, local = md.captures end # next pull apart the namespaces and ordinary attributes ns = {} at = {} attr.each do |k, v| v = flatten(v, args) if (md = /^xmlns(?::(.*))?$/i.match(k.to_s)) ns[md[1]] = v else at[k.to_s] = v end end # now go over the attributes and set any missing namespaces to nil at.keys.each do |k| p, _ = /^(?:([^:]+):)?(.+)$/.match(k).captures ns[p] ||= nil end # also do the tag prefix but only if there is a local name ns[prefix] ||= nil if local # unconditionally remove ns['xml'], we never want it in there ns.delete 'xml' # pseudo is a stand-in for non-parent adjacent nodes pseudo = nodes[:pseudo] || nodes[:parent] # now get the final namespace mapping ns.keys.each do |k| pk = k ? "xmlns:#{k}" : "xmlns" if pseudo.namespaces.has_key? pk ns[k] ||= pseudo.namespaces[pk] end end # delete nil => nil if ns.has_key? nil and ns[nil].nil? ns.delete(nil) end # there should be no nil namespace declarations now if ns.has_value? nil raise "INTERNAL ERROR: nil namespace declaration: #{ns}" end # generate the node node = element name, doc: doc, ns: ns, attr: at, args: args # attach it ADJACENT[adj].call node, nodes[adj] # don't forget the children! if children.length > 0 #warn node.inspect, children.inspect node = markup(spec: children, doc: doc, parent: node, args: args) end end else if spec.is_a? Nokogiri::XML::Node # existing node node = spec.dup 1 else # text node node = doc.create_text_node spec.to_s end # attach it ADJACENT[adj].call node, nodes[adj] end end # return the node node end # Generates an XHTML stub, with optional RDFa attributes. All # parameters are optional. # # *This method is still under development.* I am still trying to # figure out how I want it to behave. Some parts may not work as # advertised. # # @param doc [Nokogiri::XML::Document, nil] an optional document. # # @param base [#to_s] the contents of ++. # # @param prefix [Hash] the contents of the root node's +prefix=+ # and +xmlns:*+ attributes. # # @param vocab [#to_s] the contents of the root node's +vocab=+. # # @param lang [#to_s] the contents of +lang=+ and when applicable, # +xml:lang+. # # @param title [#to_s, #to_a, Hash] the contents of the ++ # tag. When given as an array-like object, all elements after the # first one will be flattened to a single string and inserted into # the +property=+ attribute. When given as a {Hash}, it will be # coerced into a snippet of spec that produces the appropriate tag. # # @param link [#to_a, Hash] A spec describing one or more +<link/>+ # elements. # # @param meta [#to_a, Hash] A spec describing one or more +<meta/>+ # elements. # # @param style [#to_a, Hash] A spec describing one or more # +<style/>+ elements. # # @param script [#to_a, Hash] A spec describing one or more # +<script/>+ elements. # # @param extra [#to_a, Hash] A spec describing any extra elements # inside +<head>+ that aren't in the previous categories. # # @param attr [Hash] A spec containing attributes for the +<body>+. # # @param content [Hash, Array, Nokogiri::XML::Node, ...] A spec which # will be attached underneath the +<body>+. # # @param head [Hash, Array] A Hash spec which overrides the entire # +<head>+ element, or otherwise an array of its children. # # @param body [Hash] A spec which overrides the entire +<body>+. # # @param transform [#to_s] An optional XSLT transform. # # @param dtd [true, false, nil, #to_a] Whether or not to attach a # +<!DOCTYPE html>+ declaration. Can be given as an array-like # thing containing two stringlike things which serve as public and # system identifiers. Defaults to +true+. # # @param xmlns [true, false, nil, Hash] Whether or not to include # XML namespace declarations, including the XHTML declaration. When # given as a {Hash}, it will set _only the hash contents_ as # namespaces. Defaults to +true+. # # @param args [#to_a] Arguments for any callbacks in the spec. # # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Node] the last node generated, in document order. def xhtml_stub doc: nil, base: nil, ns: {}, prefix: {}, vocab: nil, lang: nil, title: nil, link: [], meta: [], style: [], script: [], extra: [], head: {}, body: {}, attr: {}, content: [], transform: nil, dtd: true, xmlns: true, args: [] spec = [] # add xslt stylesheet if transform spec << (transform.is_a?(Hash) ? transform : { '#pi' => 'xml-stylesheet', type: 'text/xsl', href: transform }) end # add doctype declaration if dtd ps = dtd.respond_to?(:to_a) ? dtd.to_a : [] spec << { nil => %w{#dtd html} + ps } end # normalize title if title.nil? or (title.respond_to?(:empty?) and title.empty?) title = { '#title' => '' } # add an empty string for closing tag elsif title.is_a? Hash # nothing elsif title.respond_to? :to_a title = title.to_a text = title.shift props = title title = { '#title' => text } title[:property] = props unless props.empty? else title = { '#title' => title } end # normalize base if base and not base.is_a? Hash base = { nil => :base, href: base } end # TODO normalize link, meta, style, script elements # construct document tree head ||= {} if head.is_a? Hash and head.empty? head[nil] = [:head, title, base, link, meta, style, script, extra] elsif head.is_a? Array # children of unmarked head element head = { nil => [:head] + head } end body ||= {} if body.is_a? Hash and body.empty? body[nil] = [:body, content] body = attr.merge(body) if attr and attr.is_a?(Hash) end root = { nil => [:html, head, body] } root[:vocab] = vocab if vocab root[:lang] = lang if lang # deal with namespaces if xmlns root['xmlns'] = '' # namespaced language attribute root['xml:lang'] = lang if lang if !prefix and xmlns.is_a? Hash x = prefix.transform_keys { |k| "xmlns:#{k}" } root = x.merge(root) end end # deal with prefixes distinct from namespaces prefix ||= {} if prefix.respond_to? :to_h prefix = prefix.to_h unless prefix.empty? # this will get automatically smushed into the right shape root[:prefix] = prefix if xmlns x = prefix.transform_keys { |k| "xmlns:#{k}" } root = x.merge(root) end end end # add the document structure to the spec spec << root # as usual this will return the last innermost node markup spec: spec, doc: doc, args: args end private def element tag, doc: nil, ns: {}, attr: {}, args: [] raise 'Document node must be present' unless doc pfx = nil if tag.respond_to? :to_a pfx = tag[0] tag = tag.to_a[0..1].join ':' elsif m = tag.match(/([^:]+):/) pfx = m[1] end elem = doc.create_element tag.to_s elem.default_namespace = ns[pfx] if ns[pfx] ns.keys.sort { |a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each do |p| elem.add_namespace((p.nil? ? p : p.to_s), ns[p].to_s) end attr.sort.each do |k, v| elem[k.to_s] = flatten(v, args) end elem end ATOMS = [String, Symbol, Numeric, NilClass, FalseClass, TrueClass].freeze # yo dawg def flatten obj, args # early bailout for most likely condition if ATOMS.any? { |x| obj.is_a? x } obj.to_s elsif obj.is_a? Hash { |kv| "#{kv[0].to_s}: #{flatten(kv[1], args)}" }.join(' ') elsif obj.respond_to? :call*args) elsif obj.respond_to? :map { |x| flatten(x, args) }.join(' ') else obj.to_s end end end