/*** = Description ** HPropertyList uses any JSON-compliant structure as its value and displays ** its content hierarchically in three columns: ** - Key ** - Type ** - Value ** ** Its current purpose is to view JSON data in a structured way. I'll be ** extended later as a full, generic JSON data editor. ** ** NOTE: HPropertyList does not work in any version of Internet Explorer yet. ** ***/ var//RSence.Lists HPropertyList = HControl.extend({ defaultEvents: { click: true }, controlDefaults: HControlDefaults.extend({ keyColumnWidth: 100, hideTypeColumn: false, useEditor: false, rowHeight: 15, keyIndent: 8 }), click: function(x,y){ if(this.options.useEditor){ var clickY = y-this.contentView.pageY(), itemNum = Math.floor(clickY/this.options.rowHeight); if((clickY < 0) || (itemNum > this.valueTokens.length-1)){ this.editor && this.editor.hide(); return; } this.editItem( itemNum ); } }, keyColumnRight: function(){ return this.options.keyColumnWidth; }, typeColumnLeft: function(){ return this.keyColumnRight(); }, typeColumnRight: function(){ return this.options.keyColumnWidth + 60; }, valueColumnLeft: function(){ if(this.options.hideTypeColumn){ return this.keyColumnRight(); } else { return this.typeColumnRight(); } }, drawSubviews: function(){ var borderAndBg = ELEM.make(this.elemId); ELEM.setCSS(borderAndBg,'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;background-color:#e6e6e6;border:1px solid #999999;'); this.markupElemIds = { bg: borderAndBg }; this.contentView = HScrollView.extend({ click: function(x,y){ this.parent.click(x,y); return true; } }).nu( [ 1, 25, null, null, 1, 1 ], this, { scrollY: 'auto', scrollX: false, events: { click: true } } ); var separatorParentElemId = ELEM.make(this.contentView.elemId); ELEM.setCSS( separatorParentElemId, 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;right:0;' ); this.separatortParentElemId = separatorParentElemId; this.propertyItems = []; // Editor initialization if(this.options.useEditor){ this.editorValue = HValue.nu( false, { top: 0, left: 0, type: 'h', name: '--', value: {} } ); this.editor = HPropertyListEditor.nu( [0,0,null,this.options.rowHeight+2,0,null], this.contentView, { propertyItems: this.propertyItems, visible: false, valueObj: this.editorValue } ); } // Set row style heights from options var rowHeightStyle = 'height:'+this.options.rowHeight+'px;'; this.keyRowStyle += rowHeightStyle; this.typeRowStyle += rowHeightStyle; this.valueRowStyle += rowHeightStyle; this.rowSeparatorStyle += rowHeightStyle; // Style common font style this.contentView.setStyle('font-size','11px'); // Create the key column this.keyColumn = HView.nu( [ 0, 0, this.keyColumnRight(), 24 ], this.contentView, { style: { borderRight: '1px solid #999' } } ); // Create the type column if(!this.options.hideTypeColumn){ this.typeColumn = HView.nu( [ this.typeColumnLeft(), 0, 60, 24 ], this.contentView, { style: { borderRight: '1px solid #999' } } ); } // Create the value column this.valueColumn = HView.nu( [ this.valueColumnLeft(), 0, 0, 24, 0, null ], this.contentView ); // Create the column headers this.header = HView.extend({ drawSubviews: function(){ var keyColumnWidth = this.parent.options.keyColumnWidth; this.keyLabel = HView.nu( [ 0, 0, this.parent.keyColumnRight(), 24 ], this, { html: '<b>Key</b>', style: { verticalAlign: 'middle', textIndent: '16px', lineHeight: '24px', fontSize: '13px', borderRight: '3px double #999999' } } ); if(!this.parent.options.hideTypeColumn){ this.typeLabel = HView.nu( [ this.parent.typeColumnLeft(), 0, 60, 24 ], this, { html: '<b>Type</b>', style: { verticalAlign: 'middle', textIndent: '8px', lineHeight: '24px', fontSize: '13px', paddingRight: '1px', borderRight: '1px solid #999999' } } ); } this.valueLabel = HView.nu( [ this.parent.valueColumnLeft(), 0, 80, 24, 0, null ], this, { html: '<b>Value</b>', style: { verticalAlign: 'middle', textIndent: '8px', lineHeight: '24px', fontSize: '13px' } } ); } }).nu( [ 0, 0, null, 24, 0, null ], this, { style: { borderBottom: '1px solid #999' } } ); // Create the resize control (invisible, just above the first column separator) this.resizeColumns = HControl.extend({ drag: function(x,y){ var parent = this.parent, options = parent.options, keyColumnWidth = x - parent.pageX(), parentWidth = parent.rect.width; if(keyColumnWidth < 80){ keyColumnWidth = 80; } else if ( keyColumnWidth > parentWidth-140 ){ keyColumnWidth = parentWidth - 140; } // Set the dragger itself this.rect.offsetTo( keyColumnWidth-1, 0 ); this.drawRect(); // Resize the key column options.keyColumnWidth = keyColumnWidth; var keyColumn = parent.keyColumn, keyLabel = parent.header.keyLabel, keyRight = parent.keyColumnRight(); keyColumn.rect.setRight( keyRight ); keyLabel.rect.setRight( keyRight ); var valueColumn = parent.valueColumn, valueLabel = parent.header.valueLabel, valueLeft = parent.valueColumnLeft(); valueColumn.rect.setLeft( valueLeft ); valueLabel.rect.setLeft( valueLeft ); // Redraw the rects keyColumn.drawRect(); keyLabel.drawRect(); valueColumn.drawRect(); valueLabel.drawRect(); // Resize the type column if(!options.hideTypeColumn){ var typeColumn = parent.typeColumn, typeLabel = parent.header.typeLabel, typeLeft = parent.typeColumnLeft(), typeRight = parent.typeColumnRight(); typeColumn.rect.setLeft( typeLeft ); typeColumn.rect.setRight( typeRight ); typeLabel.rect.setLeft( typeLeft, 0 ); typeLabel.rect.setRight( typeRight, 0 ); typeColumn.drawRect(); typeLabel.drawRect(); } if(options.useEditor){ parent.editor.resizeKeyColumn(); } } }).nu( [ this.keyColumnRight(), 0, 5, 25 ], this, { events: { draggable: true }, style: { cursor: 'ew-resize' } } ); }, // Tokenize arrays arrayTokens: function( arr, name ){ this.addToken( 'a', name, '('+arr.length+' items)' ); this.nodeProperties.left += this.options.keyIndent; var i = 0, val, type; for( ; i < arr.length; i++ ){ val = arr[i]; type = this.itemType( val ); if( type == 'h' ){ this.hashTokens( val, i ); } else if ( type == 'a' ){ this.arrayTokens( val, i ); } else { this.addToken( type, i, val ); } } this.nodeProperties.left -= this.options.keyIndent; }, // Get length of hash hashLen: function( hash ){ var count = 0; for( var item in hash ){ count += 1; } return count; }, // Sort hash keys hashSortedKeys: function( hash ){ var keys = [], key; for( key in hash ){ keys.push( key ); } return keys.sort(); }, // Tokenize hashes hashTokens: function( hash, name ){ this.addToken( 'h', name, '('+this.hashLen( hash )+' items)' ); this.nodeProperties.left += this.options.keyIndent; var key, val, type, i = 0, keys = this.hashSortedKeys( hash ); for( ; i < keys.length; i++ ){ key = keys[i]; val = hash[key]; type = this.itemType( val ); if( type == 'h' ){ this.hashTokens( val, key ); } else if ( type == 'a' ){ this.arrayTokens( val, key ); } else { this.addToken( type, key, val ); } } this.nodeProperties.left -= this.options.keyIndent; }, // Adds a taken addToken: function( type, name, value ){ this.valueTokens.push( { top: this.nodeProperties.top, left: this.nodeProperties.left, type: type, name: name, value: value } ); this.nodeProperties.top += this.options.rowHeight; }, // Returns type of item itemType: function( item ){ return this.typeChr( item ); }, // Translation from type code to type name typeNames: { h: 'Hash', a: 'Array', s: 'String', n: 'Number', b: 'Boolean', '~': 'Null', '-': 'Undefined' }, // Style for the key rows keyRowStyle: "position:absolute;padding-top:2px;right:0px;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;", // Creates row in key column addKeyColumnControl: function( token, i ){ var elemId; if( i >= this.propertyItems.length ){ elemId = ELEM.make( this.keyColumn.elemId ); this.propertyItems.push( elemId ); ELEM.setCSS( elemId, 'top:'+token.top+'px;'+this.keyRowStyle ); } else { elemId = this.propertyItems[i]; } ELEM.setStyle( elemId, 'left', (token.left+10)+'px' ); if( token.type === 'h' || token.type === 'a' ){ ELEM.setStyle( elemId, 'font-weight', 'bold' ); } else { ELEM.setStyle( elemId, 'font-weight', 'inherit' ); } ELEM.setHTML( elemId, token.name ); }, // Style for the type rows typeRowStyle: "position:absolute;padding-top:2px;left:8px;width:72px;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;", // Creates row in the type column addTypeColumnControl: function( token, i ){ var elemId; if( i >= this.propertyItems.length ){ elemId = ELEM.make( this.typeColumn.elemId ); this.propertyItems.push( elemId ); ELEM.setCSS( elemId, 'top:'+token.top+'px;'+this.typeRowStyle ); } else { elemId = this.propertyItems[i]; } ELEM.setHTML( elemId, this.typeNames[token.type] ); }, // Style for the value rows valueRowStyle: "position:absolute;padding-top:2px;left:8px;right:0px;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;", // Creates row in the value column addValueColumnControl: function( token, i ){ var elemId, value; if( i >= this.propertyItems.length ){ elemId = ELEM.make( this.valueColumn.elemId ); this.propertyItems.push( elemId ); ELEM.setCSS( elemId, 'top:'+token.top+'px;'+this.valueRowStyle ); } else { elemId = this.propertyItems[i]; } if( token.type === 'h' || token.type === 'a' ){ ELEM.setStyle( elemId, 'font-style', 'italic' ); } else { ELEM.setStyle( elemId, 'font-style', 'inherit' ); } value = token.value; if(value===true){ value = 'true'; } else if(value===false){ value = 'false'; } else if(value===undefined){ value = 'undefined'; } else if(value===null){ value = 'null'; } ELEM.setHTML( elemId, value ); }, // Row separator style rowSeparatorStyle: "position:absolute;left:1px;right:1px;font-size:0px;height:1px;overflow:hidden;border-bottom:1px solid #999999;", // Adds row separator addRowSeparator: function( token, i, even ){ if( i >= this.propertyItems.length ){ var elemId = ELEM.make( this.separatortParentElemId ); this.propertyItems.push( elemId ); ELEM.setCSS( elemId, 'top:'+token.top+'px;'+this.rowSeparatorStyle+'background-color:'+(even?'#f6f6f6':'#e6e6e6')+';' ); } }, // Destructor, deletes extra elements created die: function(){ var i=0, propLen = this.propertyItems.length, elemId; for(;i<propLen;i++){ elemId = this.propertyItems.pop(); ELEM.del( elemId ); } this.base(); }, // Currently selected item selectedItem: 0, editNextItem: function(){ this.editItem(this.selectedItem+1); }, editPrevItem: function(){ this.editItem(this.selectedItem-1); }, editItem: function(itemNum){ if(itemNum>this.valueTokens.length-1){ itemNum = this.valueTokens.length-1; } else if(itemNum < 0){ itemNum = 0; } var targetY = (itemNum*this.options.rowHeight)-1, elem = ELEM.get( this.contentView.elemId ), scrollTop = elem.scrollTop, contentHeight = this.contentView.rect.height; if(targetY > (scrollTop+contentHeight-45)){ elem.scrollTop = scrollTop+45; } else if(targetY < scrollTop+45){ elem.scrollTop = scrollTop-45; } this.selectedItem = itemNum; this.editorValue.set( this.cloneObject(this.valueTokens[itemNum]) ); this.editor.show(); EVENT.changeActiveControl(this.editor); this.editor.offsetTo( 0, targetY ); this.editor.bringToFront(); }, // Starts tokenizing, when the value is changed. refreshValue: function(){ if(this.propertyItems === undefined){ return; } this.valueTokens = []; this.nodeProperties = { top: 0, left: 8 }; var rootType = this.itemType( this.value ); if( rootType == 'h' ){ this.hashTokens( this.value, 'Root' ); } else if( rootType == 'a' ){ this.arrayTokens( this.value, 'Root' ); } else { this.addToken( rootType, 'Root', this.value ); } var i, token; if(this.propertyItems === undefined){ this.propertyItems = []; } var colHeight = 0, colId = 0; for( i = 0; i < this.valueTokens.length; i ++ ) { token = this.valueTokens[i]; this.addRowSeparator( token, colId, (i%2===0) ); colId++; this.addKeyColumnControl( token, colId ); colId++; if(!this.options.hideTypeColumn){ this.addTypeColumnControl( token, colId ); colId++; } this.addValueColumnControl( token, colId ); colId++; colHeight = token.top+this.options.rowHeight; } var propItemsLen = this.propertyItems.length, elemId; for( i = colId; i < propItemsLen; i++ ){ elemId = this.propertyItems.pop(); ELEM.del( elemId ); } this.keyColumn.bringToFront(); if(!this.options.hideTypeColumn){ this.typeColumn.bringToFront(); } this.valueColumn.bringToFront(); this.resizeColumns.bringToFront(); this.keyColumn.rect.setHeight( colHeight ); this.keyColumn.drawRect(); if(!this.options.hideTypeColumn){ this.typeColumn.rect.setHeight( colHeight ); this.typeColumn.drawRect(); } this.valueColumn.rect.setHeight( colHeight ); this.valueColumn.drawRect(); ELEM.setStyle(this.separatortParentElemId,'height',(colHeight+25)+'px'); } });