module Redcar class Project class Manager def self.connect_to_remote(protocol, host, user, path, private_key_files = []) if protocol == "SFTP" and private_key_files.any? begin adapter = open_adapter(protocol, host, user, nil, private_key_files) open_remote_project(adapter, path) rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed if pw = get_password adapter = open_adapter(protocol, host, user, pw, []) open_remote_project(adapter, path) end end else if pw = get_password adapter = open_adapter(protocol, host, user, pw, []) open_remote_project(adapter, path) end end rescue => e puts "Error connecting: #{e.class}: #{e.message}" puts e.backtrace Application::Dialog.message_box("Error connecting: #{e.message}", :type => :error) end def self.get_password result = Redcar::Application::Dialog.password_input("Remote Connection", "Enter password") result[:value] if result end # Opens a new Tree with a DirMirror and DirController for the given # path, in a new window. # # @param [String] path the path of the directory to view def self.open_remote_project(adapter, path) win = win = if !win or Manager.in_window(win) project =, adapter) if project.ready? end def self.open_adapter(protocol, host, user, password, private_key_files), host, user, password, private_key_files) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED raise "connection refused connecting to #{host}" rescue SocketError raise "Cannot connect to #{host}. Error: #{$!.message}." end def self.open_projects Project.window_projects.values end # Returns the project in the given window # @param [Window] window # @return Project or nil def self.in_window(window) Project.window_projects[window] end def self.windows_without_projects {|w| in_window(w) } end # this will restore open files unless other files or dirs were passed # as command line parameters def self.start(args) unless handle_startup_arguments(args) unless Redcar.environment == :test #restore_last_session end end init_current_files_hooks init_window_closed_hooks init_drb_listener end def self.init_window_closed_hooks do |win| if project = in_window(win) project.close self.save_file_list(win) end end end def self.init_drb_listener return if ARGV.include?("--multiple-instance") @drb_service = end def @storage ||= begin storage ='project_plugin') storage.set_default('reveal_files_in_project_tree',true) storage.set_default('reveal_files_only_when_tree_is_focussed',true) storage end end def self.reveal_files? storage['reveal_files_in_project_tree'] end def self.reveal_files=(toggle) storage['reveal_files_in_project_tree'] = toggle end def self.reveal_file_only_when_tree_focussed? storage['reveal_files_only_when_tree_is_focussed'] end def self.reveal_file?(project) if project and project.window and tree = project.tree if reveal_files? and project.window.trees_visible? ftree = project.window.treebook.focussed_tree unless tree != ftree and reveal_file_only_when_tree_focussed? true end end end end def self.filter_path if if mirror = EditView.focussed_document_mirror and mirror.is_a?(FileMirror) dir = File.dirname(mirror.path) return dir end end storage['last_dir'] || File.expand_path(Dir.pwd) end def self.sensitivities [ @open_project_sensitivity =,, false, [:focussed_window]) do if win = win.treebook.trees.detect {|t| t.tree_mirror.is_a?(DirMirror) } end end ] end # Finds an EditTab with a mirror for the given path. # # @param [String] path the path of the file being edited # @return [EditTab, nil] the EditTab that is editing it, or nil def self.find_open_file_tab(path) path = File.expand_path(path) all_tabs = {|win| win.notebooks} {|nb| nb.tabs }.flatten all_tabs.find do |t| t.is_a?(Redcar::EditTab) and t.edit_view.document.mirror and t.edit_view.document.mirror.is_a?(FileMirror) and File.expand_path(t.edit_view.document.mirror.path) == path end end # Opens a new EditTab with a FileMirror for the given path. # # @path [String] path the path of the file to be edited # @param [Window] win the Window to open the File in def self.open_file_in_window(path, win, adapter) return unless large_file_airbag(path) tab = win.new_tab(Redcar::EditTab) mirror =, adapter) tab.edit_view.document.mirror = mirror tab.edit_view.reset_undo tab.focus tab end def self.file_too_large?(path) File.size(path) > file_size_limit end # Prompts the user before opening the given path if it's above self.file_size_limit. def self.large_file_airbag(path) if file_too_large?(path) Application::Dialog.message_box( "This file is larger than 10MB which may crash Redcar.\n\nAre you sure you want to open it?", :type => :warning, :buttons => :yes_no) == :yes else true end end def self.find_projects_containing_path(path) {|p| p.contains_path?(path) }.sort_by {|p| path.split(//).length-p.path.split(//).length} end def self.open_file(path, if tab = find_open_file_tab(path) tab.focus return tab end if project = find_projects_containing_path(path).first window = project.window else window = windows_without_projects.first || Project::Recent.store_path(path) end tab = open_file_in_window(path, window, adapter) window.focus tab end def self.pop_first_line_option(args) if args.include? '-l' argix = args.index('-l') raise ArgumentError, "The -l Option expects an Argument" unless args[argix + 1] numbers = args[argix + 1].split(',') first_num = numbers.delete_at(0) if (args[argix + 1] = numbers.join(',')).empty? args.delete_at(argix); args.delete_at(argix) end first_num elsif match = {|a| /^\-l\d+$/.match a }.first args.delete(args.index(match)) match[2..-1] end end def self.scroll_to_line(arg) begin doc = lineix = arg.to_i - 1 doc.scroll_to_line(lineix) doc.cursor_offset = doc.offset_at_line(lineix) rescue Exception raise ArgumentError, 'The "-l" Option expects a number as Argument' end end def self.open_tab_with_content(text) win = || tab = win.new_tab(Redcar::EditTab) tab.edit_view.document.text = text tab.edit_view.reset_undo tab.focus end PROJECT_LOCKED_MESSAGE = "Project appears to be locked by another Redcar process!\nOpen anway?" # Opens a new Tree with a DirMirror and DirController for the given # path, in a new window. # # @param [String] path the path of the directory to view def self.open_project_for_path(path) open_projects.each do |project| if project.path == path project.window.focus return end end project = should_open = :yes if project.locked? should_open = Application::Dialog.message_box(PROJECT_LOCKED_MESSAGE, :type => :warning, :buttons => :yes_no) end if should_open == :yes win = win = if !win or Manager.in_window(win) if project.ready? project end end # Opens a subproject in a new window # @param [String] project_path the project path to fork # @param [String] path the path of the directory to view def self.open_subproject(project_path,path) win = win = if !win or Manager.in_window(win) project =,path).tap do |p| if p.ready? win.title = "Subproject: #{File.basename(path)} in #{File.basename(project_path)}" end end # The currently focussed Project, or nil if none. # # @return [Project] def self.focussed_project in_window( end # saves away a list of the currently open files in # @param [win] def self.save_file_list(win) # create a list of open files file_list = [] win.notebooks[0].tabs.each do |tab| if tab.document && tab.document.path file_list << tab.document.path end end storage['files_open_last_session'] = file_list end # handles files and/or dirs passed as command line arguments def self.handle_startup_arguments(args) found_path_args = false args.each do |arg| if found_path_args = true elsif File.file?(arg) found_path_args = true open_file(arg) linearg = pop_first_line_option(args) scroll_to_line(linearg) if linearg end end args.each do |arg| if arg =~ /--untitled-file=(.*)/ path = $1 found_path_args = true open_untitled_path(path) end end found_path_args end def self.update_tab_for_path(path,new_path=nil) if tab = Manager.find_open_file_tab(path) if new_path mirror = tab.edit_view.document.mirror = mirror else tab.update_for_file_changes end end end def self.open_untitled_path(path) begin if File.file?(path) and contents = open_tab_with_content(contents) end rescue => e puts "Error opening untitled file #{path}" puts e.class.to_s + ":" + e.message puts e.backtrace end end # Attaches a new listener to tab focus change events, so we can # keep the current_files list. def self.init_current_files_hooks do |tab| if tab and tab.document_mirror.respond_to?(:path) if project = Manager.in_window(tab.notebook.window) project.add_to_recent_files(tab.document_mirror.path) end end end attach_app_listeners end def self.attach_app_listeners do Manager.open_projects.each {|project| project.lost_application_focus } end do |win| Manager.in_window(win).andand.gained_focus end end # restores the directory/files in the last open window def self.restore_last_session if path = storage['last_open_dir'] s = open_project_for_path(path) end if files = storage['files_open_last_session'] files.each do |path| open_file(path) end end end def self.refresh_modified_file(path) path = File.expand_path(path) find_projects_containing_path(path).each do |project| project.refresh_modified_file(path) end end def self.menus do sub_menu "File" do group(:priority => 0) do item "Open", Project::OpenFileCommand item "Reload File", Project::FileReloadCommand item "Open Directory", Project::DirectoryOpenCommand item "Open Recent...", Project::FindRecentCommand separator item "Save", Project::SaveFileCommand item "Save As", Project::SaveFileAsCommand end end sub_menu "Project", :priority => 15 do group(:priority => :first) do item "Find File", Project::FindFileCommand # item "Refresh Directory", Project::RefreshDirectoryCommand end item "Reveal Open File in Tree", :command => Project::ToggleRevealInProject, :type => :check, :checked => lambda { Project::Manager.reveal_files? } end end end # Uses our own context menu hook to provide context menu entries # @return [Menu] def self.project_context_menus(tree, node, controller) if node if enclosing_dir = node.path else enclosing_dir = end else enclosing_dir = tree.tree_mirror.path end do group(:priority => :first) do item("New File") { controller.new_file(tree, node) } item("New Directory") { controller.new_dir(tree, node) } end separator sub_menu "Open Directory" do group(:priority => 30) do item("in File Browser") { } item("in Command Line") { } unless enclosing_dir == tree.tree_mirror.path item("as new Project") { Manager.open_project_for_path(enclosing_dir) } item("as Subproject") { Manager.open_subproject(tree.tree_mirror.path,enclosing_dir) } end end end if not node.nil? group(:priority => 15) do separator if tree.selection.length > 1 dirs = {|node| node.parent_dir } if dirs.uniq.length == 1 and node.adapter.is_a?(Adapters::Local) item("Bulk Rename") { controller.rename(tree, node) } end else item("Rename") { controller.rename(tree, node) } end item("Delete") { controller.delete(tree, node) } end end group(:priority => 75) do separator if node and node.leaf? item("Hide this file") do input = Application::Dialog.input( "Hide file", "Please enter a pattern to hide this kind of files or press OK to hide this file only.", '^' + Regexp.escape(node.text) + '$' ) if input[:button] == :ok Project::FileList.add_hide_file_pattern(input[:value]) Project::Manager.focussed_project.refresh end end end if node and item('Hide this directory') do input = Application::Dialog.input( 'Hide directory', 'Please enter a pattern to hide this kind of directories or press OK to hide this directory only.', '^' + Regexp.escape(node.text) + '$' ) if input[:button] == :ok Project::FileList.add_hide_directory_pattern(input[:value]) Project::Manager.focussed_project.refresh end end end if DirMirror.show_hidden_files? item("Hide Hidden Files") do DirMirror.show_hidden_files = false tree.refresh end else item("Show Hidden Files") do DirMirror.show_hidden_files = true tree.refresh end end end end end class << self attr_accessor :file_size_limit attr_reader :open_project_sensitivity end self.file_size_limit = 5242880 end end end