require 'spec_helper' describe Capistrano::DSL do let(:dsl) { Capistrano::DSL } before do Capistrano::Configuration.reset! end describe 'setting and fetching hosts' do describe 'when defining a host using the `server` syntax' do before do dsl.server '', roles: %w{web}, active: true dsl.server '', roles: %w{web} dsl.server '', roles: %w{app web}, active: true dsl.server '', roles: %w{app}, primary: true dsl.server '', roles: %w{db}, no_release: true end describe 'fetching all servers' do subject { dsl.roles(:all) } it 'returns all servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching all release servers' do context 'with no additional options' do subject { dsl.release_roles(:all) } it 'returns all release servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end context 'with filter options' do subject { dsl.release_roles(:all, filter: :active) } it 'returns all release servers that match the filter' do expect( eq %w{} end end end describe 'fetching servers by multiple roles' do it "does not confuse the last role with options" do expect(dsl.roles(:app, :web).count).to eq 4 expect(dsl.roles(:app, :web, filter: :active).count).to eq 2 end end describe 'fetching servers by role' do subject { dsl.roles(:app) } it 'returns the servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching servers by an array of roles' do subject { dsl.roles([:app]) } it 'returns the servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching filtered servers by role' do subject { dsl.roles(:app, filter: :active) } it 'returns the servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching selected servers by role' do subject { dsl.roles(:app, select: :active) } it 'returns the servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching the primary server by role' do context 'when inferring primary status based on order' do subject { dsl.primary(:web) } it 'returns the servers' do expect(subject.hostname).to eq '' end end context 'when the attribute `primary` is explicity set' do subject { dsl.primary(:app) } it 'returns the servers' do expect(subject.hostname).to eq '' end end end end describe 'when defining role with reserved name' do it 'fails with ArgumentError' do expect { dsl.role :all, %w{} }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "all reserved name for role. Please choose another name") end end describe 'when defining hosts using the `role` syntax' do before do dsl.role :web, %w{} dsl.role :web, %w{}, active: true dsl.role :app, %w{} dsl.role :app, %w{}, active: true dsl.role :app, %w{}, primary: true dsl.role :db, %w{}, no_release: true end describe 'fetching all servers' do subject { dsl.roles(:all) } it 'returns all servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching all release servers' do context 'with no additional options' do subject { dsl.release_roles(:all) } it 'returns all release servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end context 'with filter options' do subject { dsl.release_roles(:all, filter: :active) } it 'returns all release servers that match the filter' do expect( eq %w{} end end end describe 'fetching servers by role' do subject { dsl.roles(:app) } it 'returns the servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching servers by an array of roles' do subject { dsl.roles([:app]) } it 'returns the servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching filtered servers by role' do subject { dsl.roles(:app, filter: :active) } it 'returns the servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching selected servers by role' do subject { dsl.roles(:app, select: :active) } it 'returns the servers' do expect( eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching the primary server by role' do context 'when inferring primary status based on order' do subject { dsl.primary(:web) } it 'returns the servers' do expect(subject.hostname).to eq '' end end context 'when the attribute `primary` is explicity set' do subject { dsl.primary(:app) } it 'returns the servers' do expect(subject.hostname).to eq '' end end end end describe 'when defining a host using a combination of the `server` and `role` syntax' do before do dsl.server '', roles: %w{web}, active: true dsl.server '', roles: %w{web}, active: true dsl.role :app, %w{} end describe 'fetching all servers' do subject { dsl.roles(:all).map { |server| "#{server.hostname}:#{server.port}" } } it 'creates a server instance for each unique host:port combination' do expect(subject).to eq %w{} end end describe 'fetching servers for a role' do it 'roles defined using the `server` syntax are included' do expect(dsl.roles(:web)).to have(2).items end it 'roles defined using the `role` syntax are included' do expect(dsl.roles(:app)).to have(1).items end end end end describe 'setting and fetching variables' do before do dsl.set :scm, :git end context 'without a default' do context 'when the variables is defined' do it 'returns the variable' do expect(dsl.fetch(:scm)).to eq :git end end context 'when the variables is undefined' do it 'returns nil' do expect(dsl.fetch(:source_control)).to be_nil end end end context 'with a default' do context 'when the variables is defined' do it 'returns the variable' do expect(dsl.fetch(:scm, :svn)).to eq :git end end context 'when the variables is undefined' do it 'returns the default' do expect(dsl.fetch(:source_control, :svn)).to eq :svn end end end context 'with a block' do context 'when the variables is defined' do it 'returns the variable' do expect(dsl.fetch(:scm) { :svn }).to eq :git end end context 'when the variables is undefined' do it 'calls the block' do expect(dsl.fetch(:source_control) { :svn }).to eq :svn end end end end describe 'asking for a variable' do before do dsl.ask(:scm, :svn) $stdout.stubs(:puts) end context 'variable is provided' do before do $stdin.expects(:gets).returns('git') end it 'sets the input as the variable' do expect(dsl.fetch(:scm)).to eq 'git' end end context 'variable is not provided' do before do $stdin.expects(:gets).returns('') end it 'sets the variable as the default' do expect(dsl.fetch(:scm)).to eq :svn end end end describe 'checking for presence' do subject { dsl.any? :linked_files } before do dsl.set(:linked_files, linked_files) end context 'variable is an non-empty array' do let(:linked_files) { %w{1} } it { should be_true } end context 'variable is an empty array' do let(:linked_files) { [] } it { should be_false } end context 'variable exists, is not an array' do let(:linked_files) { stub } it { should be_true } end context 'variable is nil' do let(:linked_files) { nil } it { should be_false } end end describe 'configuration SSHKit' do let(:config) { SSHKit.config } let(:backend) { SSHKit.config.backend.config } let(:default_env) { { rails_env: :production } } before do dsl.set(:format, :dot) dsl.set(:log_level, :debug) dsl.set(:default_env, default_env) dsl.set(:pty, true) dsl.set(:connection_timeout, 10) dsl.set(:ssh_options, { keys: %w(/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa), forward_agent: false, auth_methods: %w(publickey password) }) dsl.configure_backend end it 'sets the output' do expect(config.output).to be_a SSHKit::Formatter::Dot end it 'sets the output verbosity' do expect(config.output_verbosity).to eq 0 end it 'sets the default env' do expect(config.default_env).to eq default_env end it 'sets the backend pty' do expect(backend.pty).to be_true end it 'sets the backend connection timeout' do expect(backend.connection_timeout).to eq 10 end it 'sets the backend ssh_options' do expect(backend.ssh_options[:keys]).to eq %w(/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa) expect(backend.ssh_options[:forward_agent]).to eq false expect(backend.ssh_options[:auth_methods]).to eq %w(publickey password) end end describe 'release path' do before do dsl.set(:deploy_to, '/var/www') end describe 'fetching release path' do subject { dsl.release_path } context 'where no release path has been set' do before do dsl.delete(:release_path) end it 'returns the `current_path` value' do expect(subject.to_s).to eq '/var/www/current' end end context 'where the release path has been set' do before do dsl.set(:release_path, '/var/www/release_path') end it 'returns the set `release_path` value' do expect(subject.to_s).to eq '/var/www/release_path' end end end describe 'setting release path' do let(:now) { Time.parse("Oct 21 16:29:00 2015") } subject { dsl.release_path } context 'without a timestamp' do before do dsl.env.expects(:timestamp).returns(now) dsl.set_release_path end it 'returns the release path with the current env timestamp' do expect(subject.to_s).to eq '/var/www/releases/20151021162900' end end context 'with a timestamp' do before do dsl.set_release_path('timestamp') end it 'returns the release path with the timestamp' do expect(subject.to_s).to eq '/var/www/releases/timestamp' end end end describe 'setting deploy configuration path' do subject { dsl.deploy_config_path.to_s } context 'where no config path is set' do before do dsl.delete(:deploy_config_path) end it 'returns "config/deploy.rb"' do expect(subject).to eq 'config/deploy.rb' end end context 'where a custom path is set' do before do dsl.set(:deploy_config_path, 'my/custom/path.rb') end it 'returns the custom path' do expect(subject).to eq 'my/custom/path.rb' end end end describe 'setting stage configuration path' do subject { dsl.stage_config_path.to_s } context 'where no config path is set' do before do dsl.delete(:stage_config_path) end it 'returns "config/deploy"' do expect(subject).to eq 'config/deploy' end end context 'where a custom path is set' do before do dsl.set(:stage_config_path, 'my/custom/path') end it 'returns the custom path' do expect(subject).to eq 'my/custom/path' end end end end end