# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'tempfile' require 'test_helper' require 'hexapdf/document' require 'stringio' describe HexaPDF::Document do before do @io = StringIO.new(<<~EOF) %PDF-1.7 1 0 obj 10 endobj 2 0 obj 20 endobj 3 0 obj 30 endobj xref 0 4 0000000000 65535 f 0000000009 00000 n 0000000028 00000 n 0000000047 00000 n trailer << /Size 4 >> startxref 66 %%EOF 2 0 obj 200 endobj xref 2 2 0000000197 00000 n 0000000000 00001 f trailer << /Size 4 /Prev 66 >> startxref 217 %%EOF EOF @io_doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: @io) @doc = HexaPDF::Document.new end describe "::open" do before do @file = Tempfile.new('hexapdf-document') @io_doc.write(@file) @file.close end after do @file.unlink end it "works without block" do doc = HexaPDF::Document.open(@file.path) assert_equal(200, doc.object(2).value) end it "works with a block" do HexaPDF::Document.open(@file.path) do |doc| assert_equal(200, doc.object(2).value) end end end describe "initialize" do it "doesn't need any arguments" do doc = HexaPDF::Document.new assert_equal(:A4, doc.config['page.default_media_box']) end it "takes a configuration hash as option" do doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(config: {'page.default_media_box' => :A5}) assert_equal(:A5, doc.config['page.default_media_box']) end it "takes an IO object as option" do doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: @io) assert_equal(10, doc.object(1).value) end end describe "deref" do it "returns a dereferenced object when given a Reference object" do assert_equal(@io_doc.object(1), @io_doc.deref(HexaPDF::Reference.new(1, 0))) end it "returns the given object when it is not a Reference object" do assert_equal(5, @io_doc.deref(5)) end end describe "add" do it "assigns the object's document" do obj = @doc.add(5) assert_equal(@doc, obj.document) end it "allows adding a native ruby object" do obj = @doc.add(5) assert_equal(5, obj.value) end it "allows passing arguments to the wrap call" do obj = @doc.add({}, type: HexaPDF::Dictionary) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Dictionary, obj.class) end it "allows adding a HexaPDF::Object" do obj = @doc.add(HexaPDF::Object.new(5)) assert_equal(5, obj.value) end it "fails if the object to be added is associated with another document" do doc = HexaPDF::Document.new obj = doc.add(5) assert_raises(HexaPDF::Error) { @doc.add(obj) } end end it "defers to @revisions for retrieving an object" do revs = Minitest::Mock.new revs.expect(:object, :retval, [:ref]) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new doc.instance_variable_set(:@revisions, revs) doc.object(:ref) revs.verify end it "defers to @revisions for checking for the existence of an object" do revs = Minitest::Mock.new revs.expect(:object?, :retval, [:ref]) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new doc.instance_variable_set(:@revisions, revs) doc.object?(:ref) revs.verify end it "defers to @revisions for deleting an object" do revs = Minitest::Mock.new revs.expect(:delete_object, :retval, [:ref]) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new doc.instance_variable_set(:@revisions, revs) doc.delete(:ref) revs.verify end describe "import" do it "allows importing objects from another document" do obj = @doc.import(@io_doc.object(2)) assert_equal(200, obj.value) refute_equal(0, obj.oid) end it "works if the given object is not a PDF object" do assert_equal(5, @doc.import(5)) end end describe "wrap" do before do @myclass = Class.new(HexaPDF::Dictionary) @myclass.define_type(:MyClass) @myclass2 = Class.new(HexaPDF::Dictionary) @myclass2.define_field(:Test, type: String, required: true) HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration['object.type_map'][:MyClass] = @myclass HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration['object.subtype_map'][nil][:Global] = @myclass2 HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration['object.subtype_map'][:MyClass] = {TheSecond: @myclass2} end after do HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration['object.type_map'].delete(:MyClass) HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration['object.subtype_map'][nil].delete(:Global) HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration['object.subtype_map'][:MyClass].delete(:TheSecond) end it "uses a suitable default type if no special type is specified" do assert_instance_of(HexaPDF::Object, @doc.wrap(5)) assert_instance_of(HexaPDF::Stream, @doc.wrap({a: 5}, stream: '')) assert_instance_of(HexaPDF::Dictionary, @doc.wrap({a: 5})) assert_instance_of(HexaPDF::PDFArray, @doc.wrap([1, 2])) end it "returns an object of type HexaPDF::Object" do assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Object, @doc.wrap(5)) assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Object, @doc.wrap({}, stream: '')) end it "associates the returned object with the document" do assert_equal(@doc, @doc.wrap(5).document) end it "sets the given object (not === HexaPDF::Object) as value for the PDF object" do assert_equal(5, @doc.wrap(5).value) end it "uses the data of the given PDF object for re-wrapping" do obj = @doc.wrap({a: :b}, oid: 10, gen: 20, stream: 'hallo') new_obj = @doc.wrap(obj) assert_equal({a: :b}, new_obj.value) assert_equal('hallo', new_obj.raw_stream) assert_equal(10, new_obj.oid) assert_equal(20, new_obj.gen) refute_same(obj, new_obj) obj = @doc.wrap({a: :b}, oid: 10, gen: 20) new_obj = @doc.wrap(obj) refute_same(obj, new_obj) end it "allows overrding the data of the given PDF object" do obj = @doc.wrap({a: :b}, oid: 10, gen: 20, stream: 'hallo') new_obj = @doc.wrap(obj, oid: 15, gen: 25, stream: 'not') assert_equal('not', new_obj.raw_stream) assert_equal(15, new_obj.oid) assert_equal(25, new_obj.gen) end it "sets the given oid/gen values on the returned object" do obj = @doc.wrap(5, oid: 10, gen: 20) assert_equal(10, obj.oid) assert_equal(20, obj.gen) end it "uses the type/subtype information in the hash that should be wrapped" do assert_kind_of(@myclass, @doc.wrap({Type: :MyClass})) refute_kind_of(@myclass2, @doc.wrap({Subtype: :TheSecond})) refute_kind_of(@myclass2, @doc.wrap({Subtype: :Global})) assert_kind_of(@myclass2, @doc.wrap({Subtype: :Global, Test: "true"})) assert_kind_of(@myclass2, @doc.wrap({Type: :MyClass, S: :TheSecond})) assert_kind_of(@myclass, @doc.wrap({Type: :MyClass, Subtype: :TheThird})) assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Type::FontTrueType, @doc.wrap({Subtype: :TrueType, BaseFont: :Help})) end it "respects the given type/subtype arguments" do assert_kind_of(@myclass, @doc.wrap({Type: :Other}, type: :MyClass)) refute_kind_of(@myclass2, @doc.wrap({Subtype: :Other}, subtype: :Global)) assert_kind_of(@myclass2, @doc.wrap({Subtype: :Other, Test: "true"}, subtype: :Global)) assert_kind_of(@myclass2, @doc.wrap({Type: :Other, Subtype: :Other}, type: :MyClass, subtype: :TheSecond)) assert_kind_of(@myclass2, @doc.wrap({Subtype: :TheSecond}, type: @myclass)) end it "directly uses a class given via the type argument" do obj = @doc.wrap({a: :b}, type: @myclass, oid: 5) assert_kind_of(@myclass, obj) obj = @doc.wrap(obj, type: @myclass2) assert_kind_of(@myclass2, obj) assert_equal(:b, obj.value[:a]) assert_equal(5, obj.oid) end end describe "unwrap" do it "returns a simple native ruby type" do assert_equal(5, @doc.unwrap(5)) end it "recursively unwraps arrays" do assert_equal([5, 10, [200], [200]], @io_doc.unwrap([5, HexaPDF::Reference.new(1, 0), [HexaPDF::Reference.new(2, 0)], [HexaPDF::Reference.new(2, 0)]])) end it "recursively unwraps hashes" do assert_equal({a: 5, b: 10, c: [200], d: [200]}, @io_doc.unwrap({a: 5, b: HexaPDF::Reference.new(1, 0), c: [HexaPDF::Reference.new(2, 0)], d: [HexaPDF::Reference.new(2, 0)]})) end it "recursively unwraps PDF objects" do assert_equal({a: 10}, @io_doc.unwrap(@io_doc.wrap({a: HexaPDF::Reference.new(1, 0)}))) value = {a: HexaPDF::Object.new({b: HexaPDF::Object.new(10)})} assert_equal({a: {b: 10}}, @doc.unwrap(value)) end it "fails to unwrap recursive structures" do obj1 = @doc.add({}) obj2 = @doc.add({}) obj1.value[2] = obj2 obj2.value[1] = obj1 assert_raises(HexaPDF::Error) { @doc.unwrap({a: obj1}) } end end it "defers to @revisions for iterating over all objects" do revs = Minitest::Mock.new revs.expect(:each_object, :retval, only_current: true, only_loaded: true) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new doc.instance_variable_set(:@revisions, revs) doc.each(only_current: true, only_loaded: true) revs.verify end describe "encryption" do it "checks for encryption based on the existence of the trailer's /Encrypt dictionary" do refute(@doc.encrypted?) @doc.trailer[:Encrypt] = {Filter: :Standard} assert(@doc.encrypted?) end it "can set or delete a security handler via #encrypt" do @doc.encrypt refute_nil(@doc.security_handler) assert(@doc.encrypted?) @doc.encrypt(name: nil) assert_nil(@doc.security_handler) refute(@doc.encrypted?) end it "doesn't decrypt the document if document.auto_encrypt=false" do test_file = File.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'standard-security-handler', 'nopwd-arc4-40bit-V1.pdf') doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: StringIO.new(File.binread(test_file)), config: {'document.auto_decrypt' => false}) assert_kind_of(String, doc.trailer[:Info][:ModDate]) handler = HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler.set_up_decryption(doc) assert_kind_of(Time, handler.decrypt(doc.trailer[:Info])[:ModDate]) end end describe "validate" do before do @doc.validate # to create a valid document end it "validates indirect objects" do obj = @doc.add({Type: :Page, MediaBox: [1, 1, 1, 1], Parent: @doc.pages.root}) refute(@doc.validate(auto_correct: false)) called = false assert(@doc.validate {|_, _, o| assert_same(obj, o); called = true }) assert(called) end it "validates the trailer object" do @doc.trailer[:ID] = :Symbol refute(@doc.validate {|_, _, obj| assert_same(@doc.trailer, obj) }) end it "validates only loaded objects" do io = StringIO.new doc = HexaPDF::Document.new doc.pages.add.delete(:Resources) page = doc.pages.add page[:Annots] = [doc.add({Type: :Annot, Subtype: :Link, Rect: [0, 0, 1, 1], H: :Z})] doc.write(io, validate: false) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: io) doc.pages[0] # force loading of the first page refute(doc.validate(auto_correct: false, only_loaded: true)) # bc of Resources assert(doc.validate(only_loaded: true)) refute(doc.validate(auto_correct: false)) # bc of annot key H end end describe "write" do it "writes the document to a file" do file = Tempfile.new('hexapdf-write') file.close @io_doc.write(file.path) HexaPDF::Document.open(file.path) do |doc| assert_equal(200, doc.object(2).value) end ensure file.unlink end it "writes the document to an IO object" do io = StringIO.new(''.b) @doc.write(io) refute(io.string.empty?) end it "writes the document incrementally" do io = StringIO.new @io_doc.write(io, incremental: true) assert_equal(@io.string, io.string[0, @io.string.length]) end it "fails if the document is not valid" do @doc.trailer[:Size] = :Symbol assert_raises(HexaPDF::Error) { @doc.write(StringIO.new(''.b)) } end it "update the ID and the Info's ModDate field" do _, id1 = @doc.trailer.set_random_id @doc.write(StringIO.new(''.b), update_fields: false) assert_same(id1, @doc.trailer[:ID][1]) refute(@doc.trailer.info.key?(:ModDate)) @doc.write(StringIO.new(''.b)) refute_same(id1, (id2 = @doc.trailer[:ID][1])) assert(@doc.trailer.info.key?(:ModDate)) @doc.trailer.info[:Author] = 'Me' @doc.write(StringIO.new(''.b)) refute_same(id2, @doc.trailer[:ID][1]) assert(@doc.trailer.info.key?(:ModDate)) assert(@doc.trailer.info.key?(:Author)) end it "it doesn't optimize the file by default" do io = StringIO.new(''.b) @io_doc.write(io) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: io) assert_equal(0, doc.each.count {|o| o.type == :ObjStm }) end it "allows optimizing the file by using object streams" do io = StringIO.new(''.b) @io_doc.write(io, optimize: true) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: io) assert_equal(2, doc.each.count {|o| o.type == :ObjStm }) end end describe "version" do it "uses the file header version of a loaded document" do assert_equal('1.7', @io_doc.version) end it "uses the default version for a new document" do assert_equal('1.2', @doc.version) end it "uses the catalog's /Version entry if it points to a later version" do (@doc.trailer[:Root] ||= {})[:Version] = '1.4' assert_equal('1.4', @doc.version) end it "allows setting the version" do @doc.version = '1.4' assert_equal('1.4', @doc.version) end it "fails setting a version with an invalid format" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @doc.version = 'bla' } end end describe "task" do it "executes the given task with options" do @doc.config['task.map'][:test] = lambda do |doc, arg1:| assert_equal(doc, @doc) assert_equal(:arg1, arg1) end @doc.task(:test, arg1: :arg1) end it "executes the given task with a block" do @doc.config['task.map'][:test] = lambda do |doc, **, &block| assert_equal(doc, @doc) block.call('inside') end assert_equal(:done, @doc.task(:test) {|msg| assert_equal('inside', msg); :done }) end it "fails if the given task is not available" do assert_raises(HexaPDF::Error) { @doc.task(:unknown) } end end describe "acro_form" do it "returns the main AcroForm object" do assert_nil(@doc.acro_form) @doc.catalog[:AcroForm] = 5 assert_equal(5, @doc.acro_form) end it "create the AcroForm object if instructed" do assert_equal(:XXAcroForm, @doc.acro_form(create: true).type) end end describe "signature interface" do it "returns whether the document is signed or not" do refute(@doc.signed?) form = @doc.acro_form(create: true) form.signature_flag(:signatures_exist) assert(@doc.signed?) end it "returns all signature fields of the document" do form = @doc.acro_form(create: true) sig1 = @doc.add({FT: :Sig, T: 'sig1', V: :sig1}) sig2 = @doc.add({FT: :Sig, T: 'sig2', V: :sig2}) form.root_fields << sig1 << sig2 assert_equal([:sig1, :sig2], @doc.signatures.to_a) end it "allows to conveniently sign a document" do mock = Minitest::Mock.new mock.expect(:signing_handler, :handler, name: :handler, opt: :key) mock.expect(:add, :added, [:io, :handler], signature: :sig, write_options: :write_options) @doc.instance_variable_set(:@signatures, mock) result = @doc.sign(:io, handler: :handler, write_options: :write_options, signature: :sig, opt: :key) assert_equal(:added, result) mock.verify end end describe "listener interface" do it "allows registering and dispatching messages" do args = [] callable = lambda {|*a| args << [:callable, a] } @doc.register_listener(:something, callable) @doc.register_listener(:something) {|*a| args << [:block, a] } @doc.dispatch_message(:something, :arg) assert_equal([[:callable, [:arg]], [:block, [:arg]]], args) end end describe "caching interface" do it "allows setting and retrieving values" do assert_equal(:test, @doc.cache(:a, :b, :test) { :notused }) assert_equal(:test, @doc.cache(:a, :b) { :other }) assert_equal(:test, @doc.cache(:a, :b)) assert_nil(@doc.cache(:a, :c, nil)) assert_nil(@doc.cache(:a, :c) { :other }) assert_nil(@doc.cache(:a, :c)) assert(@doc.cached?(:a, :b)) assert(@doc.cached?(:a, :c)) end it "allows updating a value" do @doc.cache(:a, :b) { :test } assert_equal(:new, @doc.cache(:a, :b, update: true) { :new }) end it "allows clearing cached values" do @doc.cache(:a, :b) { :c } @doc.cache(:b, :c) { :d } @doc.clear_cache(:a) refute(@doc.cached?(:a, :b)) assert(@doc.cached?(:b, :c)) @doc.clear_cache refute(@doc.cached?(:a, :c)) end it "fails if no cached value exists and no block is given" do assert_raises(LocalJumpError) { @doc.cache(:a, :b) } end end it "returns the document outline" do assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Type::Outline, @doc.outline) end it "returns the optional content properties" do assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Type::OptionalContentProperties, @doc.optional_content) end it "can be inspected and the output is not too large" do assert_match(/HexaPDF::Document:\d+/, @doc.inspect) end describe "duplicate" do it "creates an in-memory copy" do doc = HexaPDF::Document.new doc.pages.add.canvas.line_width(10) doc.trailer.info[:Author] = 'HexaPDF' doc.dispatch_message(:complete_objects) dupped = doc.duplicate assert_equal('HexaPDF', dupped.trailer.info[:Author]) doc.pages[0].canvas.line_cap_style(:round) assert_equal("10 w\n", dupped.pages[0].contents) end it "doesn't copy the encryption state" do doc = HexaPDF::Document.new doc.pages.add.canvas.line_width(10) doc.encrypt io = StringIO.new doc.write(io) doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: io) dupped = doc.duplicate assert_equal("10 w\n", dupped.pages[0].contents) refute(dupped.encrypted?) end end end