# require deps require 'tmpdir' require 'test/unit' require 'shoulda' require 'fileutils' require 'timeout' require 'logger' require 'date' require 'webmock/test_unit' # require gem files require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/roo' TESTDIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'files') LOG_DIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'log') LOG_FILE = File.join(LOG_DIR,'roo.log') test_dirs = Dir.glob(File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/*') unless test_dirs.include?(LOG_DIR) Dir.mkdir(LOG_DIR) end $log = Logger.new(LOG_FILE) #$log.level = Logger::WARN $log.level = Logger::DEBUG DISPLAY_LOG = false DB_LOG = false if DB_LOG require 'activerecord' def activerecord_connect ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => "mysql", :database => "test_runs", :host => "localhost", :username => "root", :socket => "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock") end class Testrun < ActiveRecord::Base end end class Roo::Csv remove_method :cell_postprocessing def cell_postprocessing(row,col,value) if row==1 and col==1 return value.to_f end if row==1 and col==2 return value.to_s end return value end end # helper method def local_only if ENV["roo_local"] == "thomas-p" yield end end # very simple diff implementation # output is an empty string if the files are equal # otherwise differences a printen (not compatible to # the diff command) def file_diff(fn1,fn2) result = '' File.open(fn1) do |f1| File.open(fn2) do |f2| while f1.eof? == false and f2.eof? == false line1 = f1.gets.chomp line2 = f2.gets.chomp result << "<#{line1}\n>#{line2}\n" if line1 != line2 end if f1.eof? == false while f1.eof? == false line1 = f1.gets result << "<#{line1}\n" end end if f2.eof? == false while f2.eof? == false line2 = f2.gets result ">#{line2}\n" end end end end result end class File def File.delete_if_exist(filename) if File.exist?(filename) File.delete(filename) end end end # :nodoc class Fixnum def minutes self * 60 end end class Test::Unit::TestCase def key_of(spreadsheetname) return { #'formula' => 'rt4Pw1WmjxFtyfrqqy94wPw', 'formula' => 'o10837434939102457526.3022866619437760118', #"write.me" => 'r6m7HFlUOwst0RTUTuhQ0Ow', "write.me" => '0AkCuGANLc3jFcHR1NmJiYWhOWnBZME4wUnJ4UWJXZHc', #'numbers1' => "rYraCzjxTtkxw1NxHJgDU8Q", 'numbers1' => 'o10837434939102457526.4784396906364855777', #'borders' => "r_nLYMft6uWg_PT9Rc2urXw", 'borders' => "o10837434939102457526.664868920231926255", #'simple_spreadsheet' => "r3aMMCBCA153TmU_wyIaxfw", 'simple_spreadsheet' => "ptu6bbahNZpYe-L1vEBmgGA", 'testnichtvorhandenBibelbund.ods' => "invalidkeyforanyspreadsheet", # !!! intentionally false key #"only_one_sheet" => "rqRtkcPJ97nhQ0m9ksDw2rA", "only_one_sheet" => "o10837434939102457526.762705759906130135", #'time-test' => 'r2XfDBJMrLPjmuLrPQQrEYw', 'time-test' => 'ptu6bbahNZpYBMhk01UfXSg', #'datetime' => "r2kQpXWr6xOSUpw9MyXavYg", 'datetime' => "ptu6bbahNZpYQEtZwzL_dZQ", 'whitespace' => "rZyQaoFebVGeHKzjG6e9gRQ", 'matrix' => '0AkCuGANLc3jFdHY3cWtYUkM4bVdadjZ5VGpfTzFEUEE', }[spreadsheetname] # 'numbers1' => "o10837434939102457526.4784396906364855777", # 'borders' => "o10837434939102457526.664868920231926255", # 'simple_spreadsheet' => "ptu6bbahNZpYe-L1vEBmgGA", # 'testnichtvorhandenBibelbund.ods' => "invalidkeyforanyspreadsheet", # !!! intentionally false key # "only_one_sheet" => "o10837434939102457526.762705759906130135", # "write.me" => 'ptu6bbahNZpY0N0RrxQbWdw&hl', # 'formula' => 'o10837434939102457526.3022866619437760118', # 'time-test' => 'ptu6bbahNZpYBMhk01UfXSg', # 'datetime' => "ptu6bbahNZpYQEtZwzL_dZQ", rescue raise "unknown spreadsheetname: #{spreadsheetname}" end def yaml_entry(row,col,type,value) "cell_#{row}_#{col}: \n row: #{row} \n col: #{col} \n celltype: #{type} \n value: #{value} \n" end if DB_LOG if ! (defined?(@connected) and @connected) activerecord_connect else @connected = true end end # alias unlogged_run run # def run(result, &block) # t1 = Time.now # if DISPLAY_LOG # v1,v2,_ = RUBY_VERSION.split('.') # if v1.to_i > 1 or # (v1.to_i == 1 and v2.to_i > 8) # # Ruby 1.9.x # print "RUNNING #{self.class} #{self.__name__} \t#{Time.now.to_s}" # else # # Ruby < 1.9.x # print "RUNNING #{self.class} #{@method_name} \t#{Time.now.to_s}" # end # STDOUT.flush # end # unlogged_run result, &block # t2 = Time.now # if DISPLAY_LOG # puts "\t#{t2-t1} seconds" # end # if DB_LOG # Testrun.create( # :class_name => self.class.to_s, # :test_name => @method_name, # :start => t1, # :duration => t2-t1 # ) # end # end end