en: renalware: low_clearance: profiles: summary: title: Profile first_seen_on: Date first seen dialysis_plan: Dialysis plan dialysis_planned_on: Dialysis plan date predicted_esrf_date: Predicted ESRF date referral_creatinine: Referral CRE referred_by: Referred by education_status: Education status referral_egfr: Referral eGFR education_type: Education type attended_on: Date attended educ. dvd1_provided: "'Your Kidneys' DVD" dvd2_provided: "'Dialysis Choices' DVD" transplant_referral: Tx team referral transplant_referred_on: Referral date home_hd_possible: Home HD self_care_possible: Self Care access_notes: Low Clearance access notes activemodel: attributes: renalware/low_clearance/profile_document: first_seen_on: Date first seen dialysis_plan: Dialysis plan dialysis_planned_on: Dialysis plan date predicted_esrf_date: Predicted ESRF date referral_creatinine: Referral CRE referral_egfr: Referral eGFR referred_by: Referred by education_status: Education status education_type: Education type attended_on: Date attended educ. dvd1_provided: "'Your Kidneys' DVD" dvd2_provided: "'Dialysis Choices' DVD" transplant_referral: Tx team referral transplant_referred_on: Referral date home_hd_possible: Home HD self_care_possible: Self Care access_notes: Low Clearance access notes enumerize: renalware/low_clearance/profile_document: dialysis_plan: capd_la: CAPD LA capd_ga: CAPD GA capd_ga_avf: CAPD GA + AVF capd_ga_hernia: CAPD GA + Hernia Repair capd_la_avf: CAPD LA + AVF capd_la_sedation: CAPD LA with sedation capd_not_yet_assessed: CAPD not yet assessed by CAPD Team hd_via_avf: HD via AVF hd_via_ptfe_graft: HD via PTFE Graft hd_via_line: HD via line pre_emptive_lrd: Pre-emptive LRD pre_emptive_lrd_backup_hd: Pre-emptive LRD - backup HD pre_emptive_lrd_backup_pd: Pre-emptive LRD - backup PD not_for_dial_patient_choice: Supportive care - patient choice not_for_dial_consensus: Supportive Care - consensus refuse_to_plan_for_dial: Refusing to plan for RTT--In Denial home_hd: Home HD self_care_hd: Self Care HD no_current_plan: No Current Plan education_status: invited: Invited attended: Attended declined: Declined education_type: day: Day evening: Evening