module PublishMyData module AllFeatures extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include PublishMyData::BasicFeatures # basics field :title, RDF::DC.title field :description, RDF::DC.description # long desc # licence, owner, contact field :publisher, RDF::DC.publisher, :is_uri => true # value is a URI of a publisher field :license, RDF::DC.license, :is_uri => true # value is URI of where licence is defined. field :contact_email, RDF::PMD_DS.contactEmail, :is_uri => true # NOTE: for contact, use :publisher's foaf:mbox value (in this metadata graph). # quality, updates, maintenance field :issued, RDF::DC.issued, :datatype => RDF::XSD.dateTime # value is DateTime literal field :modified, RDF::DC.modified, :datatype => RDF::XSD.dateTime # value is DateTime literal # field :update_periodicity, RDF::DC.accrualPeriodicity # waiting for response on what the value should be. # where to get it field :data_dump, RDF::VOID.dataDump, :is_uri => true # full download URI # what the data is about field :tags, RDF::DCAT.keyword, :multivalued => true # values are string literals # field :spatial_coverage, RDF::DC.spatial # value is a URI for region covered, e.g. England. # field :temporal_coverage, RDF::DC.temporal # value is a time interval URI # field :spatial_granularity, RDF::DC.spatial # value is class of the objects of refArea # field :temporal_granularity, RDF::DC.temporal # value is class of objects of refPeriod field :size, RDF::VOID.triples # value is integer. field :replaced_by, RDF::DC.isReplacedBy, is_uri: true cattr_accessor :_DEPRECATED_RDF_TYPE end def deprecated? self.rdf_type.include?(self.class.get_deprecated_rdf_type) end def slug self.class.slug_from_uri(self.uri) end def resource_type end def download_prefix "#{self.resource_type}_data_#{self.slug.gsub('/', '|')}_#{self.modified.strftime("%Y%m%d")}" end module ClassMethods def deprecated_rdf_type(type) self._DEPRECATED_RDF_TYPE = type end def get_deprecated_rdf_type self._DEPRECATED_RDF_TYPE end def uri_from_slug(slug) # Implement! end def slug_from_uri(uri) root_uri = self.uri_from_slug('') uri.to_s.gsub(root_uri, '') end def find_by_slug(slug) find(uri_from_slug(slug)) end end end end