# encoding: utf-8
module EnumField
# Easies the inclusion of enumerations as ActiveRecord columns.
# If you have a User AR, with a role_id column, you could do:
# class User
# enumerated_attribute :role
# end
# This assumes a Role class, and will define role and role= methods in User class.
# These added methods expect an object of class Role, and Role should provide a find class method.
# You could get this by using Enumerated mixin
# Similar to has_many :through in AR, it creates reader and writter methods to get enumerated atributes going through an
# intermediate model.
# For instance:
# class User
# extend EnumField::EnumeratedAttribute
# has_many_enumerated_attributes :roles, :through => UserRole
# end
# class UserRole < ActiveRecord::Base
# extend EnumField::EnumeratedAttribute
# belongs_to :user
# enumerated_attribute :role
# end
# This assumes a Role class, the UserRole AR class is there just to persist the one-to-many relationship.
# This will define roles, roles=, role_ids and role_ids= methods in User class
module EnumeratedAttribute
# Define an enumerated field of the AR class
# * +name_attribute+: the name of the field that will be added, for instance +role+
# * +options+: Valid options are:
# * +id_attribute+: the name of the AR column where the enumerated id will be save. Defaults to
# +name_attribute+ with an +_id+ suffix.
# * +class+: the class that will be instantiated when +name_attribute+ method is called. Defaults to
# +name_attribute+ in camelcase form.
def enumerated_attribute(name_attribute, options = {})
id_attribute = (options[:id_attribute] || "#{name_attribute}_id").to_sym
klass = options[:class] || (options[:class_name] || name_attribute).to_s.camelcase.constantize
define_method(name_attribute) do
(raw = read_attribute(id_attribute)) && klass.find_by_id(raw)
define_method("#{name_attribute}=") do |value|
write_attribute(id_attribute, value ? value.id : nil)
# alias of enumerated_attribute
alias belongs_to_enumerated_attribute enumerated_attribute
# Defines a one-to-many association between an AR class and the enumerated
# * +association+: the name of the one-to-many association, for instance +roles+
# * +options+: Valid options are:
# * +through+ : the name of the AR class needed to persist the one-to-many association.
# Defaults to AR class in camelcase form concatenated with the enumerated class in camelcase form.
# * +class+: the enumerated class, it will be instantiated +n+ times when +association+ method is called.
# Defaults to +association+ in singular camelcase form.
def has_many_enumerated_attributes(association, options = {})
enum_attr = association.to_s.singularize
klass = options[:class] || enum_attr.camelcase.constantize
through = options[:through] || (self.name + klass.name)
self_attribute = self.name.demodulize.underscore
association_ids = association.to_s.singularize + '_ids'
has_many_aux = through.demodulize.underscore.pluralize
has_many has_many_aux, {:class_name => through, :dependent => :destroy}
define_method(association) do
define_method(association.to_s + '=') do |values|
self.send(has_many_aux + '=', values.map{|g| through.constantize.new(self_attribute => self, enum_attr => g)})
define_method(association_ids) do
define_method(association_ids + '=') do |values|
self.send(has_many_aux + '=', values.map{|g| g.to_i unless g.blank?}.compact.map{|g_id| through.constantize.new(self_attribute => self, enum_attr + '_id' => g_id) })