$drawer-small: 40px; $drawer-large: 260px; $gutter-width: $grid-gutter-width/2; .main-content { padding-left: $drawer-small + $gutter-width; padding-right: $gutter-width; padding-top: $admin-vertical-padding; background-color: $admin-content-background-color; position: absolute; width: 100%; &.maximized { padding-left: $drawer-large + $gutter-width; } } // .sidebar is a class on the div .sidebar { background-color: $admin-sidebar-background-color; min-height: 100vh; padding-bottom: 2rem; position: absolute; transition: width 0.1s; width: $drawer-small; z-index: 1000; &.maximized { width: $drawer-large; .h5, .sidebar-action-text, .profile, .collapse-toggle::after { opacity: 1; } .sidebar-toggle { transform: rotate(-180deg); } .nav-pills > li { width: 100%; a { padding-left: 24px; } ul > li a { padding-left: 52px; } } .fa { width: 15px; } } &:not(.maximized) { .sidebar-action-text, a span + span, h5 { display: none; } .nav li { text-align: center; a { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } .fa { margin-right: 0; } } .nav-item { width: $drawer-small; } } .sidebar-toggle { cursor: pointer; background-color: $body-background-color; border-radius: 50%; line-height: 18px; position: absolute; right: -10px; text-align: center; width: 18px; z-index: 1001; } a { color: $admin-sidebar-link-color; } a:hover { color: $admin-sidebar-link-hover-color; } .sidebar-action-text { opacity: 0; } .h5 { color: $admin-sidebar-section-heading-color; opacity: 0; font-size: 12px; margin: 15px 0 0 0; padding: 10px 10px 5px 20px; text-transform: uppercase; } .profile { opacity: 0; background-color: $admin-sidebar-profile-background-color; padding: 15px 10px; .profile-image { text-align: center; } .profile-data { text-align: center; .profile-data-name { color: $admin-sidebar-link-color; } } } // .nav is the ul that holds the sidebar items .nav { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; li { white-space: nowrap; > a:focus { color: $admin-sidebar-link-color; } > a:hover { text-decoration: none; background-color: $admin-sidebar-link-background-color; color: $admin-sidebar-link-hover-color; } } li .fa { margin-right: $input-btn-padding-x; } } .nav-pills > li { > a { border-radius: 0; } > a.collapse-toggle.nav-link { background-color: unset; &:hover { background-color: $admin-sidebar-link-background-color; } } &.active > a, &.active > a:focus, &.active > a:hover { text-decoration: none; background-color: $admin-sidebar-link-background-color; color: $admin-sidebar-link-hover-color; } } // submenu items .collapse-toggle { margin-bottom: 0; &::after { content: "❯"; opacity: 0; position: absolute; right: $gutter-width; transform: rotate(90deg); } &.collapsed { border-bottom: 0; &::after { transform: rotate(0deg); transition: transform 0.1s ease; } } } }