.panel.visualization .info-box{ 'ng-if' => '!vizShowCtrl.sourceRenderer.latestResult()' } %h3 Welcome to Aleph Visualizations %h5 Looks like you need some valid results, huh? .info-box{ 'ng-if' => '!vizShowCtrl.visualization.hasSource() && vizShowCtrl.sourceRenderer.latestResult()' } %h3 Welcome to Aleph Visualizations %h5 Pick a type of chart to begin: .btn-group{ 'uib-dropdown' => '', 'is-open' => false } %button.btn.btn-success{ 'uib-dropdown-toggle' => '', 'type' => 'button' } .glyphicon.glyphicon-stats Create Chart %span.caret %ul{ 'uib-dropdown-menu' => '', 'role' => 'menu' } %li{ 'ng-repeat' => 'presetName in vizShowCtrl.presetDisplayList()', 'role' => 'menuitem' } %a{ 'href' => '', 'ng-click' => 'vizShowCtrl.selectPreset(presetName)', 'ng-bind' => 'presetName' } %span{ 'ng-switch' => 'vizShowCtrl.sourceRenderer.latestResult().status', 'ng-if' => 'vizShowCtrl.visualization.hasSource() && vizShowCtrl.sourceRenderer.latestResult()' } %span{ 'ng-switch-when' => 'complete' } .row .col-md-12 .btn-group.pull-right .btn-group{ 'uib-dropdown' => '', 'is-open' => false } %button.btn.btn-xs.btn-warning{ 'uib-dropdown-toggle' => '', 'type' => 'button', 'ng-show' => 'vizShowCtrl.visualizations.collection.length > 0' } %small Current: %strong{ 'ng-bind' => 'vizShowCtrl.visualization.item.title || vizShowCtrl.titlePlaceholder' } %span.caret %ul.uib-dropdown-menu{ 'role' => 'menu' } %li{ 'ng-repeat' => 'visualization in vizShowCtrl.visualizations.items()', 'role' => 'menuitem' } %a{ 'href' => '', 'ng-click' => 'vizShowCtrl.selectVisualization(visualization)', 'ng-bind' => 'visualization.title' } %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-pushpin.glyphicons-sm.glyphicon-low{ 'ng-if' => 'visualization.id === vizShowCtrl.visualization.item.id' } .btn-group{ 'uib-dropdown' => '', 'is-open' => false } %button.btn.btn-xs.btn-success{ 'uib-dropdown-toggle' => '', 'type' => 'button' } .glyphicon.glyphicon-stats.glyphicons-xs.glyphicon-low %small New %span.caret %ul.uib-dropdown-menu{ 'role' => 'menu' } %li{ 'ng-repeat' => 'presetName in vizShowCtrl.presetDisplayList()', 'role' => 'menuitem' } %a{ 'href' => '', 'ng-click' => 'vizShowCtrl.selectPreset(presetName)', 'ng-bind' => 'presetName'} %button.btn.btn-xs.btn-info{ 'ng-click' => 'vizShowCtrl.toggleEditor()' } .glyphicon.glyphicon-edit.glyphicons-xs.glyphicon-low %small Edit %button.btn.btn-xs.btn-success{ 'ng-click' => 'vizShowCtrl.save()', 'ng-hide' => 'vizShowCtrl.visualization.isPristine()' } .glyphicon.glyphicon-floppy-save.glyphicons-xs.glyphicon-low %small Save %button.btn.btn-xs.btn-danger{ 'ng-click' => 'vizShowCtrl.destroy()', 'ng-hide' => '!vizShowCtrl.visualization.isPersisted()', 'ng-confirm-click' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this visualization?' } .glyphicon.glyphicon-trash.glyphicons-xs.glyphicon-low %small Delete #html-editor{ 'ui-ace' => '{mode: \'html\', theme: \'monokai\' , onLoad: vizShowCtrl.aceLoaded}', 'ng-model' => 'vizShowCtrl.visualization.item.html_source' , 'ng-show' => 'vizShowCtrl.editorSelected' } #chart-panel{ 'ng-bind-html' => 'vizShowCtrl.renderedSource()', 'ng-show' => 'vizShowCtrl.sourceRenderer.isValid()' } %span{ 'ng-switch-when' => 'failed' } This query failed with the message: %br %span{ 'style' => 'font-weight: bold; white-space: pre-wrap;' } {{vizShowCtrl.sourceRenderer.latestResult().error_message}} %span{ 'ng-switch-when' => 'enqueued' } Waiting to run. %br Enqueued at {{vizShowCtrl.sourceRenderer.latestResult().updated_at | date:'EEE yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a' : 'UTC'}}. %span{ 'ng-switch-when' => 'running' } Running since {{vizShowCtrl.sourceRenderer.latestResult().updated_at | date:'EEE yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a' : 'UTC'}}! %span{ 'ng-switch-default' => true } Unknown status: "{{vizShowCtrl.sourceRenderer.latestResult().status}}"