require 'spec_helper' describe TMS::EmailMessage do context "creating a new message" do let(:client) do double('client') end before do @message =, '/messages/email', { :body => '12345678', :subject => 'blah', :created_at => 'BAAAAAD', :from_email => '', :errors_to => '', :reply_to => ''}) end it 'should not render readonly attrs in json hash' do @message.to_json[:body].should == '12345678' @message.to_json[:created_at].should == nil end it 'should initialize with attrs and collections' do @message.body.should == '12345678' @message.subject.should == 'blah' @message.from_email.should == '' @message.reply_to.should == '' @message.errors_to.should == '' @message.recipients.class.should == TMS::EmailRecipients end it 'should post successfully' do response = { :body => 'processed', :subject => 'blah', :from_email => '', :errors_to => '', :reply_to => '', :recipients => [{:email => ''}], :failed => [{:email => ''}], :sent => [{:email => ''}], :created_at => 'time' } @message.client.should_receive('post').with(@message).and_return(double('response', :status => 201, :body => response)) @message.body.should == 'processed' @message.created_at.should == 'time' @message.from_email.should == '' @message.reply_to.should == '' @message.errors_to.should == '' @message.recipients.class.should == TMS::EmailRecipients @message.recipients.collection.first.class.should == TMS::EmailRecipient @message.sent.class.should == TMS::EmailRecipients @message.sent.collection.first.class.should == TMS::EmailRecipient @message.failed.class.should == TMS::EmailRecipients @message.failed.collection.first.class.should == TMS::EmailRecipient end it 'should handle errors' do response = {'errors' => {:body => "can't be nil"}} @message.client.should_receive('post').with(@message).and_return(double('response', :status => 422, :body => response)) @message.body.should == '12345678' @message.errors.should == {:body => "can't be nil"} end it 'should handle 401 errors' do @message.client.should_receive('post').with(@message).and_return(double('response', :status => 401)) expect {}.to raise_error(StandardError, "401 Not Authorized") end it 'should handle 404 errors' do @message.client.should_receive('post').with(@message).and_return(double('response', :status => 404)) expect {}.to raise_error(StandardError, "Can't POST to /messages/email") end end context 'an existing message' do let(:client) do double('client') end before do # blank hash prevents the client from doing a GET in the initialize method @message =, '/messages/99', {}) end it 'should GET cleanly' do response = {:body => 'processed', :subject => 'hey', :from_email => '', :errors_to => '', :reply_to => '', :recipients => [{:email => ''}], :created_at => 'time'} @message.client.should_receive('get').with(@message.href).and_return(double('response', :status => 200, :body => response)) @message.get @message.body.should == 'processed' @message.subject.should == 'hey' @message.from_email.should == '' @message.reply_to.should == '' @message.errors_to.should == '' @message.created_at.should == 'time' end end end