Feature: Browse comments As a Redditor I want to quickly be able to list another Redditor's comments In order to see what they like to talk about Scenario: List all comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ wikipedia http://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/142t4w/z/c79peed Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one over 2 years ago • +1 Yep. My first experience with a Heisenbug occurred in a C++ program, and disappeared when I tried to print a variable with printf (only to reappear when that call was removed). nyc http://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/141zqc/z/c79dxg6 NYC taxi roof lights get overhaul - A light simply will mean the cab is availab over 2 years ago • +2 It has a fare when the lights are off. worldnews http://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/140mra/z/c797jq4 Palestinians win upgraded UN status by wide margin over 2 years ago • +1 The Judgment of Solomon Accords. """ Scenario: List a limited selection of comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log -n 2 mipadi` Then it should pass with exactly: """ wikipedia http://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/142t4w/z/c79peed Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one over 2 years ago • +1 Yep. My first experience with a Heisenbug occurred in a C++ program, and disappeared when I tried to print a variable with printf (only to reappear when that call was removed). nyc http://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/141zqc/z/c79dxg6 NYC taxi roof lights get overhaul - A light simply will mean the cab is availab over 2 years ago • +2 It has a fare when the lights are off. """ Scenario: List all comments without relative dates Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --date=absolute mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ wikipedia http://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/142t4w/z/c79peed Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one 1 Dec 2012 12:14 PM • +1 Yep. My first experience with a Heisenbug occurred in a C++ program, and disappeared when I tried to print a variable with printf (only to reappear when that call was removed). nyc http://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/141zqc/z/c79dxg6 NYC taxi roof lights get overhaul - A light simply will mean the cab is availab 30 Nov 2012 4:44 PM • +2 It has a fare when the lights are off. worldnews http://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/140mra/z/c797jq4 Palestinians win upgraded UN status by wide margin 30 Nov 2012 10:09 AM • +1 The Judgment of Solomon Accords. """ Scenario: List all comments using relative dates explicitly Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --date=relative mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ wikipedia http://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/142t4w/z/c79peed Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one over 2 years ago • +1 Yep. My first experience with a Heisenbug occurred in a C++ program, and disappeared when I tried to print a variable with printf (only to reappear when that call was removed). nyc http://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/141zqc/z/c79dxg6 NYC taxi roof lights get overhaul - A light simply will mean the cab is availab over 2 years ago • +2 It has a fare when the lights are off. worldnews http://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/140mra/z/c797jq4 Palestinians win upgraded UN status by wide margin over 2 years ago • +1 The Judgment of Solomon Accords. """ Scenario: List all comments with comment bodies unformatted Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --raw mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ wikipedia http://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/142t4w/z/c79peed Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one over 2 years ago • +1 Yep. My first experience with a Heisenbug occurred in a C++ program, and disappeared when I tried to print a variable with printf (only to reappear when that call was removed). nyc http://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/141zqc/z/c79dxg6 NYC taxi roof lights get overhaul - A light simply will mean the cab is availab over 2 years ago • +2 It has a fare when the lights are *off.* worldnews http://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/140mra/z/c797jq4 Palestinians win upgraded UN status by wide margin over 2 years ago • +1 The Judgment of Solomon Accords. """ Scenario: List comments for multiple subreddits separated by commas Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log mipadi books,django,Games` Then it should pass with: """ Games http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/13xc2o/z/c784qj8 The True Story of Battlefield 3, the Battlefield Franchise, Its Community, & EA/ over 2 years ago • +2 That's exactly how I feel. There are times when I have a ton of fun playing BF3…but it always feels like it has so much more potential to be an awesome game. And that feeling comes even when the game isn't completely fucking frustrating because some admin is kicking you for using some arbitrary weapon he doesn't like, or switching you to the losing team because he doesn't like getting his ass kicked. Or when the game is simply crashing. books http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/13vijv/z/c77stm8 I was saddened hearing this story on the Takeaway this morning- "Is literature n over 2 years ago • +1 I went to a public school. django http://www.reddit.com/r/django/comments/13p9ez/z/c77n56i I need a little help understanding billing and payment over 2 years ago • +2 I have a lot of experience working with Satchmo. I don't recommend it. It's over-engineered, hard to adapt to your own needs, and, while buggy, it's rarely updated anymore. books http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/13vijv/z/c77n2hg I was saddened hearing this story on the Takeaway this morning- "Is literature n over 2 years ago • +11 Yeah, I'm disappointed that some people only enjoyed two books. I didn't like all of the stuff I read in high school, but I got to read great things like Animal Farm, 1984, Night, Raisin in the Sun, The Glass Menagerie, Shakespeare, King Arthur, A Doll's House, Death of a Salesman, and probably more. """ Scenario: List comments for multiple subreddits separated by commas Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log mipadi books+django+Games` Then it should pass with: """ Games http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/13xc2o/z/c784qj8 The True Story of Battlefield 3, the Battlefield Franchise, Its Community, & EA/ over 2 years ago • +2 That's exactly how I feel. There are times when I have a ton of fun playing BF3…but it always feels like it has so much more potential to be an awesome game. And that feeling comes even when the game isn't completely fucking frustrating because some admin is kicking you for using some arbitrary weapon he doesn't like, or switching you to the losing team because he doesn't like getting his ass kicked. Or when the game is simply crashing. books http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/13vijv/z/c77stm8 I was saddened hearing this story on the Takeaway this morning- "Is literature n over 2 years ago • +1 I went to a public school. django http://www.reddit.com/r/django/comments/13p9ez/z/c77n56i I need a little help understanding billing and payment over 2 years ago • +2 I have a lot of experience working with Satchmo. I don't recommend it. It's over-engineered, hard to adapt to your own needs, and, while buggy, it's rarely updated anymore. books http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/13vijv/z/c77n2hg I was saddened hearing this story on the Takeaway this morning- "Is literature n over 2 years ago • +11 Yeah, I'm disappointed that some people only enjoyed two books. I didn't like all of the stuff I read in high school, but I got to read great things like Animal Farm, 1984, Night, Raisin in the Sun, The Glass Menagerie, Shakespeare, King Arthur, A Doll's House, Death of a Salesman, and probably more. """ Scenario: List comments for multiple subreddits separated by commas Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log mipadi books django Games` Then it should pass with: """ Games http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/13xc2o/z/c784qj8 The True Story of Battlefield 3, the Battlefield Franchise, Its Community, & EA/ over 2 years ago • +2 That's exactly how I feel. There are times when I have a ton of fun playing BF3…but it always feels like it has so much more potential to be an awesome game. And that feeling comes even when the game isn't completely fucking frustrating because some admin is kicking you for using some arbitrary weapon he doesn't like, or switching you to the losing team because he doesn't like getting his ass kicked. Or when the game is simply crashing. books http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/13vijv/z/c77stm8 I was saddened hearing this story on the Takeaway this morning- "Is literature n over 2 years ago • +1 I went to a public school. django http://www.reddit.com/r/django/comments/13p9ez/z/c77n56i I need a little help understanding billing and payment over 2 years ago • +2 I have a lot of experience working with Satchmo. I don't recommend it. It's over-engineered, hard to adapt to your own needs, and, while buggy, it's rarely updated anymore. books http://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/13vijv/z/c77n2hg I was saddened hearing this story on the Takeaway this morning- "Is literature n over 2 years ago • +11 Yeah, I'm disappointed that some people only enjoyed two books. I didn't like all of the stuff I read in high school, but I got to read great things like Animal Farm, 1984, Night, Raisin in the Sun, The Glass Menagerie, Shakespeare, King Arthur, A Doll's House, Death of a Salesman, and probably more. """ Scenario: Output comments on one line Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --oneline mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ wikipedia Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavio nyc NYC taxi roof lights get overhaul - A light simply will mean the cab is ava worldnews Palestinians win upgraded UN status by wide margin """ Scenario: Output a limited number of comments on one line Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --oneline -n 2 mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ wikipedia Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavio nyc NYC taxi roof lights get overhaul - A light simply will mean the cab is ava """ Scenario: One-line comments should be collapsed into unique titles Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --oneline mipadi` Then it should pass with exactly: """ wikipedia Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavio nyc NYC taxi roof lights get overhaul - A light simply will mean the cab is ava worldnews Palestinians win upgraded UN status by wide margin AskReddit Do colleges actually teach students how to think critically? Or even t AskReddit I'm from Tennessee and most of our jokes are geared toward Mississippi AskReddit Today I was going 80mph in a 55 when an unmarked police car pulled up AskReddit Why should I pay for a college degree when all of the information they apple iTunes 11 finally available for download - The Verge Games The True Story of Battlefield 3, the Battlefield Franchise, Its Community, AskReddit Professors/Students of Reddit- What are your feelings towards shit Pro books I was saddened hearing this story on the Takeaway this morning- "Is litera AskReddit My friends give me crap about not watching "good" movies. Such as I've AskReddit Reddit, what is the worst thing about your city? AskReddit What is it like to own a decommissioned police car? AskReddit When Microsoft was found guilty of violating antitrust law by bundling django I need a little help understanding billing and payment programming Why software engineers are vastly undervalued AskReddit Is Germany racist? apple Report: Apple bumps Android from top spot in U.S. smartphone market on str AskReddit I got stood up by a girl for the first date. I have to go to work tomm AskReddit How much does 'life' costs in your country/city/area? programming Apple's proposal for modules in C(++) [PDF slides] AskReddit Half of my facebook newsfeed is of people posting this quoted copyrigh AskReddit I'm lying in my warm bed with my fiance as my jetpack while Redditing AskReddit I found out tonight that my dad's great grandfather was a Civil War PO AskReddit This morning on the way home from walking my dogs I shit myself. What' AskReddit Is it just me or do women have less genuine friendships than men? programming RubyMonk AskReddit How many government officials would have to die in an accident or atta programming The X.Org CodingStyle AskReddit How would you stop people from pushing others into oncoming subways? C worldnews How Israeli Drone Pilots Made Their Life-and-Death Choices Over Gaza - AskReddit This entire semester I thought my TA was a girl named Kayla...it's a b AskReddit Why is it that mathematical "illiteracy" is ok, but being unable to re AskReddit What's your brand of cigarette, and why? AskReddit Accomplished Adults of Reddit: Honestly, is it more important to do wh AskReddit I m a nutritionist. I often over hear people talk about nutrition like personalfinance What's the most expensive mistake you ever made financially? AskReddit I want to quit college and enlist in the Air Force. Am I throwing away AskReddit Reddit, my boyfriend is abroad for a year. I'm trying to subtly work f AskReddit Why is everyone naming Israel as the "aggressor"?? Am I missing someth programming Why Brit Ruby 2013 was cancelled and why this is not ok — Gist battlefield3 Can't argue with those rules.. AskReddit Who thinks "Mens Gift Ideas" are always super lame? Men of reddit what redditcasual Submissions for new clan tag... programming How To Package Your Python Code - The Right Way… programming Hounded By Recruiters, Coders Put Themselves Up For Auction - Forbes photography Do you travel? If so, what camera do you use/prefer? AskReddit I want to go to college for music even though it's not the most financ AskReddit Reddit, what popular opinions about films do you think the complete op AskReddit If someone writes "Should of" instead of "Should have", I immediately AskReddit I'm A Mixed Race Teen (Black Dad, White Mum) And I Constantly Get Peop AskReddit Do the James Bond films features occur in any sort of chronological or apple iMessage down? AskReddit Reddit, how old were you when you officially moved out? I'm 24 and fee AskReddit Guys, what do girls wear that you absolutely can't stand? AskReddit Looking into getting Windows 8 (Don't really like the looks of it from AskReddit My stepdaughter is acting (sexually) inappropriately around me - what programming FizzBuzz Still Works AskReddit Reddit, what is your most expensive mistake? AskReddit Were you a part of the Occupy Wall Street movement? AskReddit I'm coming up on my 6th year free from cocaine. Anybody else had or h programming UserManager.isUserAGoat() -- Oh you silly goat AskReddit in regards to choosing a future career, should salary or enjoy-ability AskReddit Guy I like asks me out to have coffee; gives me tips on how to get a b AskReddit Men of Reddit: How much pressure is there for you guys to look good? AskReddit Reddit, what custom ringtone do you use? AskReddit Reddit: A lot of talk happens here about taxing the rich at a higher p AskReddit I'm dropping out of college and joining the workforce for a while, hav AskReddit What ever happened to the cent sign (¢)? AskReddit I ask you this reddit, what is your most prized possession in this wor AskReddit Reddit seems to hate Papa Johns and Chik-Fil-A with a passion. What ar AskReddit Men of Reddit: Do you get turned off when a girl says she is a feminis """ Scenario: Search for a specific comment Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --grep='Heisenbug' mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ wikipedia http://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/142t4w/z/c79peed Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one over 2 years ago • +1 Yep. My first experience with a Heisenbug occurred in a C++ program, and disappeared when I tried to print a variable with printf (only to reappear when that call was removed). """ Scenario: Search for a specific comment with wrong case Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --grep='heisenbug' mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ wikipedia http://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/142t4w/z/c79peed Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one over 2 years ago • +1 Yep. My first experience with a Heisenbug occurred in a C++ program, and disappeared when I tried to print a variable with printf (only to reappear when that call was removed). """ Scenario: Search for a specific comment with no matches Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --grep='oogabooga' mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ mipadi has no comments matching /oogabooga/. """ Scenario: List all comments for a user that does not exist Given the Reddit service does not have a user "testuser" When I run `usaidwat log testuser` Then it should fail with: """ No such user: testuser """ Scenario: List all comments when user has no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "blank" When I run `usaidwat log blank` Then it should pass with: """ blank has no comments. """ Scenario: Search for a comment for a user that does not exist Given the Reddit service does not have a user "testuser" When I run `usaidwat log --grep='Heisenbug' testuser` Then it should fail with: """ No such user: testuser """ Scenario: Search for a comment when user has no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "blank" When I run `usaidwat log --grep='Heisenbug' blank` Then it should pass with: """ blank has no comments matching /Heisenbug/. """ Scenario: List comments for a particular subreddit Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log mipadi AskReddit` Then it should pass with: """ AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/141kt9/z/c795rwz Do colleges actually teach students how to think critically? Or even to think/qu over 2 years ago • +1 I think it depends on where you go and what you study, but yes, I think they do teach you to think critically, especially in humanities courses and seminars. Maybe it's just because I went to a small, private liberal arts college rather than a huge school, but critical thinking was definitely a part of my education. AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/140t5c/z/c795nw3 I'm from Tennessee and most of our jokes are geared toward Mississippi and Alaba over 2 years ago • +1 You're from New Jersey? Which exit? AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/140h3z/z/c795muo Today I was going 80mph in a 55 when an unmarked police car pulled up next to me over 2 years ago • +1 You didn't slow down for very long though, did you? """ Scenario: Search in comments for a particular subreddit Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --grep='New Jersey' mipadi AskReddit` Then it should pass with: """ AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/140t5c/z/c795nw3 I'm from Tennessee and most of our jokes are geared toward Mississippi and Alaba over 2 years ago • +1 You're from New Jersey? Which exit? """ Scenario: Search in comments for a particular subreddit with wrong case Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log --grep='new jersey' mipadi AskReddit` Then it should pass with: """ AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/140t5c/z/c795nw3 I'm from Tennessee and most of our jokes are geared toward Mississippi and Alaba over 2 years ago • +1 You're from New Jersey? Which exit? """ Scenario: List comments for a particular subreddit specified with the wrong case Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat log mipadi askreddit` Then it should pass with: """ AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/141kt9/z/c795rwz Do colleges actually teach students how to think critically? Or even to think/qu over 2 years ago • +1 I think it depends on where you go and what you study, but yes, I think they do teach you to think critically, especially in humanities courses and seminars. Maybe it's just because I went to a small, private liberal arts college rather than a huge school, but critical thinking was definitely a part of my education. AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/140t5c/z/c795nw3 I'm from Tennessee and most of our jokes are geared toward Mississippi and Alaba over 2 years ago • +1 You're from New Jersey? Which exit? AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/140h3z/z/c795muo Today I was going 80mph in a 55 when an unmarked police car pulled up next to me over 2 years ago • +1 You didn't slow down for very long though, did you? """ Scenario: List comments for a subreddit with no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat log mipadi nsfw` Then it should pass with: """ No comments by mipadi for nsfw. """ Scenario: List comments for multiple comma-separated subreddits with no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat log mipadi nsfw,spacedicks` Then it should pass with: """ No comments by mipadi for nsfw, spacedicks. """ Scenario: List comments for multiple plus-separated subreddits with no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat log mipadi nsfw+spacedicks` Then it should pass with: """ No comments by mipadi for nsfw, spacedicks. """ Scenario: List comments for multiple subreddits with no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat log mipadi nsfw spacedicks` Then it should pass with: """ No comments by mipadi for nsfw, spacedicks. """ Scenario: Pass no arguments when searching Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat log --grep mipadi` Then the exit status should not be 0 And stderr should contain exactly: """ You must specify a username """