# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/inputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" # Receive events using the lumberjack protocol. # # This is mainly to receive events shipped with lumberjack[http://github.com/jordansissel/lumberjack], # now represented primarily via the # https://github.com/elasticsearch/logstash-forwarder[Logstash-forwarder]. # class LogStash::Inputs::Lumberjack < LogStash::Inputs::Base config_name "lumberjack" default :codec, "plain" # The IP address to listen on. config :host, :validate => :string, :default => "" # The port to listen on. config :port, :validate => :number, :required => true # SSL certificate to use. config :ssl_certificate, :validate => :path, :required => true # SSL key to use. config :ssl_key, :validate => :path, :required => true # SSL key passphrase to use. config :ssl_key_passphrase, :validate => :password # This setting no longer has any effect and will be removed in a future release. config :max_clients, :validate => :number, :deprecated => "This setting no longer has any effect. See https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-lumberjack/pull/12 for the history of this change" # TODO(sissel): Add CA to authenticate clients with. BUFFERED_QUEUE_SIZE = 20 RECONNECT_BACKOFF_SLEEP = 0.5 def register require "lumberjack/server" require "concurrent/executors" require "logstash/circuit_breaker" require "logstash/sized_queue_timeout" @logger.info("Starting lumberjack input listener", :address => "#{@host}:#{@port}") @lumberjack = Lumberjack::Server.new(:address => @host, :port => @port, :ssl_certificate => @ssl_certificate, :ssl_key => @ssl_key, :ssl_key_passphrase => @ssl_key_passphrase) # Create a reusable threadpool, we do not limit the number of connections # to the input, the circuit breaker with the timeout should take care # of `blocked` threads and prevent logstash to go oom. @threadpool = Concurrent::CachedThreadPool.new(:idletime => 15) # in 1.5 the main SizeQueue doesnt have the concept of timeout # We are using a small plugin buffer to move events to the internal queue @buffered_queue = LogStash::SizedQueueTimeout.new(BUFFERED_QUEUE_SIZE) @circuit_breaker = LogStash::CircuitBreaker.new("Lumberjack input", :exceptions => [LogStash::SizedQueueTimeout::TimeoutError]) end # def register def run(output_queue) start_buffer_broker(output_queue) while true do begin # Wrapping the accept call into a CircuitBreaker if @circuit_breaker.closed? connection = @lumberjack.accept # Blocking call that creates a new connection invoke(connection, codec.clone) do |_codec, line, fields| _codec.decode(line) do |event| decorate(event) fields.each { |k,v| event[k] = v; v.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) } @circuit_breaker.execute { @buffered_queue << event } end end else @logger.warn("Lumberjack input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.") sleep(RECONNECT_BACKOFF_SLEEP) end # When too many errors happen inside the circuit breaker it will throw # this exception and start refusing connection, we need to catch it but # it's safe to ignore. rescue LogStash::CircuitBreaker::OpenBreaker => e end end rescue LogStash::ShutdownSignal @logger.info("Lumberjack input: received ShutdownSignal") rescue => e @logger.error("Lumberjack input: unhandled exception", :exception => e, :backtrace => e.backtrace) ensure shutdown(output_queue) end # def run private def accept(&block) connection = @lumberjack.accept # Blocking call that creates a new connection block.call(connection, @codec.clone) end private def invoke(connection, codec, &block) @threadpool.post do begin connection.run do |fields| block.call(codec, fields.delete("line"), fields) end rescue => e @logger.error("Exception in lumberjack input thread", :exception => e) end end end def start_buffer_broker(output_queue) @threadpool.post do while true output_queue << @buffered_queue.pop_no_timeout end end end end # class LogStash::Inputs::Lumberjack