# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'shared/model_behaviour' describe Ably::Models::PresenceMessage do include Ably::Modules::Conversions subject { Ably::Models::PresenceMessage } let(:protocol_message_timestamp) { as_since_epoch(Time.now) } let(:protocol_message) { Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(action: 1, timestamp: protocol_message_timestamp) } it_behaves_like 'a model', with_simple_attributes: %w(id client_id data encoding) do let(:model_args) { [protocol_message] } end context '#connection_id attribute' do let(:protocol_connection_id) { random_str } let(:protocol_message) { Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new('connectionId' => protocol_connection_id, action: 1, timestamp: protocol_message_timestamp) } let(:model_connection_id) { random_str } context 'when this model has a connectionId attribute' do context 'but no protocol message' do let(:model) { subject.new('connectionId' => model_connection_id ) } it 'uses the model value' do expect(model.connection_id).to eql(model_connection_id) end end context 'with a protocol message with a different connectionId' do let(:model) { subject.new({ 'connectionId' => model_connection_id }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'uses the model value' do expect(model.connection_id).to eql(model_connection_id) end end end context 'when this model has no connectionId attribute' do context 'and no protocol message' do let(:model) { subject.new({ }) } it 'uses the model value' do expect(model.connection_id).to be_nil end end context 'with a protocol message with a connectionId' do let(:model) { subject.new({ }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'uses the model value' do expect(model.connection_id).to eql(protocol_connection_id) end end end end context '#member_key attribute' do let(:model) { subject.new(client_id: 'client_id', connection_id: 'connection_id') } it 'is string in format connection_id:client_id' do expect(model.member_key).to eql('connection_id:client_id') end context 'with the same client id across multiple connections' do let(:connection_1) { subject.new({ client_id: 'same', connection_id: 'unique' }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } let(:connection_2) { subject.new({ client_id: 'same', connection_id: 'different' }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'is unique' do expect(connection_1.member_key).to_not eql(connection_2.member_key) end end context 'with a single connection and different client_ids' do let(:client_1) { subject.new({ client_id: 'unique', connection_id: 'same' }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } let(:client_2) { subject.new({ client_id: 'different', connection_id: 'same' }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'is unique' do expect(client_1.member_key).to_not eql(client_2.member_key) end end end context '#timestamp' do let(:model) { subject.new({}, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'retrieves attribute :timestamp as a Time object from ProtocolMessage' do expect(model.timestamp).to be_a(Time) expect(model.timestamp.to_i).to be_within(1).of(Time.now.to_i) end end context 'Java naming', :api_private do let(:model) { subject.new({ clientId: 'joe' }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'converts the attribute to ruby symbol naming convention' do expect(model.client_id).to eql('joe') end end context 'with action', :api_private do context 'absent' do let(:model) { subject.new({ action: 0 }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'provides action as an Enum' do expect(model.action).to eq(:absent) end end context 'enter' do let(:model) { subject.new({ action: 2 }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'provides action as an Enum' do expect(model.action).to eq(:enter) end end end context 'without action', :api_private do let(:model) { subject.new({}, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'raises an exception when accessed' do expect { model.action }.to raise_error KeyError end end context 'initialized with' do %w(client_id connection_id encoding).each do |attribute| context ":#{attribute}" do let(:encoded_value) { value.encode(encoding) } let(:value) { random_str } let(:options) { { attribute.to_sym => encoded_value } } let(:model) { subject.new(options, protocol_message: protocol_message) } let(:model_attribute) { model.public_send(attribute) } context 'as UTF_8 string' do let(:encoding) { Encoding::UTF_8 } it 'is permitted' do expect(model_attribute).to eql(encoded_value) end it 'remains as UTF-8' do expect(model_attribute.encoding).to eql(Encoding::UTF_8) end end context 'as SHIFT_JIS string' do let(:encoding) { Encoding::SHIFT_JIS } it 'gets converted to UTF-8' do expect(model_attribute.encoding).to eql(Encoding::UTF_8) end it 'is compatible with original encoding' do expect(model_attribute.encode(encoding)).to eql(encoded_value) end end context 'as ASCII_8BIT string' do let(:encoding) { Encoding::ASCII_8BIT } it 'gets converted to UTF-8' do expect(model_attribute.encoding).to eql(Encoding::UTF_8) end it 'is compatible with original encoding' do expect(model_attribute.encode(encoding)).to eql(encoded_value) end end context 'as Integer' do let(:encoded_value) { 1 } it 'raises an argument error' do expect { model_attribute }.to raise_error ArgumentError, /must be a String/ end end context 'as Nil' do let(:encoded_value) { nil } it 'is permitted' do expect(model_attribute).to be_nil end end end end end context '#to_json', :api_private do let(:json_object) { JSON.parse(model.to_json) } context 'with valid data' do let(:model) { subject.new({ action: 'enter', clientId: 'joe' }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'converts the attribute back to Java mixedCase notation using string keys' do expect(json_object["clientId"]).to eql('joe') end end context 'with invalid data' do let(:model) { subject.new({ clientId: 'joe' }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'raises an exception' do expect { model.to_json }.to raise_error KeyError, /cannot generate a valid Hash/ end end context 'with binary data' do let(:data) { MessagePack.pack(random_str(32)) } let(:model) { subject.new({ action: 'enter', data: data }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'encodes as Base64 so that it can be converted to UTF-8 automatically by JSON#dump' do expect(json_object["data"]).to eql(::Base64.encode64(data)) end it 'adds Base64 encoding' do expect(json_object["encoding"]).to eql('base64') end end end describe '#size' do let(:model) { subject.new({ action: 'enter', data: data, client_id: client_id }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } context 'String (#TO3l8a)' do let(:data) { 'example string data' } let(:client_id) { '1' } it 'should return 20 bytes' do expect(model.size).to eq(20) end end context 'Object (#TO3l8b)' do let(:data) { Object.new } let(:client_id) { '10' } it 'should return 32 bytes' do expect(model.size).to eq(32) end end context 'Array (#TO3l8b)' do let(:data) { [1, 'two', :three] } let(:client_id) { '2' } it 'should return 18 bytes' do expect(model.size).to eq(18) end end context 'extras (#TO3l8d)' do let(:data) { { example: 'value', score: 1, hash: { test: true } } } let(:client_id) { '3' } it 'should return 51 bytes' do expect(model.size).to eq(51) end end context 'nil (#TO3l8e)' do let(:data) { nil } let(:client_id) { '4' } it 'should return 1 bytes' do expect(model.size).to eq(1) end end end context 'from REST request with embedded fields', :api_private do let(:id) { random_str } let(:message_time) { Time.now + 60 } let(:timestamp) { as_since_epoch(message_time) } let(:model) { subject.new(id: id, timestamp: timestamp) } context 'with protocol message' do specify '#id prefers embedded ID' do expect(model.id).to eql(id) end specify '#timestamp prefers embedded timestamp' do expect(model.timestamp.to_i).to be_within(1).of(message_time.to_i) end end context 'without protocol message' do specify '#id uses embedded ID' do expect(model.id).to eql(id) end specify '#timestamp uses embedded timestamp' do expect(model.timestamp.to_i).to be_within(1).of(message_time.to_i) end end end context 'part of ProtocolMessage', :api_private do let(:ably_time) { Time.now + 5 } let(:message_serial) { random_int_str(1_000_000) } let(:connection_id) { random_str } let(:presence_0_payload) { random_str(8) } let(:presence_0_json) do { client_id: 'zero', data: presence_0_payload } end let(:presence_1_payload) { random_str(8) } let(:presence_1_json) do { client_id: 'one', data: presence_1_payload } end let(:protocol_message_id) { random_str } let(:protocol_message) do Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new({ action: :message, timestamp: ably_time.to_i, msg_serial: message_serial, id: protocol_message_id, presence: [ presence_0_json, presence_1_json ] }) end let(:presence_0) { protocol_message.presence.first } let(:presence_1) { protocol_message.presence.last } it 'should generate a message ID from the index, serial and connection id' do expect(presence_0.id).to eql("#{protocol_message_id}:0") expect(presence_1.id).to eql("#{protocol_message_id}:1") end it 'should not modify the data payload' do expect(presence_0.data).to eql(presence_0_payload) expect(presence_1.data).to eql(presence_1_payload) end end context 'PresenceMessage conversion method', :api_private do let(:json) { { client_id: 'test' } } context 'with JSON' do context 'without ProtocolMessage' do subject { Ably::Models.PresenceMessage(json) } it 'returns a PresenceMessage object' do expect(subject).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage) end it 'initializes with the JSON' do expect(subject.client_id).to eql('test') end it 'raises an exception when accessing ProtocolMessage' do expect { subject.protocol_message }.to raise_error RuntimeError end it 'has no ProtocolMessage' do expect(subject.assigned_to_protocol_message?).to eql(false) end end context 'with ProtocolMessage' do subject { Ably::Models.PresenceMessage(json, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'returns a PresenceMessage object' do expect(subject).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage) end it 'initializes with the JSON' do expect(subject.client_id).to eql('test') end it 'provides access to ProtocolMessage' do expect(subject.protocol_message).to eql(protocol_message) end it 'has a ProtocolMessage' do expect(subject.assigned_to_protocol_message?).to eql(true) end end end context 'with another PresenceMessage' do let(:message) { Ably::Models::PresenceMessage.new(json) } context 'without ProtocolMessage' do subject { Ably::Models.PresenceMessage(message) } it 'returns a PresenceMessage object' do expect(subject).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage) end it 'initializes with the JSON' do expect(subject.client_id).to eql('test') end it 'raises an exception when accessing ProtocolMessage' do expect { subject.protocol_message }.to raise_error RuntimeError end it 'has no ProtocolMessage' do expect(subject.assigned_to_protocol_message?).to eql(false) end end context 'with ProtocolMessage' do subject { Ably::Models.PresenceMessage(message, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'returns a PresenceMessage object' do expect(subject).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage) end it 'initializes with the JSON' do expect(subject.client_id).to eql('test') end it 'provides access to ProtocolMessage' do expect(subject.protocol_message).to eql(protocol_message) end it 'has a ProtocolMessage' do expect(subject.assigned_to_protocol_message?).to eql(true) end end end end context '#from_encoded (#TP4)' do context 'with no encoding' do let(:message_data) do { action: 2, data: 'data-string' } end let(:from_encoded) { subject.from_encoded(message_data) } it 'returns a presence message object' do expect(from_encoded).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage) expect(from_encoded.action).to eq(:enter) expect(from_encoded.data).to eql('data-string') expect(from_encoded.encoding).to be_nil end context 'with a block' do it 'does not call the block' do block_called = false subject.from_encoded(message_data) do |exception, message| block_called = true end expect(block_called).to be_falsey end end end context 'with an encoding' do let(:hash_data) { { 'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 123 } } let(:message_data) do { action: 'leave', data: JSON.dump(hash_data), encoding: 'json' } end let(:from_encoded) { subject.from_encoded(message_data) } it 'returns a presence message object' do expect(from_encoded).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage) expect(from_encoded.action).to eq(:leave) expect(from_encoded.data).to eql(hash_data) expect(from_encoded.encoding).to be_nil end end context 'with a custom encoding' do let(:hash_data) { { 'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 123 } } let(:message_data) do { action: 1, data: JSON.dump(hash_data), encoding: 'foo/json' } end let(:from_encoded) { subject.from_encoded(message_data) } it 'returns a presence message object with the residual incompatible transforms left in the encoding property' do expect(from_encoded).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage) expect(from_encoded.action).to eq(1) expect(from_encoded.data).to eql(hash_data) expect(from_encoded.encoding).to eql('foo') end end context 'with a Cipher encoding' do let(:hash_data) { { 'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 123 } } let(:cipher_params) { { key: Ably::Util::Crypto.generate_random_key(128), algorithm: 'aes', mode: 'cbc', key_length: 128 } } let(:crypto) { Ably::Util::Crypto.new(cipher_params) } let(:payload) { random_str } let(:message_data) do { action: 1, data: crypto.encrypt(payload), encoding: 'utf-8/cipher+aes-128-cbc' } end let(:channel_options) { { cipher: cipher_params } } let(:from_encoded) { subject.from_encoded(message_data, channel_options) } it 'returns a presence message object with the residual incompatible transforms left in the encoding property' do expect(from_encoded).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage) expect(from_encoded.data).to eql(payload) expect(from_encoded.encoding).to be_nil end end context 'with invalid Cipher encoding' do let(:hash_data) { { 'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 123 } } let(:cipher_params) { { key: Ably::Util::Crypto.generate_random_key(128), algorithm: 'aes', mode: 'cbc', key_length: 128 } } let(:unencryped_payload) { random_str } let(:message_data) do { action: 1, data: unencryped_payload, encoding: 'utf-8/cipher+aes-128-cbc' } end let(:channel_options) { { cipher: cipher_params } } context 'without a block' do it 'raises an exception' do expect { subject.from_encoded(message_data, channel_options) }.to raise_exception(Ably::Exceptions::CipherError) end end context 'with a block' do it 'calls the block with the exception' do block_called = false subject.from_encoded(message_data, channel_options) do |exception, message| expect(exception).to be_a(Ably::Exceptions::CipherError) block_called = true end expect(block_called).to be_truthy end end end end context '#from_encoded_array (#TP4)' do context 'with no encoding' do let(:message_data) do [{ action: 1, data: 'data-string' }, { action: 2, data: 'data-string' }] end let(:from_encoded) { subject.from_encoded_array(message_data) } it 'returns an Array of presence message objects' do first = from_encoded.first expect(first).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage) expect(first.action).to eq(1) expect(first.data).to eql('data-string') expect(first.encoding).to be_nil last = from_encoded.last expect(last.action).to eq(:enter) end end end context '#shallow_clone' do context 'with inherited attributes from ProtocolMessage' do let(:protocol_message) { Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new('id' => 'fooId', 'connectionId' => protocol_connection_id, 'action' => 1, 'timestamp' => protocol_message_timestamp) } let(:protocol_connection_id) { random_str } let(:model) { subject.new({ 'action' => 2 }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'creates a duplicate of the message without any ProtocolMessage dependency' do clone = model.shallow_clone expect(clone.id).to match(/fooId/) expect(clone.connection_id).to eql(protocol_connection_id) expect(as_since_epoch(clone.timestamp)).to eq(protocol_message_timestamp) expect(clone.action).to eq(2) end end context 'with embedded attributes for all fields' do let(:message_timestamp) { as_since_epoch(Time.now) + 100 } let(:connection_id) { random_str } let(:model) { subject.new({ 'action' => 3, 'id' => 'fooId', 'connectionId' => connection_id, 'timestamp' => message_timestamp }) } it 'creates a duplicate of the message without any ProtocolMessage dependency' do clone = model.shallow_clone expect(clone.id).to eql('fooId') expect(clone.connection_id).to eql(connection_id) expect(as_since_epoch(clone.timestamp)).to eq(message_timestamp) expect(clone.action).to eq(3) end end context 'with new attributes passed in to the method' do let(:protocol_message) { Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new('id' => 'fooId', 'connectionId' => protocol_connection_id, 'action' => 1, 'timestamp' => protocol_message_timestamp) } let(:protocol_connection_id) { random_str } let(:model) { subject.new({ 'action' => 2 }, protocol_message: protocol_message) } it 'creates a duplicate of the message without any ProtocolMessage dependency' do clone = model.shallow_clone(id: 'newId', action: 1, timestamp: protocol_message_timestamp + 1000) expect(clone.id).to match(/newId/) expect(clone.connection_id).to eql(protocol_connection_id) expect(as_since_epoch(clone.timestamp)).to be_within(5).of(protocol_message_timestamp + 1000) expect(clone.action).to eq(1) end context 'with an invalid ProtocolMessage (missing an ID)' do let(:protocol_message) { Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new('connectionId' => protocol_connection_id, 'action' => 1, 'timestamp' => protocol_message_timestamp) } it 'allows an ID to be passed in to the shallow clone that takes precedence' do clone = model.shallow_clone(id: 'newId', action: 1, timestamp: protocol_message_timestamp + 1000) expect(clone.id).to match(/newId/) end end context 'with mixing of cases' do it 'resolves case issues and can use camelCase or snake_case' do clone = model.shallow_clone(connectionId: 'camelCaseSym') expect(clone.connection_id).to match(/camelCaseSym/) clone = model.shallow_clone('connectionId' => 'camelCaseStr') expect(clone.connection_id).to match(/camelCaseStr/) clone = model.shallow_clone(connection_id: 'snake_case_sym') expect(clone.connection_id).to match(/snake_case_sym/) end end end end end