const currentAllocationZero = () => { const $budgetSummary = $(".budget-summary__progressbox"); return parseInt($budgetSummary.attr("data-current-allocation"), 10) === 0; } const isSafeUrl = (exitUrl) => { if (!exitUrl) { return false } const safeUrls = [ $(".budget-summary").attr("data-safe-url").split("?")[0], `${location.pathname}#`, `${location.href}#`, "#" ]; let safe = false; safeUrls.forEach((url) => { if (exitUrl.startsWith(url)) { safe = true } }); return safe; } const allowExitFrom = ($el) => { if (currentAllocationZero()) { return true } else if ($el.attr("target") === "_blank") { return true; } else if ($el.parents("#loginModal").length > 0) { return true; } else if ($el.parents("#authorizationModal").length > 0) { return true; } else if ($el.attr("id") === "exit-notification-link") { return true; } else if ($el.parents(".voting-wrapper").length > 0) { return true; } else if (isSafeUrl($el.attr("href"))) { return true } return false; } $(() => { const $exitNotification = $("#exit-notification"); const $exitLink = $("#exit-notification-link"); const defaultExitUrl = $exitLink.attr("href"); const defaultExitLinkText = $exitLink.text(); let exitLinkText = defaultExitLinkText; if ($exitNotification.length < 1) { // Do not apply when not inside the voting pipeline return; } const openExitNotification = (url, method = null) => { if (method && method !== "get") { $exitLink.attr("data-method", method); } else { $exitLink.removeAttr("data-method"); } $exitLink.attr("href", url); $exitLink.text(exitLinkText); $"open"); }; $(document).on("click", "a", (event) => { exitLinkText = defaultExitLinkText; const $link = $(event.currentTarget); if (!allowExitFrom($link)) { event.preventDefault(); openExitNotification($link.attr("href"), $"method")); } }); // Custom handling for the header sign out so that it won't trigger the // logout form submit and so that it changes the exit link text. This does // not trigger the document link click listener because it has the // data-method attribute to trigger a form submit event. $(".header a.sign-out-link").on("click", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const $link = $(event.currentTarget); exitLinkText = $link.text(); openExitNotification($link.attr("href"), $"method")); }); // Custom handling for the exit link which needs to change the exit link // text to the default text as this is not handled by the document click // listener. $("a[data-open='exit-notification']").on("click", () => { exitLinkText = defaultExitLinkText; openExitNotification(defaultExitUrl); }); });