module ThoughtBot # :nodoc:
module Shoulda # :nodoc:
# = context and should blocks
# A context block groups should statements under a common setup/teardown method.
# Context blocks can be arbitrarily nested, and can do wonders for improving the maintainability
# and readability of your test code.
# A context block can contain setup, should, should_eventually, and teardown blocks.
# class UserTest << Test::Unit::TestCase
# context "a User instance" do
# setup do
# @user = User.find(:first)
# end
# should "return its full name"
# assert_equal 'John Doe', @user.full_name
# end
# end
# end
# This code will produce the method "test a User instance should return its full name".
# Contexts may be nested. Nested contexts run their setup blocks from out to in before each test.
# They then run their teardown blocks from in to out after each test.
# class UserTest << Test::Unit::TestCase
# context "a User instance" do
# setup do
# @user = User.find(:first)
# end
# should "return its full name"
# assert_equal 'John Doe', @user.full_name
# end
# context "with a profile" do
# setup do
# @user.profile = Profile.find(:first)
# end
# should "return true when sent :has_profile?"
# assert @user.has_profile?
# end
# end
# end
# end
# This code will produce the following methods
# * "test: a User instance should return its full name."
# * "test: a User instance with a profile should return true when sent :has_profile?."
# A context block can exist next to normal def test_the_old_way; end tests,
# meaning you do not have to fully commit to the context/should syntax in a test file.
module Context
def Context.included(other) # :nodoc:
@@context_names = []
@@setup_blocks = []
@@teardown_blocks = []
# Defines a test method. Can be called either inside our outside of a context.
# Optionally specify :unimplimented => true (see should_eventually).
# Example:
# class UserTest << Test::Unit::TestCase
# should "return first user on find(:first)"
# assert_equal users(:first), User.find(:first)
# end
# end
# Would create a test named
# 'test: should return first user on find(:first)'
def should(name, opts = {}, &should_block)
test_name = ["test:", @@context_names, "should", "#{name}. "].flatten.join(' ').to_sym
name_defined = eval("self.instance_methods.include?('#{test_name.to_s.gsub(/['"]/, '\$1')}')", should_block.binding)
raise ArgumentError, "'#{test_name}' is already defined" and return if name_defined
setup_blocks = @@setup_blocks.dup
teardown_blocks = @@teardown_blocks.dup
if opts[:unimplemented]
define_method test_name do |*args|
# XXX find a better way of doing this.
assert true
STDOUT.putc "X" # Tests for this model are missing.
define_method test_name do |*args|
setup_blocks.each {|b| b.bind(self).call }
teardown_blocks.reverse.each {|b| b.bind(self).call }
# Creates a context block with the given name.
def context(name, &context_block)
saved_setups = @@setup_blocks.dup
saved_teardowns = @@teardown_blocks.dup
saved_contexts = @@context_names.dup
@@context_names << name
@@context_names = saved_contexts
@@setup_blocks = saved_setups
@@teardown_blocks = saved_teardowns
# Run before every should block in the current context.
# If a setup block appears in a nested context, it will be run after the setup blocks
# in the parent contexts.
def setup(&setup_block)
@@setup_blocks << setup_block
# Run after every should block in the current context.
# If a teardown block appears in a nested context, it will be run before the teardown
# blocks in the parent contexts.
def teardown(&teardown_block)
@@teardown_blocks << teardown_block
# Defines a specification that is not yet implemented.
# Will be displayed as an 'X' when running tests, and failures will not be shown.
# This is equivalent to:
# should(name, {:unimplemented => true}, &block)
def should_eventually(name, &block)
should("eventually #{name}", {:unimplemented => true}, &block)