/* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2012 2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #include "mysqlThd.h" #include "mysqlInternal.h" #include #include unsigned int g_openDatabases = 0; extern unsigned int g_lock_wait_timeout; extern char* g_transaction_isolation; static int transaction_isolation_cache = -1; #if((MYSQL_VERSION_NUM > 50700) && !defined(MARIADB_BASE_VERSION)) boost::mutex g_db_count_mutex; LEX_CSTRING NULL_CSTR = { NULL, 0 }; #endif #ifdef USETLS tls_key g_tlsiID; #else __THREAD char* __THREAD_BCB t_stack = NULL; #endif inline char* getStackaddr() { #ifdef USETLS return (char*)tls_getspecific(g_tlsiID); #else return t_stack; #endif } inline void setStackaddr(char* v) { #ifdef USETLS tls_setspecific(g_tlsiID, v); #else t_stack = v; #endif } #if !(__clang__ && __APPLE__) #define noexcept #endif void* operator new(size_t t) { return td_malloc(t, MY_WME); } void operator delete(void* p) noexcept { td_free(p); } void* operator new [](size_t t) { return td_malloc(t, MY_WME); } void operator delete[](void* p) noexcept { td_free(p); } void initThread(THD* thd) { if (getStackaddr() == NULL) { my_thread_init(); int v; setStackaddr(reinterpret_cast(&v)); } if (thd) thd->thread_stack = getStackaddr(); } void endThread() { setStackaddr(0); } void waitForServerStart() { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_server_started); while (!mysqld_server_started) mysql_cond_wait(&COND_server_started, &LOCK_server_started); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_server_started); } int getTransactdIsolation() { if (transaction_isolation_cache != -1) return transaction_isolation_cache; else if (strcmp(g_transaction_isolation, "READ-COMMITTED") == 0) return transaction_isolation_cache = ISO_READ_COMMITTED; else if (strcmp(g_transaction_isolation, "REPEATABLE-READ") == 0) return transaction_isolation_cache = ISO_REPEATABLE_READ; else if (strcmp(g_transaction_isolation, "SERIALIZABLE") == 0) return transaction_isolation_cache = ISO_SERIALIZABLE; return transaction_isolation_cache = ISO_READ_UNCOMMITTED; } unsigned int getTransactdLockWaitTimeout() { return g_lock_wait_timeout; } THD* buildTHD() { if (!mysqld_server_started) waitForServerStart(); THD* thd = new THD(); cp_set_new_thread_id(thd); thd->thread_stack = reinterpret_cast(&thd); thd->store_globals(); assert(thd->mysys_var); cp_set_mysys_var(thd->mysys_var); thd->system_thread = NON_SYSTEM_THREAD; #ifndef MYSQL_578_LATER const NET v = { 0 }; thd->net = v; #endif thd->variables.option_bits |= OPTION_BIN_LOG; thd->variables.tx_isolation = (ulong)getTransactdIsolation(); thd->clear_error(); char tmp[256]; sprintf_s(tmp, 256, "set innodb_lock_wait_timeout=%d;", g_lock_wait_timeout); cp_query_command(thd, tmp); cp_set_db(thd, td_strdup("bizstation", MYF(0))); if (thd->variables.sql_log_bin) thd->set_current_stmt_binlog_format_row(); return thd; } THD* attachThd(THD* thd) { THD* curThd = cp_thread_get_THR_THD(); if (!thd) cp_thread_set_THR_THD(thd); else { initThread(thd); assert(thd->mysys_var); if (curThd != thd) { thd->store_globals(); cp_set_mysys_var(thd->mysys_var); } } return curThd; } THD* createThdForThread() { initThread(NULL); THD* thd = buildTHD(); attachThd(thd); return thd; } void deleteThdForThread(THD* thd) { cp_restore_globals(thd); cp_thd_release_resources(thd); cp_dec_dbcount(thd); releaseTHD(thd); }