var helper = require('./test_helper'), rest = require('../lib/restler'), sys = require('sys'); helper.testCase("Basic Tests", helper.echoServer, { testRequestShouldTakePath: function(host, test) { rest.get(host + '/thing').on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/^GET \/thing/.test(data), 'should hit /thing'); }); }, testRequestShouldWorkWithNoPath: function(host, test) { rest.get(host).on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/^GET \//.test(data), 'should hit /'); }); }, testRequestShouldWorkPreserveQueryStringInURL: function(host, test) { rest.get(host + '/thing?boo=yah').on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/^GET \/thing\?boo\=yah/.test(data), 'should hit /thing?boo=yah'); }); }, testRequestShouldBeAbleToGET: function(host, test) { rest.get(host).on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/^GET/.test(data), 'should be GET'); }); }, testRequestShouldBeAbleToPUT: function(host, test) { rest.put(host).on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/^PUT/.test(data), 'should be PUT'); }); }, testRequestShouldBeAbleToPOST: function(host, test) {'complete', function(data) { test.ok(/^POST/.test(data), 'should be POST'); }); }, testRequestShouldBeAbleToDELETE: function(host, test) { rest.del(host).on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/^DELETE/.test(data), 'should be DELETE'); }); }, testRequestShouldSerializeQuery: function(host, test) { rest.get(host, { query: { q: 'balls' } }).on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/^GET \/\?q\=balls/.test(data), 'should hit /?q=balls'); }); }, testRequestShouldPostBody: function(host, test) {, { data: "balls" }).on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/\r\n\r\nballs/.test(data), 'should have balls in the body') }); }, testRequestShouldSerializePostBody: function(host, test) {, { data: { q: 'balls' } }).on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/content-type\: application\/x-www-form-urlencoded/.test(data), 'should set content-type'); test.ok(/content-length\: 7/.test(data), 'should set content-length'); test.ok(/\r\n\r\nq=balls/.test(data), 'should have balls in the body') }); }, testRequestShouldSendHeaders: function(host, test) { rest.get(host, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }).on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/content\-type\: application\/json/.test(data), 'should content type header') }); }, testRequestShouldSendBasicAuth: function(host, test) {, { username: 'danwrong', password: 'flange' }).on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/authorization\: Basic ZGFud3Jvbmc6Zmxhbmdl/.test(data), 'should have auth header') }); }, testRequestShouldSendBasicAuthIfInURL: function(host, test) { var port = host.match(/\:(\d+)/)[1]; host = "http://danwrong:flange@localhost:" + port;'complete', function(data) { test.ok(/authorization\: Basic ZGFud3Jvbmc6Zmxhbmdl/.test(data), 'should have auth header') }); }, testRequestShouldFire2XXAnd200Events: function(host, test) { var count = 0; rest.get(host).on('2XX', function() { count++; }).on('200', function() { count++; }).on('complete', function() { test.equal(2, count); }); }, testRequestShouldFireError4XXand404EventsFor404: function(host, test) { var count = 0; rest.get(host, { headers: { 'X-Give-Me-Status': 404 }}).on('error', function() { count++; }).on('4XX', function() { count++; }).on('404', function() { count++; }).on('complete', function() { test.equal(3, count); }); } }); helper.testCase('Multipart Tests', helper.echoServer, { testMultipartRequestWithSimpleVars: function(host, test) {, { data: { a: 1, b: 'thing' }, multipart: true }).on('complete', function(data) { test.ok(/content-type\: multipart\/form-data/.test(data), 'should set content type') test.ok(/name="a"(\s)+1/.test(data), 'should send a=1'); test.ok(/name="b"(\s)+thing/.test(data), 'should send b=thing'); }); } }); helper.testCase("Deserialization Tests", helper.dataServer, { testAutoSerializerShouldParseJSON: function(host, test) { rest.get(host, { headers: { 'Accepts': 'application/json' } }).on('complete', function(data) { test.equal(true, data.ok, "returned " + sys.inspect(data)); }); }, testAutoSerializerShouldParseXML: function(host, test) { rest.get(host, { headers: { 'Accepts': 'application/xml' } }).on('complete', function(data) { test.equal("true", data.ok, "returned " + sys.inspect(data)); }); }, testAutoSerializerShouldParseYAML: function(host, test) { rest.get(host, { headers: { 'Accepts': 'application/yaml' } }).on('complete', function(data) { test.equal(true, data.ok, "returned " + sys.inspect(data)); }); } }); helper.testCase('Redirect Tests', helper.redirectServer, { testShouldAutomaticallyFollowRedirects: function(host, test) { rest.get(host).on('complete', function(data) { test.equal('Hell Yeah!', data, "returned " + sys.inspect(data)); }); } });