module Hobo module Lib module Vm class Command class << self attr_accessor :vm_inspector @@vm_inspector = end attr_accessor :opts, :command def initialize command, opts = {} @command = command @opts = { :auto_echo => false, :psuedo_tty => false, :pwd => opts[:pwd] || @@vm_inspector.project_mount_path, :append => '' }.merge(opts) end def << pipe pipe = "echo #{pipe.shellescape}" if opts[:auto_echo] @pipe = pipe @opts[:psuedo_tty] = false return self end def < pipe pipe = "echo '#{pipe.shellescape}'" if opts[:auto_echo] @pipe_in_vm = pipe @opts[:psuedo_tty] = false return self end # TODO Refactor in to ssh helper with similar opts to shell helper # TODO Migrate all vm_shell functionality this direction def run return if @command.nil? require 'net/ssh/simple' opts = @@vm_inspector.ssh_config.merge(@opts) Net::SSH::Simple.sync do ssh_opts = { :user => opts[:ssh_user], :port => opts[:ssh_port], :forward_agent => true, :global_known_hosts_file => "/dev/null", :paranoid => false, :user_known_hosts_file => "/dev/null" } ssh_opts[:keys] = [opts[:ssh_identity]] if opts[:ssh_identity] tmp = "vm_command_exec" begin filename = File.basename(tmp.path) remote_file = "/tmp/#{filename}" tmp.write "#{@command}#{opts[:append]}" tmp.close scp_put opts[:ssh_host], tmp.path, remote_file, ssh_opts result = ssh opts[:ssh_host], "cd #{opts[:pwd]}; exec /bin/bash #{remote_file}", ssh_opts ssh opts[:ssh_host], "rm #{remote_file}", ssh_opts with_session opts[:ssh_host], opts do |session| session.process.popen3 do |input, output, error| end end # Throw exception if exit code not 0 return opts[:capture] ? result.stdout : result.success ensure tmp.unlink end end end # TODO Speed up Vagrant SSH connections # May need to be disabled for windows (mm_send_fd: UsePrivilegeSeparation=yes not supported) # def to_s opts = @@vm_inspector.ssh_config.merge(@opts) psuedo_tty = opts[:psuedo_tty] ? "-t" : "" ssh_command = [ "ssh", "-o 'UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null'", "-o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no'", "-o 'ForwardAgent yes'", "-o 'LogLevel FATAL'", "-p #{opts[:ssh_port]}", "-i #{opts[:ssh_identity].shellescape}", psuedo_tty, "#{opts[:ssh_user].shellescape}@#{opts[:ssh_host].shellescape}" ].join(" ") pwd_set_command = " -- \"cd #{@opts[:pwd].shellescape}; exec /bin/bash" vm_command = [ @pipe_in_vm, @command ].compact.join(" | ") command = [ ssh_command + pwd_set_command, vm_command.empty? ? nil : vm_command.shellescape ].compact.join(" -c ") + "#{opts[:append].shellescape}\"" [ @pipe, command ].compact.join(" | ") end def to_str to_s end end end end end