/* * Copyright 2022-present MongoDB, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "test-mongocrypt.h" #include "mc-array-private.h" #include "mc-check-conversions-private.h" #include "mc-optional-private.h" #include "mc-range-encoding-private.h" #include "mc-range-mincover-private.h" enum { /// Why this number? The Decimal128 tests generate thousands of test strings, /// but we can't set this arbitrarily high, since we'll bump up on stack /// overflow on MSVC. This is large enough to capture all strings in all /// Decimal128 tests without overflowing the stack. MAX_MINCOVER_STRINGS = 4500 }; typedef struct { int32_t lowerBound; bool includeLowerBound; int32_t upperBound; bool includeUpperBound; mc_optional_int32_t min; mc_optional_int32_t max; size_t sparsity; uint32_t trimFactor; const char *expectMincoverStrings[MAX_MINCOVER_STRINGS]; const char *expectError; } Int32Test; typedef struct { int64_t lowerBound; bool includeLowerBound; int64_t upperBound; bool includeUpperBound; mc_optional_int64_t min; mc_optional_int64_t max; size_t sparsity; const char *expectMincoverStrings[MAX_MINCOVER_STRINGS]; const char *expectError; } Int64Test; typedef struct { double lowerBound; bool includeLowerBound; double upperBound; bool includeUpperBound; size_t sparsity; mc_optional_double_t min; mc_optional_double_t max; mc_optional_int32_t precision; const char *expectMincoverStrings[MAX_MINCOVER_STRINGS]; const char *expectError; } DoubleTest; #if MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT typedef struct { mc_dec128 lowerBound; bool includeLowerBound; mc_dec128 upperBound; bool includeUpperBound; size_t sparsity; mc_optional_dec128_t min; mc_optional_dec128_t max; mc_optional_int32_t precision; const char *expectMincoverStrings[MAX_MINCOVER_STRINGS]; const char *expectError; } Decimal128Test; #endif typedef struct _test_getMincover_args { mc_mincover_t *(*getMincover)(void *tests, size_t idx, mongocrypt_status_t *status); const char *(*expectError)(void *tests, size_t idx, mongocrypt_status_t *status); const char *const *(*expectMincoverStrings)(void *tests, size_t idx); void (*dump)(void *tests, size_t idx, mc_mincover_t *got); } _test_getMincover_args; static mc_mincover_t *_test_getMincover32(void *tests, size_t idx, mongocrypt_status_t *status) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); Int32Test *test = (Int32Test *)tests + idx; const bool use_range_v2 = true; return mc_getMincoverInt32((mc_getMincoverInt32_args_t){.lowerBound = test->lowerBound, .includeLowerBound = test->includeLowerBound, .upperBound = test->upperBound, .includeUpperBound = test->includeUpperBound, .min = test->min, .max = test->max, .sparsity = test->sparsity, .trimFactor = OPT_I32(test->trimFactor)}, status, use_range_v2); } static mc_mincover_t *_test_getMincover64(void *tests, size_t idx, mongocrypt_status_t *status) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); const bool use_range_v2 = true; const uint32_t trimFactor = 0; // At present, all test cases expect trimFactor=0. Int64Test *const test = (Int64Test *)tests + idx; return mc_getMincoverInt64((mc_getMincoverInt64_args_t){.lowerBound = test->lowerBound, .includeLowerBound = test->includeLowerBound, .upperBound = test->upperBound, .includeUpperBound = test->includeUpperBound, .min = test->min, .max = test->max, .sparsity = test->sparsity, .trimFactor = OPT_I32(trimFactor)}, status, use_range_v2); } static mc_mincover_t *_test_getMincoverDouble_helper(void *tests, size_t idx, mongocrypt_status_t *status) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); const bool use_range_v2 = true; const uint32_t trimFactor = 0; // At present, all test cases expect trimFactor=0. DoubleTest *const test = (DoubleTest *)tests + idx; return mc_getMincoverDouble( (mc_getMincoverDouble_args_t){.lowerBound = test->lowerBound, .includeLowerBound = test->includeLowerBound, .upperBound = test->upperBound, .includeUpperBound = test->includeUpperBound, .sparsity = test->sparsity, .min = test->precision.set ? test->min : (mc_optional_double_t){0}, .max = test->precision.set ? test->max : (mc_optional_double_t){0}, .precision = test->precision, .trimFactor = OPT_I32(trimFactor)}, status, use_range_v2); } #if MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT static mc_mincover_t *_test_getMincoverDecimal128_helper(void *tests, size_t idx, mongocrypt_status_t *status) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); Decimal128Test *const test = (Decimal128Test *)tests + idx; const bool use_range_v2 = true; const uint32_t trimFactor = 0; // At present, all test cases expect trimFactor=0. return mc_getMincoverDecimal128( (mc_getMincoverDecimal128_args_t){.lowerBound = test->lowerBound, .includeLowerBound = test->includeLowerBound, .upperBound = test->upperBound, .includeUpperBound = test->includeUpperBound, .sparsity = test->sparsity, .min = test->precision.set ? test->min : (mc_optional_dec128_t){0}, .max = test->precision.set ? test->max : (mc_optional_dec128_t){0}, .precision = test->precision, .trimFactor = OPT_I32(trimFactor)}, status, use_range_v2); } #endif // MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT static const char *_test_expectError32(void *tests, size_t idx, mongocrypt_status_t *status) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(status); return ((Int32Test *)tests + idx)->expectError; } static const char *_test_expectError64(void *tests, size_t idx, mongocrypt_status_t *status) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(status); return ((Int64Test *)tests + idx)->expectError; } static const char *_test_expectErrorDouble(void *tests, size_t idx, mongocrypt_status_t *status) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(status); DoubleTest *test = ((DoubleTest *)tests + idx); if (test->min.set && test->max.set && test->precision.set) { // Expect an error for tests including an invalid min/max/precision. uint32_t ignored; if (!mc_canUsePrecisionModeDouble(test->min.value, test->max.value, test->precision.value, &ignored, status)) { if (!mongocrypt_status_ok(status)) { return mongocrypt_status_message(status, NULL); } return "The domain of double values specified by the min, max, and precision cannot be represented in " "fewer than 64 bits"; } } return test->expectError; } #if MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT static const char *_test_expectErrorDecimal128(void *tests, size_t idx, mongocrypt_status_t *status) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(status); Decimal128Test *test = ((Decimal128Test *)tests + idx); if (test->min.set && test->max.set && test->precision.set) { // Expect an error for tests including an invalid min/max/precision. uint32_t ignored; if (!mc_canUsePrecisionModeDecimal(test->min.value, test->max.value, test->precision.value, &ignored, status)) { if (!mongocrypt_status_ok(status)) { return mongocrypt_status_message(status, NULL); } return "The domain of decimal values specified by the min, max, and precision cannot be represented in " "fewer than 128 bits"; } } return test->expectError; } #endif // MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT static const char *const *_test_expectMincover32(void *tests, size_t idx) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); return ((Int32Test *)tests + idx)->expectMincoverStrings; } static const char *const *_test_expectMincover64(void *tests, size_t idx) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); return ((Int64Test *)tests + idx)->expectMincoverStrings; } static const char *const *_test_expectMincoverDouble(void *tests, size_t idx) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); return ((DoubleTest *)tests + idx)->expectMincoverStrings; } #if MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT static const char *const *_test_expectMincoverDecimal128(void *tests, size_t idx) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); return ((Decimal128Test *)tests + idx)->expectMincoverStrings; } #endif // MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT static void _test_dump_32(void *tests, size_t idx, mc_mincover_t *got) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); Int32Test *const test = (Int32Test *)tests + idx; fflush(stdout); // Avoid incomplete stdout output from prior tests on error fprintf(stderr, "testcase: lowerBound=%" PRId32 " (%s) upperBound=%" PRId32 " (%s)", test->lowerBound, test->includeLowerBound ? "inclusive" : "exclusive", test->upperBound, test->includeUpperBound ? "inclusive" : "exclusive"); if (test->min.set) { fprintf(stderr, " min=%" PRId32, test->min.value); } if (test->max.set) { fprintf(stderr, " max=%" PRId32, test->max.value); } fprintf(stderr, " sparsity=%zu\n", test->sparsity); fprintf(stderr, "mincover expected ... begin\n"); for (const char **p = test->expectMincoverStrings; *p; ++p) { fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", *p); } fprintf(stderr, "mincover expected ... end\n"); fprintf(stderr, "mincover got ... begin\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mc_mincover_len(got); i++) { fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mc_mincover_get(got, i)); } fprintf(stderr, "mincover got ... end\n"); } static void _test_dump_64(void *tests, size_t idx, mc_mincover_t *got) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); Int64Test *const test = (Int64Test *)tests + idx; fflush(stdout); // Avoid incomplete stdout output from prior tests on error fprintf(stderr, "testcase: lowerBound=%" PRId64 " (%s) upperBound=%" PRId64 " (%s)", test->lowerBound, test->includeLowerBound ? "inclusive" : "exclusive", test->upperBound, test->includeUpperBound ? "inclusive" : "exclusive"); if (test->min.set) { fprintf(stderr, " min=%" PRId64, test->min.value); } if (test->max.set) { fprintf(stderr, " max=%" PRId64, test->max.value); } fprintf(stderr, " sparsity=%zu\n", test->sparsity); fprintf(stderr, "mincover expected ... begin\n"); for (const char **p = test->expectMincoverStrings; *p; ++p) { fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", *p); } fprintf(stderr, "mincover expected ... end\n"); fprintf(stderr, "mincover got ... begin\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mc_mincover_len(got); i++) { fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mc_mincover_get(got, i)); } fprintf(stderr, "mincover got ... end\n"); } static void _test_dump_Double(void *tests, size_t idx, mc_mincover_t *got) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); DoubleTest *const test = (DoubleTest *)tests + idx; fflush(stdout); // Avoid incomplete stdout output from prior tests on error fprintf(stderr, "testcase: lowerBound=%f (%s) upperBound=%f (%s)", test->lowerBound, test->includeLowerBound ? "inclusive" : "exclusive", test->upperBound, test->includeUpperBound ? "inclusive" : "exclusive"); if (test->min.set) { fprintf(stderr, " min=%f", test->min.value); } if (test->max.set) { fprintf(stderr, " max=%f", test->max.value); } if (test->precision.set) { fprintf(stderr, " precision=%" PRIu32, test->precision.value); } fprintf(stderr, " sparsity=%zu\n", test->sparsity); fprintf(stderr, "mincover expected ... begin\n"); for (const char **p = test->expectMincoverStrings; *p; ++p) { fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", *p); } fprintf(stderr, "mincover expected ... end\n"); fprintf(stderr, "mincover got ... begin\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mc_mincover_len(got); i++) { fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mc_mincover_get(got, i)); } fprintf(stderr, "mincover got ... end\n"); } #if MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT static void _test_dump_Decimal128(void *tests, size_t idx, mc_mincover_t *got) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); Decimal128Test *const test = (Decimal128Test *)tests + idx; fflush(stdout); // Avoid incomplete stdout output from prior tests on error fprintf(stderr, "testcase: lowerBound=%s (%s) upperBound=%s (%s)", mc_dec128_to_string(test->lowerBound).str, test->includeLowerBound ? "inclusive" : "exclusive", mc_dec128_to_string(test->upperBound).str, test->includeUpperBound ? "inclusive" : "exclusive"); if (test->min.set) { fprintf(stderr, " min=%s", mc_dec128_to_string(test->min.value).str); } if (test->max.set) { fprintf(stderr, " max=%s", mc_dec128_to_string(test->max.value).str); } if (test->precision.set) { fprintf(stderr, " precision=%" PRIu32, test->precision.value); } fprintf(stderr, " sparsity=%zu\n", test->sparsity); fprintf(stderr, "mincover expected ... begin\n"); for (const char **p = test->expectMincoverStrings; *p; ++p) { fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", *p); } fprintf(stderr, "mincover expected ... end\n"); fprintf(stderr, "mincover got ... begin\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mc_mincover_len(got); i++) { fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", mc_mincover_get(got, i)); } fprintf(stderr, "mincover got ... end\n"); } #endif // MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT static void _test_getMincover_impl(void *tests, size_t num_tests, _test_getMincover_args args) { BSON_ASSERT_PARAM(tests); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) { mongocrypt_status_t *const status = mongocrypt_status_new(); mc_mincover_t *got = args.getMincover(tests, i, status); const char *expectError = args.expectError(tests, i, status); if (expectError) { ASSERT_OR_PRINT_MSG(NULL == got, "expected error, got success"); ASSERT_STATUS_CONTAINS(status, expectError); mongocrypt_status_destroy(status); continue; } ASSERT_OK_STATUS(got != NULL, status); size_t numGot = mc_mincover_len(got); const char *const *expectStrings = args.expectMincoverStrings(tests, i); const char *const *exp_iter = expectStrings; size_t nthItem = 0; for (; *exp_iter; ++nthItem, ++exp_iter) { if (nthItem > numGot) { // List length mismatch. Keep scanning, though. We'll use the // numbers later continue; } const char *gotItem = mc_mincover_get(got, nthItem); const char *expectItem = *exp_iter; if (0 == strcmp(gotItem, expectItem)) { // This one matches, Keep going. continue; } args.dump(tests, nthItem, got); TEST_ERROR("test %zu: mincover mismatch at index %zu:\n" " Got: %s\n" " Expected: %s\n", i, nthItem, gotItem, expectItem); } if (nthItem != numGot) { args.dump(tests, i, got); TEST_ERROR("test %zu: Got the wrong number of mincover items. Expected %zu " "items, but got %zu\n", i, nthItem, numGot); } mc_mincover_destroy(got); mongocrypt_status_destroy(status); } } static void _test_getMincoverInt32(_mongocrypt_tester_t *tester) { static Int32Test tests[] = { {.lowerBound = 1, .includeLowerBound = false, .upperBound = 3, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I32_C(0), .max = OPT_I32_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectMincoverStrings = {"01"}}, {.lowerBound = 1, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 3, .includeUpperBound = false, .min = OPT_I32_C(0), .max = OPT_I32_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectMincoverStrings = {"001", "010"}}, {.lowerBound = 1, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 3, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I32_C(0), .max = OPT_I32_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectMincoverStrings = {"001", "01"}}, {.lowerBound = 3, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 3, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I32_C(0), .max = OPT_I32_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectMincoverStrings = {"011"}}, {.lowerBound = 4, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 3, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I32_C(0), .max = OPT_I32_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectError = "must be less than or equal to"}, {.lowerBound = 1, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 8, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I32_C(0), .max = OPT_I32_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectError = "less than or equal to the maximum value"}, {.lowerBound = 0, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 7, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I32_C(0), .max = OPT_I32_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectMincoverStrings = {"root"}}, {.lowerBound = 0, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 7, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I32_C(0), .max = OPT_I32_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .trimFactor = 1, .expectMincoverStrings = {"0", "1"}}, {.lowerBound = 0, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 7, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I32_C(0), .max = OPT_I32_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .trimFactor = 2, .expectMincoverStrings = {"00", "01", "10", "11"}}, {.lowerBound = 0, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 7, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I32_C(0), .max = OPT_I32_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .trimFactor = 3, .expectError = "Trim factor must be less than the number of bits (3) used to represent an element of the domain"}, #include "./data/range-min-cover/mincover_int32.cstruct" }; _test_getMincover_impl(tests, sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]), (_test_getMincover_args){.getMincover = _test_getMincover32, .expectMincoverStrings = _test_expectMincover32, .expectError = _test_expectError32, .dump = _test_dump_32}); } static void _test_getMincoverInt64(_mongocrypt_tester_t *tester) { static Int64Test tests[] = { {.lowerBound = 1, .includeLowerBound = false, .upperBound = 3, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I64_C(0), .max = OPT_I64_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectMincoverStrings = {"01"}}, {.lowerBound = 1, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 3, .includeUpperBound = false, .min = OPT_I64_C(0), .max = OPT_I64_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectMincoverStrings = {"001", "010"}}, {.lowerBound = 1, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 3, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I64_C(0), .max = OPT_I64_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectMincoverStrings = {"001", "01"}}, {.lowerBound = 3, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 3, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I64_C(0), .max = OPT_I64_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectMincoverStrings = {"011"}}, {.lowerBound = 4, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 3, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I64_C(0), .max = OPT_I64_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectError = "must be less than or equal to"}, {.lowerBound = 1, .includeLowerBound = true, .upperBound = 8, .includeUpperBound = true, .min = OPT_I64_C(0), .max = OPT_I64_C(7), .sparsity = 1, .expectError = "less than or equal to the maximum value"}, #include "./data/range-min-cover/mincover_int64.cstruct" }; _test_getMincover_impl(tests, sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]), (_test_getMincover_args){.getMincover = _test_getMincover64, .expectMincoverStrings = _test_expectMincover64, .expectError = _test_expectError64, .dump = _test_dump_64}); } static void _test_getMincoverDouble(_mongocrypt_tester_t *tester) { static DoubleTest tests[] = { #include "./data/range-min-cover/mincover_double.cstruct" #include "./data/range-min-cover/mincover_double_precision.cstruct" }; _test_getMincover_impl(tests, sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]), (_test_getMincover_args){.getMincover = _test_getMincoverDouble_helper, .expectMincoverStrings = _test_expectMincoverDouble, .expectError = _test_expectErrorDouble, .dump = _test_dump_Double}); } #if MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT static void _test_getMincoverDecimal128(_mongocrypt_tester_t *tester) { Decimal128Test tests[] = { #include "./data/range-min-cover/mincover_decimal128.cstruct" #include "./data/range-min-cover/mincover_decimal128_precision.cstruct" }; _test_getMincover_impl(tests, sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]), (_test_getMincover_args){.getMincover = _test_getMincoverDecimal128_helper, .expectMincoverStrings = _test_expectMincoverDecimal128, .expectError = _test_expectErrorDecimal128, .dump = _test_dump_Decimal128}); } #endif // MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT void _mongocrypt_tester_install_range_mincover(_mongocrypt_tester_t *tester) { INSTALL_TEST(_test_getMincoverInt32); INSTALL_TEST(_test_getMincoverInt64); INSTALL_TEST(_test_getMincoverDouble); #if MONGOCRYPT_HAVE_DECIMAL128_SUPPORT INSTALL_TEST(_test_getMincoverDecimal128); #endif }