require 'spec_helper' module Alchemy describe PageLayout do describe ".all" do # skip memoization before { PageLayout.instance_variable_set("@definitions", nil) } subject { PageLayout.all } it "should return all page_layouts" do be_instance_of(Array) expect(subject.collect { |l| l['name'] }).to include('standard') end context "with empty layouts file" do before { expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file).and_return(false) } it "returns empty array" do eq([]) end end context "with missing layouts file" do before { expect(File).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false) } it "raises error empty array" do expect { subject }.to raise_error(LoadError) end end end describe '.add' do it "adds a definition to all definitions" do PageLayout.add({'name' => 'foo'}) expect(PageLayout.all).to include({'name' => 'foo'}) end it "adds a array of definitions to all definitions" do PageLayout.add([{'name' => 'foo'}, {'name' => 'bar'}]) expect(PageLayout.all).to include({'name' => 'foo'}) expect(PageLayout.all).to include({'name' => 'bar'}) end end describe ".get" do it "should return the page_layout description found by given name" do allow(PageLayout).to receive(:all).and_return([{'name' => 'default'}, {'name' => 'contact'}]) expect(PageLayout.get('default')).to eq({'name' => 'default'}) end end describe '.layouts_with_own_for_select' do it "should not hold a layout twice" do layouts = PageLayout.layouts_with_own_for_select('standard', 1, false) layouts = layouts.collect(&:last) expect( { |l| l == "standard" }.length).to eq(1) end end describe '.selectable_layouts' do let(:language) { Language.default } before { language } subject { PageLayout.selectable_layouts( } it "should not display hidden page layouts" do subject.each { |l| expect(l['hide']).not_to eq(true) } end context "with already taken layouts" do before do allow(PageLayout).to receive(:all).and_return([{'unique' => true}]) allow(Page).to receive(:where).and_return double(pluck: [1]) end it "should not include unique layouts" do subject.each { |l| expect(l['unique']).not_to eq(true) } end end context "with sites layouts present" do let(:site) { } let(:definitions) { [{'name' => 'default_site', 'page_layouts' => %w(intro)}] } before { allow(Site).to receive(:layout_definitions).and_return(definitions) } it "should only return layouts for site" do expect(subject.length).to eq(1) expect(subject.first['name']).to eq('intro') end end end describe ".element_names_for" do it "should return all element names for the given pagelayout" do allow(PageLayout).to receive(:get).with('default').and_return({'name' => 'default', 'elements' => ['element_1', 'element_2']}) expect(PageLayout.element_names_for('default')).to eq(['element_1', 'element_2']) end context "when given page_layout name does not exist" do it "should return an empty array" do expect(PageLayout.element_names_for('layout_does_not_exist!')).to eq([]) end end context "when page_layout description does not contain the elements key" do it "should return an empty array" do allow(PageLayout).to receive(:get).with('layout_without_elements_key').and_return({'name' => 'layout_without_elements_key'}) expect(PageLayout.element_names_for('layout_without_elements_key')).to eq([]) end end end describe '.human_layout_name' do let(:layout) { {'name' => 'contact'} } subject { PageLayout.human_layout_name(layout['name']) } context "with no translation present" do it "returns the name capitalized" do eq('Contact') end end context "with translation present" do before { expect(I18n).to receive(:t).and_return('Kontakt') } it "returns the translated name" do eq('Kontakt') end end end end end