# The URL where you're planning on running the central server/queue/database.
:central_server:      http://localhost:9173

# The following settings allow you to control the number of workers that can run
# on a given node, to prevent the node from becoming overloaded. 'max_workers' 
# is a simple cap on the maximum number of workers a node is allowed to run
# concurrently. 'max_load' is the maximum (one-minute) load average, above which
# a node will refuse to take new work. 'min_free_memory' is the minimum amount
# of free RAM (in megabytes) a node is allowed to have, below which no new 
# workers are run. These settings may be used in any combination.
:max_workers:         5
# :max_load:            5.0
# :min_free_memory:     150

# The storage back-end that you'd like to use for intermediate and final results
# of processing. 's3' and 'filesystem' are supported. 'filesystem' should only
# be used in development, on single-machine installations, or networked drives.
# If you *are* developing an action, filesystem is certainly faster and easier.
:storage:             s3

# Please provide your AWS credentials for S3 storage of job output.
:aws_access_key:      [your AWS access key]
:aws_secret_key:      [your AWS secret access key]

# Choose an S3 bucket to store all CloudCrowd output, and decide if you'd like
# to keep all resulting files on S3 private. If so, you'll receive authenticated
# S3 URLs as job output, good for 24 hours. If left public, you'll get the
# straight URLs to the files on S3.
:s3_bucket:           [your CloudCrowd bucket]
:s3_authentication:   no

# The following settings configure local paths. 'local_storage_path' is the 
# directory in which all files will be saved if you're using the 'filesystem'
# storage. 'log_path' and 'pid_path' are the directories in which daemonized 
# servers and nodes will store their process ids and log files. The default 
# values are listed.
# :local_storage_path:  /tmp/cloud_crowd_storage
# :log_path:            log
# :pid_path:            tmp/pids

# Use HTTP Basic Auth for all requests? (Includes all internal worker requests 
# to the central server). If yes, specify the login and password that all 
# requests must provide for authentication.
:http_authentication: no
:login:               [your login name]
:password:            [your password]

# By default, CloudCrowd looks for installed actions inside the 'actions'
# subdirectory of this configuration folder. 'actions_path' allows you to load
# additional actions from a location of your choice.
# :actions_path: /path/to/actions

# The number of separate attempts that will be made to process an individual
# work unit, before marking it as having failed.
:work_unit_retries:   3