{ "abi_bin_to_json": { "brief": "Convert bin hex back into Abi json definition.", "params": { "code": "name", "action": "name", "binargs": "bytes" }, "results": { "args": "bytes", "required_scope": "name[]", "required_auth": "name[]" } }, "abi_json_to_bin": { "brief": "Manually serialize json into binary hex. The binayargs is usually stored in Message.data.", "params": { "code": "name", "action": "name", "args": "bytes" }, "results": { "binargs": "bytes" } }, "get_abi": { "params": { "account_name": "name" }, "results": { "account_name": "name", "abi": "abi_def?" } }, "get_account": { "brief": "Fetch a blockchain account", "params": { "account_name": "name" }, "results": { "account_name": "name", "privileged": "bool", "last_code_update": "time_point", "created": "time_point", "ram_quota": "int64", "net_weight": "int64", "cpu_weight": "int64", "net_limit": "int64", "cpu_limit": "int64", "ram_usage": "int64", "permissions": "vector" } }, "get_block": { "brief": "Fetch a block from the blockchain.", "params": { "block_num_or_id": "string" }, "results": { "previous":"block_id", "timestamp":"time", "transaction_mroot":"checksum256", "action_mroot":"checksum256", "producer": "account_name", "schedule_version":"uint32", "producer_signature":"signature", "transactions": "transaction[]", "id": "fixed_bytes33", "block_num": "uint32", "ref_block_prefix": "uint32" }, "errors": { "unknown block": null } }, "get_block_header_state": { "brief": "Fetch the minimum state necessary to validate transaction headers.", "params": { "block_num_or_id": "string" }, "results": "string", "errors": { "block_id_type_exception": "Invalid block ID", "unknown_block_exception": "Could not find reversible block" } }, "get_code": { "brief": "Fetch smart contract code", "params": { "account_name": "name" }, "results": { "account_name": "name", "wast": "string", "code_hash": "sha256", "abi": "optional" } }, "get_currency_balance": { "params": { "code": "name", "account": "name", "symbol": "optional" }, "results": "asset[]" }, "get_currency_stats": { "params": { "code": "name", "symbol": "string" }, "results": { "supply": "asset", "max_supply": "asset", "issuer": "account_name" } }, "get_info": { "brief": "Return general network information.", "params": null, "results": { "server_version" : "string", "head_block_num" : "uint32", "last_irreversible_block_num" : "uint32", "last_irreversible_block_id" : "block_id", "head_block_id" : "block_id", "head_block_time" : "time_point_sec", "head_block_producer" : "account_name", "virtual_block_cpu_limit" : "uint64", "virtual_block_net_limit" : "uint64", "block_cpu_limit" : "uint64", "block_net_limit" : "uint64" } }, "get_producers": { "brief": "Fetch smart contract data from producer.", "params": { "json": { "type": "bool", "default": false}, "lower_bound": "string", "limit": {"type": "uint32", "default": "10"} }, "results": { "rows": { "type": "vector", "doc": "one row per item, either encoded as hex String or JSON object" }, "total_producer_vote_weight": { "type": "float64", "doc": "total vote" }, "more": { "type": "string", "doc": "fill lower_bound with this value to fetch more rows" } } }, "get_producer_schedule": { "brief": "", "params": {}, "results": { "vector": "active", "vector": "pending", "vector": "proposed" } }, "get_raw_code_and_abi": { "params": { "account_name": "name" }, "results": { "account_name": "name", "wasm": "bytes", "abi": "abi_def?" } }, "get_required_keys": { "params": { "transaction": "transaction", "available_keys": "set[public_key]" }, "results": "Set[public_key]" }, "get_scheduled_transactions": { "brief": "", "params": { "json": { "type": "bool", "default": false}, "lower_bound": {"type": "string", "doc": "timestamp OR transaction ID"}, "limit": {"type": "uint32", "default": "50"} }, "results": { "vector": "transactions", "more": { "type": "string", "doc": "fill lower_bound with this to fetch next set of transactions" } } }, "get_table_rows": { "brief": "Fetch smart contract data from an account.", "params": { "json": { "type": "bool", "default": false}, "code": "name", "scope": "name", "table": "name", "table_key": "string", "lower_bound": {"type": "string", "default": "0"}, "upper_bound": {"type": "string", "default": "-1"}, "limit": {"type": "uint32", "default": "10"} }, "results": { "rows": { "type": "vector", "doc": "one row per item, either encoded as hex String or JSON object" }, "more": { "type": "bool", "doc": "true if last element" } } }, "push_block": { "brief": "Append a block to the chain database.", "params": { "block": "signed_block" }, "results": null }, "push_transaction": { "brief": "Attempts to push the transaction into the pending queue.", "params": { "signed_transaction": "signed_transaction" }, "results": { "transaction_id": "fixed_bytes32", "processed": "bytes" } }, "push_transactions": { "brief": "Attempts to push transactions into the pending queue.", "params": { "signed_transaction[]": "signed_transaction" }, "results": "vector[push_transaction.results]" } }