%link(rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="reset.css")
%link(rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css")
%title gitoe
$ ->
if /\?dev$/.test location.href
setTimeout location.reload.bind(location), 1000
%h1 gitoe
-# .open
-# %legend open repository
-# %form.form-inline
-# / TODO empty here
-# %input.path(placeholder="path of git repo" type="text" value="/home/mono/gitoe")
-# %button.open-btn open repo
-# .status
-# %legend status
-# %ul
-# %li
-# %span.path.badge.badge-success ???
-# / TODO a refresh-repo button around here
-# %br
-# %li
-# %span.tags.badge.badge-info ?
-# %span tags
-# %li
-# %span.remote.repos.badge.badge-info ?
-# %span remote repos
-# %li
-# %span.local.branches.badge.badge-info ?
-# %span local branches
-# %li
-# %span.commits.badge.badge-info ?
-# %span commits
-# .branches
-# %legend branches
-# %ul.list-branches
-# .history
-# %legend history
-# %ol
-# %li 1
-# %li 1
-# %li 1
-# %li 1
-# %li 1
-# %li last
powered by
%a(href='#') jquery
%a(href='#') raphel
%a(href='#') rugged
, and
%a(href='#') me