# encoding: UTF-8 # # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 GoodData Corporation. All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. require_relative 'schema_builder' require_relative 'schema_blueprint' module GoodData module Model class DatasetBlueprint < SchemaBlueprint # Checks if a dataset has an anchor. # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Boolean] returns true if dataset has an anchor def self.anchor?(dataset) columns(dataset).any? { |c| c[:type].to_s == 'anchor' } end # Returns anchor of a dataset # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Hash] returns the anchor or nil def self.anchor(dataset) find_column_by_type(dataset, :anchor) end # Returns attributes of a dataset # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the attribute or an empty array def self.attributes(dataset) find_columns_by_type(dataset, :attribute, :all) end # Returns attributes and anchor defined on a dataset # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the attributes def self.attributes_and_anchors(dataset) [anchor(dataset)] + attributes(dataset) end # Returns all labels that is referenced by a label # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the labels or an empty array def self.attribute_for_label(dataset, label) find_columns_by_type(dataset, :attribute, :anchor).find { |a| label[:reference] == a[:id] } end # Returns all the fields of a dataset. This means facts, attributes, references # # @param ds [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Boolean] def self.columns(ds) (ds.to_hash[:columns] || []) end singleton_class.send(:alias_method, :fields, :columns) # Tells you if the object is a dataset. It consumes both Hash represenation # or the GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint # # @param ds [Object] Value to be tested # @return [Boolean] def self.dataset_blueprint?(ds) if ds.is_a?(DatasetBlueprint) true elsif ds.respond_to?(:[]) && ds.is_a?(Hash) && ds[:type].to_sym == :dataset true else false end end # Returns date facts of a dataset # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the attribute or an empty array def self.date_facts(dataset) find_column_by_type(dataset, :date_fact) end # Returns label that is marked as default for a particular attribtue. # This does not necessarily need to be the first one. This is a default label # in terms of what is displayed on the UI # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the labels or an empty array def self.default_label_for_attribute(dataset, attribute) default_label = labels_for_attribute(dataset, attribute).find { |l| l[:default_label] == true } default_label end # Returns facts of a dataset # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the attribute or an empty array def self.facts(dataset) find_columns_by_type(dataset, :fact, :date_fact) end # Finds a specific column given a name # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @param name [String] Name of a field # @param all [Symbol] if :all is passed all mathching objects are returned # Otherwise only the first one is # @return [Array<Hash>] matching fields def self.find_column_by_id(dataset, name, all = nil) if all == :all columns(dataset).select { |c| c[:id].to_s == name } else columns(dataset).find { |c| c[:id].to_s == name } end end # Returns first field of a specified type. # # @param dataset [Hash | GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint] Dataset blueprint # @param types [String | Symbol | Array[Symbol] | Array[String]] Type or types you would like to get # as third parameter it return all object otherwise it returns the first one # @return [Array<Hash>] matching fields def self.find_column_by_type(dataset, *types) columns(dataset).find { |c| types.any? { |t| t.to_s == c[:type].to_s } } end # Returns all the fields of a specified type. You can specify more types # if you need more than one type. # # @param dataset [Hash | GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint] Dataset blueprint # @param types [String | Symbol | Array[Symmbol] | Array[String]] Type or types you would like to get # @return [Array<Hash>] matching fields def self.find_columns_by_type(dataset, *types) columns(dataset).select { |c| types.any? { |t| t.to_s == c[:type].to_s } } end # Returns labels facts of a dataset # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the label or an empty array def self.labels(dataset) find_columns_by_type(dataset, :label) end # Returns labels for a particular attribute # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @param attribute [Hash] Attribute # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the labels or an empty array def self.labels_for_attribute(dataset, attribute) labels(dataset).select { |l| l[:reference] == attribute[:id] } end # Returns references of a dataset # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the references or an empty array def self.references(dataset) find_columns_by_type(dataset, :reference, :date) end # Returns anchor of a dataset # # @return [Hash] returns the anchor or nil def anchor find_column_by_type(:anchor) end # Checks if a dataset has an anchor. # # @return [Boolean] returns true if dataset has an anchor def anchor? columns.any? { |c| c.type == :anchor } end # Returns attributes of a dataset # # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the attribute or an empty array def attributes(id = :all) return id if id.is_a?(AttributeBlueprintField) ats = find_columns_by_type(:attribute) id == :all ? ats : ats.find { |a| a.id == id } end # Returns attributes and anchor defined on a dataset # # @return [Array<GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint>] returns the attributes def attributes_and_anchors attributes + [anchor] end # Changes the dataset through a builder. You provide a block and an istance of # GoodData::Model::SchemaBuilder is passed in as the only parameter # # @return [GoodData::Model::SchemaBlueprint] returns changed dataset blueprint def change(&block) builder = SchemaBuilder.create_from_data(self) block.call(builder) @data = builder.to_hash self end # Returns all the fields of a dataset. This means anchor, facts, attributes, references # This method will cast them to correct types # # @return [Boolean] def columns DatasetBlueprint.columns(to_hash).map do |c| case c[:type].to_sym when :anchor GoodData::Model::AnchorBlueprintField.new(c, self) when :attribute GoodData::Model::AttributeBlueprintField.new(c, self) when :fact GoodData::Model::FactBlueprintField.new(c, self) when :label GoodData::Model::LabelBlueprintField.new(c, self) when :reference GoodData::Model::ReferenceBlueprintField.new(c, self) when :date GoodData::Model::ReferenceBlueprintField.new(c, self) else GoodData::Model::BlueprintField.new(c, self) end end end alias_method :fields, :columns # Creates a metric which counts numnber of lines in dataset. Works for both # datasets with or without anchor # # @return [Boolean] def count(project) anchor.in_project(project).create_metric.execute end # Returns date facts of a dataset # # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the attribute or an empty array def date_facts find_columns_by_type(:date_fact) end # Duplicates the DatasetBlueprint. It is done as a deep duplicate # # @return [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint] matching fields def dup DatasetBlueprint.new(GoodData::Helpers.deep_dup(data), project_blueprint) end # Returns facts of a dataset # # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the attribute or an empty array def facts(id = :all) return id if id.is_a?(FactBlueprintField) fs = find_columns_by_type(:fact) id == :all ? fs : fs.find { |a| a.id == id } end # Finds a specific column given a col # # @param col [GoodData::Model::BlueprintField | Hash] Field # @return [GoodData::Model::BlueprintField] matching fields def find_column(col) columns.find { |c| c == col } end # Finds a specific column given an id # # @param id [String] Id of a field # @param all [Symbol] if :all is passed all mathching objects are returned # Otherwise only the first one is # @return [Array<Hash>] matching fields def find_column_by_id(id) id = id.respond_to?(:id) ? id.id : id columns.find { |c| c.id == id } end # Returns first field of a specified type. # # @param type [String | Symbol | Array[Symmbol] | Array[String]] Type or types you would like to get # @return [GoodData::Model::BlueprintField] returns matching field def find_column_by_type(*types) columns.find { |c| types.any? { |t| t.downcase.to_sym == c.type } } end # Returns all the fields of a specified type. You can specify more types # as an array if you need more than one type. # # @param type [String | Symbol | Array[Symmbol] | Array[String]] Type or types you would like to get # as third parameter it return all object otherwise it returns the first one # @return [Array<GoodData::Model::BlueprintField>] matching fields def find_columns_by_type(*types) columns.select { |c| types.any? { |t| t.downcase.to_sym == c.type } } end # Creates a DatasetBlueprint # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [DatasetBlueprint] returns the labels or an empty array def initialize(init_data, blueprint) super @data[:type] = @data.key?('type') ? @data['type'].to_sym : @data[:type] @data[:columns].each do |c| c[:type] = c[:type].to_sym end end # Returns labels facts of a dataset # # @param dataset [Hash] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the label or an empty array def labels(id = :all) return id if id.is_a?(LabelBlueprintField) labs = find_columns_by_type(:label) id == :all ? labs : labs.find { |l| l.id == id } end def attribute_for_label(label) l = labels(label) attributes_and_anchors.find { |a| a.id == l.reference } end def labels_for_attribute(attribute) a = attributes(attribute) labels.select { |l| l.reference == a.id } end # Merges two schemas together. This method changes the blueprint # in place. If you would prefer the method that generates a new blueprint # use merge method # # @param a_blueprint [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint] Dataset blueprint to be merged # @return [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint] returns itself changed def merge!(a_blueprint) new_blueprint = GoodData::Model.merge_dataset_columns(self, a_blueprint) @data = new_blueprint self end # Returns references of a dataset # # @return [Array<Hash>] returns the references or an empty array def references find_columns_by_type(:reference, :date) end # Removes column from from the blueprint # # @param id [String] Id of the column to be removed # @return [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint] Returns changed blueprint def remove_column!(id) @project_blueprint.remove_column!(self, id) end # Removes all the labels from the anchor. This is a typical operation that people want to perform # # @return [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint] Returns changed blueprint def strip_anchor! @project_blueprint.strip_anchor!(self) end # Method for suggest a couple of metrics that might get you started # Idea is that we will provide couple of strategies. Currently the metrics # are created in the random way but they should work. # # @return [Array<GoodData::Metric>] matching fields def suggest_metrics identifiers = facts.map { |f| identifier_for(f) } identifiers.zip(facts).map do |id, fact| Metric.xcreate( :title => GoodData::Helpers.titleize(fact[:name]), :expression => "SELECT SUM(![#{id}])") end end alias_method :suggest_measures, :suggest_metrics def to_blueprint GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint.new(datasets: [to_hash]) end # Validate the blueprint return array of errors that are found. # # @return [Array] array of errors def validate errors = [] errors.concat(validate_more_anchors) errors.concat(validate_some_anchors) errors.concat(validate_label_references) errors.concat(validate_gd_data_type_errors) errors.concat(fields.flat_map(&:validate)) errors.concat(validate_attribute_has_one_label) errors end # Validate if the dataset has more than zero anchors defined. # # @return [Array] array of errors def validate_some_anchors find_columns_by_type(:anchor).count == 0 ? [{ type: :no_anchor, dataset: id }] : [] end # Validate if the dataset does not have more than one anchor defined. # # @return [Array] array of errors def validate_more_anchors find_columns_by_type(:anchor).count > 1 ? [{ type: :more_than_on_anchor, dataset: id }] : [] end # Validate if the attribute does have at least one label # # @return [Array] array of errors def validate_attribute_has_one_label find_columns_by_type(:attribute) .select { |a| a.labels.empty? } .map { |e| { type: :attribute_without_label, attribute: e.id } } end # Validate the that any labels are pointing to the existing attribute. If not returns the list of errors. Currently just violating labels. # # @return [Array] array of errors def validate_label_references labels.select { |r| r.attribute.nil? } .map { |er_ref| { type: :wrong_label_reference, label: er_ref.id, wrong_reference: er_ref.data[:reference] } } end # Validate the the used gd_data_types are one of the allowed types. The data types are checked on lables and facts. # # @return [Array] array of errors def validate_gd_data_type_errors (labels + facts) .select { |x| x.gd_data_type && !GoodData::Model.check_gd_data_type(x.gd_data_type) } .map { |e| { :error => :invalid_gd_data_type_specified, :column => e.id } } end # Helper methods to decide wheather the dataset is considered wide. # Currently the wider datasets have both performance and usability # penalty # # @return [Boolean] matching fields def wide? fields.count > 32 end end end end