cfg = $cfg; } /** * Perform config checks * * @return void */ public function performConfigChecks() { $blowfishSecret = $this->cfg->get('blowfish_secret'); $blowfishSecretSet = false; $cookieAuthUsed = false; list( $sAllowArbitraryServerWarn, $sBlowfishSecretMsg, $sBZipDumpWarn, $sDirectoryNotice, $sForceSSLNotice, $sGZipDumpWarn, $sLoginCookieValidityWarn, $sLoginCookieValidityWarn2, $sLoginCookieValidityWarn3, $sSecurityInfoMsg, $sSrvAuthCfgMsg, $sZipDumpExportWarn, $sZipDumpImportWarn ) = self::defineMessages(); list($cookieAuthUsed, $blowfishSecret, $blowfishSecretSet) = $this->performConfigChecksServers( $cookieAuthUsed, $blowfishSecret, $sSrvAuthCfgMsg, $sSecurityInfoMsg, $blowfishSecretSet ); $this->performConfigChecksCookieAuthUsed( $cookieAuthUsed, $blowfishSecretSet, $sBlowfishSecretMsg, $blowfishSecret ); // // $cfg['ForceSSL'] // should be enabled if possible // if (!$this->cfg->getValue('ForceSSL')) { PMA_messagesSet( 'notice', 'ForceSSL', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('ForceSSL')), PMA_lang($sForceSSLNotice) ); } // // $cfg['AllowArbitraryServer'] // should be disabled // if ($this->cfg->getValue('AllowArbitraryServer')) { PMA_messagesSet( 'notice', 'AllowArbitraryServer', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('AllowArbitraryServer')), PMA_lang($sAllowArbitraryServerWarn) ); } $this->performConfigChecksLoginCookie( $sLoginCookieValidityWarn, $sLoginCookieValidityWarn2, $sLoginCookieValidityWarn3 ); // // $cfg['SaveDir'] // should not be world-accessible // if ($this->cfg->getValue('SaveDir') != '') { PMA_messagesSet( 'notice', 'SaveDir', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('SaveDir')), PMA_lang($sDirectoryNotice) ); } // // $cfg['TempDir'] // should not be world-accessible // if ($this->cfg->getValue('TempDir') != '') { PMA_messagesSet( 'notice', 'TempDir', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('TempDir')), PMA_lang($sDirectoryNotice) ); } $this->performConfigChecksZips( $sGZipDumpWarn, $sBZipDumpWarn, $sZipDumpImportWarn, $sZipDumpExportWarn ); } /** * Check config of servers * * @param boolean $cookieAuthUsed Cookie auth is used * @param string $blowfishSecret Blowfish secret * @param string $sServerAuthCfgMsg Message for server auth config * @param string $sSecurityInfoMsg Message for security information * @param boolean $blowfishSecretSet Blowfish secret set * * @return array */ protected function performConfigChecksServers( $cookieAuthUsed, $blowfishSecret, $sServerAuthCfgMsg, $sSecurityInfoMsg, $blowfishSecretSet ) { $serverCnt = $this->cfg->getServerCount(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $serverCnt; $i++) { $cookieAuthServer = ($this->cfg->getValue("Servers/$i/auth_type") == 'cookie'); $cookieAuthUsed |= $cookieAuthServer; $serverName = $this->performConfigChecksServersGetServerName( $this->cfg->getServerName($i), $i ); $serverName = htmlspecialchars($serverName); list($blowfishSecret, $blowfishSecretSet) = $this->performConfigChecksServersSetBlowfishSecret( $blowfishSecret, $cookieAuthServer, $blowfishSecretSet ); // // $cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl'] // should be enabled if possible // if (!$this->cfg->getValue("Servers/$i/ssl")) { $title = PMA_lang(PMA_langName('Servers/1/ssl')) . " ($serverName)"; PMA_messagesSet( 'notice', "Servers/$i/ssl", $title, __('You should use SSL connections if your database server supports it.') ); } // // $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] // warn about full user credentials if 'auth_type' is 'config' // if ($this->cfg->getValue("Servers/$i/auth_type") == 'config' && $this->cfg->getValue("Servers/$i/user") != '' && $this->cfg->getValue("Servers/$i/password") != '' ) { $title = PMA_lang(PMA_langName('Servers/1/auth_type')) . " ($serverName)"; PMA_messagesSet( 'notice', "Servers/$i/auth_type", $title, PMA_lang($sServerAuthCfgMsg, $i) . ' ' . PMA_lang($sSecurityInfoMsg, $i) ); } // // $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] // $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] // serious security flaw // if ($this->cfg->getValue("Servers/$i/AllowRoot") && $this->cfg->getValue("Servers/$i/AllowNoPassword") ) { $title = PMA_lang(PMA_langName('Servers/1/AllowNoPassword')) . " ($serverName)"; PMA_messagesSet( 'notice', "Servers/$i/AllowNoPassword", $title, __('You allow for connecting to the server without a password.') . ' ' . PMA_lang($sSecurityInfoMsg, $i) ); } } return array($cookieAuthUsed, $blowfishSecret, $blowfishSecretSet); } /** * Set blowfish secret * * @param string $blowfishSecret Blowfish secret * @param boolean $cookieAuthServer Cookie auth is used * @param boolean $blowfishSecretSet Blowfish secret set * * @return array */ protected function performConfigChecksServersSetBlowfishSecret( $blowfishSecret, $cookieAuthServer, $blowfishSecretSet ) { if ($cookieAuthServer && $blowfishSecret === null) { $blowfishSecret = uniqid('', true); $blowfishSecretSet = true; $this->cfg->set('blowfish_secret', $blowfishSecret); return array($blowfishSecret, $blowfishSecretSet); } return array($blowfishSecret, $blowfishSecretSet); } /** * Define server name * * @param string $serverName Server name * @param int $serverId Server id * * @return string Server name */ protected function performConfigChecksServersGetServerName( $serverName, $serverId ) { if ($serverName == 'localhost') { $serverName .= " [$serverId]"; return $serverName; } return $serverName; } /** * Perform config checks for zip part. * * @param string $sGZipDumpWarning Gzip dump warning * @param string $sBZipDumpWarning Bzip dump warning * @param string $sZipDumpImportWarn Zip dump import warning * @param string $sZipDumpExportWarn Zip dump export warning * * @return void */ protected function performConfigChecksZips( $sGZipDumpWarning, $sBZipDumpWarning, $sZipDumpImportWarn, $sZipDumpExportWarn ) { $this->performConfigChecksServerGZipdump($sGZipDumpWarning); $this->performConfigChecksServerBZipdump($sBZipDumpWarning); $this->performConfigChecksServersZipdump( $sZipDumpImportWarn, $sZipDumpExportWarn ); } /** * Perform config checks for zip part. * * @param string $sZipDumpImportWarn Zip dump import warning * @param string $sZipDumpExportWarn Zip dump export warning * * @return void */ protected function performConfigChecksServersZipdump( $sZipDumpImportWarn, $sZipDumpExportWarn ) { // // $cfg['ZipDump'] // requires zip_open in import // if ($this->cfg->getValue('ZipDump') && !@function_exists('zip_open')) { PMA_messagesSet( 'error', 'ZipDump_import', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('ZipDump')), PMA_lang($sZipDumpImportWarn, 'zip_open') ); } // // $cfg['ZipDump'] // requires gzcompress in export // if ($this->cfg->getValue('ZipDump') && !@function_exists('gzcompress')) { PMA_messagesSet( 'error', 'ZipDump_export', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('ZipDump')), PMA_lang($sZipDumpExportWarn, 'gzcompress') ); } } /** * Check config of servers * * @param boolean $cookieAuthUsed Cookie auth is used * @param boolean $blowfishSecretSet Blowfish secret set * @param string $sBlowfishSecretMsg Blowfish secret message * @param string $blowfishSecret Blowfish secret * * @return array */ protected function performConfigChecksCookieAuthUsed( $cookieAuthUsed, $blowfishSecretSet, $sBlowfishSecretMsg, $blowfishSecret ) { // // $cfg['blowfish_secret'] // it's required for 'cookie' authentication // if ($cookieAuthUsed) { if ($blowfishSecretSet) { // 'cookie' auth used, blowfish_secret was generated PMA_messagesSet( 'notice', 'blowfish_secret_created', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('blowfish_secret')), PMA_lang($sBlowfishSecretMsg) ); } else { $blowfishWarnings = array(); // check length if (/*overload*/mb_strlen($blowfishSecret) < 8) { // too short key $blowfishWarnings[] = __('Key is too short, it should have at least 8 characters.'); } // check used characters $hasDigits = (bool)preg_match('/\d/', $blowfishSecret); $hasChars = (bool)preg_match('/\S/', $blowfishSecret); $hasNonword = (bool)preg_match('/\W/', $blowfishSecret); if (!$hasDigits || !$hasChars || !$hasNonword) { $blowfishWarnings[] = PMA_lang(__('Key should contain letters, numbers [em]and[/em] special characters.')); } if (!empty($blowfishWarnings)) { PMA_messagesSet( 'error', 'blowfish_warnings' . count($blowfishWarnings), PMA_lang(PMA_langName('blowfish_secret')), implode('
', $blowfishWarnings) ); } } } } /** * Define all messages * * @return array */ protected static function defineMessages() { $sAllowArbitraryServerWarn = __('This %soption%s should be disabled as it allows attackers to bruteforce login to any MySQL server. If you feel this is necessary, use %srestrict login to MySQL server%s or %strusted proxies list%s. However, IP-based protection with trusted proxies list may not be reliable if your IP belongs to an ISP where thousands of users, including you, are connected to.'); $sAllowArbitraryServerWarn = sprintf( $sAllowArbitraryServerWarn, '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Security]', '[/a]', '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Security]', '[/a]', '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Security]', '[/a]' ); $sBlowfishSecretMsg = __('You didn\'t have blowfish secret set and have enabled [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication, so a key was automatically generated for you. It is used to encrypt cookies; you don\'t need to remember it.'); $sBZipDumpWarning = __('%sBzip2 compression and decompression%s requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.'); $sBZipDumpWarning = sprintf( $sBZipDumpWarning, '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Import_export]', '[/a]', '%s' ); $sDirectoryNotice = __('This value should be double checked to ensure that this directory is neither world accessible nor readable or writable by other users on your server.'); $sForceSSLNotice = __('This %soption%s should be enabled if your web server supports it.'); $sForceSSLNotice = sprintf( $sForceSSLNotice, '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Security]', '[/a]' ); $sGZipDumpWarning = __('%sGZip compression and decompression%s requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.'); $sGZipDumpWarning = sprintf( $sGZipDumpWarning, '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Import_export]', '[/a]', '%s' ); $sLoginCookieValidityWarn = __('%sLogin cookie validity%s greater than %ssession.gc_maxlifetime%s may cause random session invalidation (currently session.gc_maxlifetime is %d).'); $sLoginCookieValidityWarn = sprintf( $sLoginCookieValidityWarn, '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Security]', '[/a]', '[a@' . PMA_getPHPDocLink( 'session.configuration.php#ini.session.gc-maxlifetime' ) . ']', '[/a]', ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime') ); $sLoginCookieValidityWarn2 = __('%sLogin cookie validity%s should be set to 1800 seconds (30 minutes) at most. Values larger than 1800 may pose a security risk such as impersonation.'); $sLoginCookieValidityWarn2 = sprintf( $sLoginCookieValidityWarn2, '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Security]', '[/a]' ); $sLoginCookieValidityWarn3 = __('If using [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication and %sLogin cookie store%s is not 0, %sLogin cookie validity%s must be set to a value less or equal to it.'); $sLoginCookieValidityWarn3 = sprintf( $sLoginCookieValidityWarn3, '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Security]', '[/a]', '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Security]', '[/a]' ); $sSecurityInfoMsg = __('If you feel this is necessary, use additional protection settings - %shost authentication%s settings and %strusted proxies list%s. However, IP-based protection may not be reliable if your IP belongs to an ISP where thousands of users, including you, are connected to.'); $sSecurityInfoMsg = sprintf( $sSecurityInfoMsg, '[a@?page=servers' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&mode=edit&id=%1$d#tab_Server_config]', '[/a]', '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Security]', '[/a]' ); $sServerAuthConfigMsg = __('You set the [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication type and included username and password for auto-login, which is not a desirable option for live hosts. Anyone who knows or guesses your phpMyAdmin URL can directly access your phpMyAdmin panel. Set %sauthentication type%s to [kbd]cookie[/kbd] or [kbd]http[/kbd].'); $sServerAuthConfigMsg = sprintf( $sServerAuthConfigMsg, '[a@?page=servers' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&mode=edit&id=%1$d#tab_Server]', '[/a]' ); $sZipDumpExportWarn = __('%sZip compression%s requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.'); $sZipDumpExportWarn = sprintf( $sZipDumpExportWarn, '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Import_export]', '[/a]', '%s' ); $sZipDumpImportWarn = __('%sZip decompression%s requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this system.'); $sZipDumpImportWarn = sprintf( $sZipDumpImportWarn, '[a@?page=form' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array(), 'html', '&') . '&formset=Features#tab_Import_export]', '[/a]', '%s' ); return array( $sAllowArbitraryServerWarn, $sBlowfishSecretMsg, $sBZipDumpWarning, $sDirectoryNotice, $sForceSSLNotice, $sGZipDumpWarning, $sLoginCookieValidityWarn, $sLoginCookieValidityWarn2, $sLoginCookieValidityWarn3, $sSecurityInfoMsg, $sServerAuthConfigMsg, $sZipDumpExportWarn, $sZipDumpImportWarn ); } /** * Check configuration for login cookie * * @param string $sLoginCookieValidityWarn Warning 1 for login cookie validity * @param string $sLoginCookieValidityWarn2 Warning 2 for login cookie validity * @param string $sLoginCookieValidityWarn3 Warning 3 for login cookie validity * * @return void */ protected function performConfigChecksLoginCookie( $sLoginCookieValidityWarn, $sLoginCookieValidityWarn2, $sLoginCookieValidityWarn3 ) { // // $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] // value greater than session.gc_maxlifetime will cause // random session invalidation after that time $loginCookieValidity = $this->cfg->getValue('LoginCookieValidity'); if ($loginCookieValidity > ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime') ) { PMA_messagesSet( 'error', 'LoginCookieValidity', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('LoginCookieValidity')), PMA_lang($sLoginCookieValidityWarn) ); } // // $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] // should be at most 1800 (30 min) // if ($loginCookieValidity > 1800) { PMA_messagesSet( 'notice', 'LoginCookieValidity', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('LoginCookieValidity')), PMA_lang($sLoginCookieValidityWarn2) ); } // // $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] // $cfg['LoginCookieStore'] // LoginCookieValidity must be less or equal to LoginCookieStore // if (($this->cfg->getValue('LoginCookieStore') != 0) && ($loginCookieValidity > $this->cfg->getValue('LoginCookieStore')) ) { PMA_messagesSet( 'error', 'LoginCookieValidity', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('LoginCookieValidity')), PMA_lang($sLoginCookieValidityWarn3) ); } } /** * Check GZipDump configuration * * @param string $sBZipDumpWarn Warning for BZipDumpWarning * * @return void */ protected function performConfigChecksServerBZipdump($sBZipDumpWarn) { // // $cfg['BZipDump'] // requires bzip2 functions // if ($this->cfg->getValue('BZipDump') && (!@function_exists('bzopen') || !@function_exists('bzcompress')) ) { $functions = @function_exists('bzopen') ? '' : 'bzopen'; $functions .= @function_exists('bzcompress') ? '' : ($functions ? ', ' : '') . 'bzcompress'; PMA_messagesSet( 'error', 'BZipDump', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('BZipDump')), PMA_lang($sBZipDumpWarn, $functions) ); } } /** * Check GZipDump configuration * * @param string $sGZipDumpWarn Warning for GZipDumpWarning * * @return void */ protected function performConfigChecksServerGZipdump($sGZipDumpWarn) { // // $cfg['GZipDump'] // requires zlib functions // if ($this->cfg->getValue('GZipDump') && (@!function_exists('gzopen') || @!function_exists('gzencode')) ) { PMA_messagesSet( 'error', 'GZipDump', PMA_lang(PMA_langName('GZipDump')), PMA_lang($sGZipDumpWarn, 'gzencode') ); } } }