require 'test/unit' require 'test/unit/ui/console/testrunner' # # Bolt::Runners::TestUnit # # The TestUnit Runners maps the filename to the appropriate test # module Bolt module Runners class TestUnit MAPPINGS = /(\.\/app\/|\.\/lib\/|\.\/test\/functional|\.\/test\/unit)/ attr_accessor :notifier, :test_io def initialize fix_test_unit_io end def fix_test_unit_io # Test::Unit stdio capture workaround, taken from Roman2K-rails-test-serving self.test_io = io = test_io Test::Unit::UI::Console::TestRunner.class_eval do alias_method :old_initialize, :initialize def initialize(suite, output_level, io=Thread.current["test_runner_io"]) old_initialize(suite, output_level, io) end end Thread.current["test_runner_io"] = io end # handle specified file def handle(file) # force reload of file $".delete(file) $".delete(File.join(Dir.pwd, file)) if file.include?('app/controllers') or file.include?('app/models') or file.include?('lib/') begin require File.join(Dir.pwd, file) rescue LoadError notifier.error("Error in #{file}", $!) return [] rescue ArgumentError notifier.error("Error in #{file}", $!) return [] end end puts '=> Test::Unit running test for ' + file test_files = translate(file) puts '==== Test::Unit running: ' + test_files.join(', ') + ' ====' run(test_files) if test_files != [] puts '==== Test::Unit completed run ====' end # check whether file exists def file_verified?(filename) if !File.exists?(filename) notifier.test_file_missing(filename) puts "=> ERROR: could not find test file: #{filename}" return false end return true end # mapping is a copied and modified version of mislav/rspactor Inspector#translate def translate(file) basename = File.basename(file) candidates = [] test_filename = nil case file when %r:^app/controllers/: test_filename = file.sub('.rb', '_test.rb').sub('app/controllers', 'test/functional') when %r:^app/models/: test_filename = "test/unit/#{basename.sub('.rb', '_test.rb')}" when %r:^app/views/: file = file.sub('app/views/', '') directory = file.split('/')[0..-2].compact.join('/') test_filename = "test/functional/#{directory}_controller_test.rb" when %r:^test/: test_filename = file when %r:^lib/: # map libs to units test_filename = "test/unit/#{file.sub('lib/', '').sub('.rb', '_test.rb')}" when 'config/routes.rb' test_filename = "test/functional/#{basename.sub('.rb', '_test.rb')}" #candidates << 'controllers' << 'helpers' << 'views' when 'config/database.yml', 'db/schema.rb' #candidates << 'models' else # end if test_filename and file_verified?(test_filename) candidates << test_filename end if candidates == [] puts "=> NOTICE: could not find test file for: #{file}" end # puts candidates.inspect candidates end def run(files) file = files.first puts "** Running #{file}" # make sure that you reload the test file #load file #contents = # puts contents #eval contents # This is Rails' String#camelcase klassname = file.sub('test/functional/', '').sub('test/unit/', '') test_class = klassname.sub('.rb', '').gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::" + $1.upcase }.gsub(/(^|_)(.)/) { $2.upcase } # create dummy wrapper modules if test is in subfolder test_class.split('::').each do |part| eval "module ::#{part}; end" if !part.match('Test') end $".delete(file) #(defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) ? ActiveRecord::Base.instance_eval { subclasses }.each { |c| c.reset_column_information } : nil) #(defined?(ActiveSupport::Dependencies) ? ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear : nil) begin require file rescue LoadError notifier.error("Error in #{file}", $!) return rescue ArgumentError notifier.error("Error in #{file}", $!) return end # TODO: change that to run multiple suites #klass = Kernel.const_get(test_class) - this threw errors klass = eval(test_class) # Invoke method to test that writes to stdout. result = test_io.string.to_s.dup # clear the buffer test_io.truncate(0) # sent result to notifier notifier.result(file, result.split("\n").compact.last) # sent result to stdio puts result end end end end