Control = $control; $this->options = &$control->Option->options; $this->stats = &$control->stats; foreach ( $this->others as $class ) { $this->$class = $control->$class; } } /** * Centralized function to run css compression. * * @param (string) css: Stylesheet to compresss */ public function compress( $css ) { $setup = $this->setup( $css ); $setup = $this->rulesets( $setup ); $css = $this->readability( $setup ); // Attach plea to top of page with unknown blocks if ( $this->options['add-unknown'] && count( $setup['unknown'] ) ) { $css = "/*\nThere are unknown blocks in the sheet, please please please open an issue with your sheet attached to it:\n" . "\n" . "Thank You --\n\n" . implode( "\n", $setup['unknown'] ) . "\n*/\n" . $css; } // Mark final file size $this->stats['after']['size'] = strlen( $css = trim( $css ) ); // Return compressed css return $css; } /** * Runs css through initial setup handlers * * @param (string) css: Sheet to compress */ private function setup( $css ) { // Initial stats $this->stats['before']['time'] = microtime( true ); $this->stats['before']['size'] = strlen( $css ); // Initial trimming $css = $this->Trim->trim( $css ); // Do a little tokenizing, compress each property individually $setup = $this->Setup->setup( $css ); // Mark number of selectors pre-combine $this->stats['before']['selectors'] = count( $setup['selectors'] ); return $setup; } /** * Focus compressions on each rule set * * @param (array) setup: Array containing selectors and rule sets */ private function rulesets( $setup ) { // Do selector specific compressions $this->Selectors->selectors( $setup['selectors'] ); // Look at each group of properties as a whole, and compress/combine similiar definitions $this->Combine->combine( $setup['selectors'], $setup['details'] ); // If order isn't important, run comination functions before and after compressions to catch all instances // Be sure to prune before hand for higher chance of matching if ( $this->options['organize'] ) { $this->Cleanup->cleanup( $setup['selectors'], $setup['details'] ); $this->Organize->organize( $setup['selectors'], $setup['details'] ); $this->Combine->combine( $setup['selectors'], $setup['details'] ); } // Do final maintenace work, remove injected property/values $this->Cleanup->cleanup( $setup['selectors'], $setup['details'] ); // Run final counters before full cleanup $this->finalCount( $setup['selectors'], $setup['details'] ); return $setup; } /** * Runs final counts on selectors and props * * @param (array) selectors: Selector rules * @param (array) details: Rule sets */ private function finalCount( $selectors, $details ) { // Selectors and props $this->stats['after']['selectors'] = count( $selectors ); foreach ( $details as $item ) { $props = preg_split( $this->rsemicolon, $item ); // Make sure count is true foreach ( $props as $k => $v ) { if ( ! isset( $v ) || $v == '' ) { unset( $props[ $k ] ); } } $this->stats['after']['props'] += count( $props ); } // Final count for stats $this->stats['after']['time'] = microtime( true ); } /** * Formats the compressed rule sets into a stylesheet * * @param (array) setup: Array containing selectors and rule sets */ private function readability( $setup ) { // Format css to users preference $css = $this->Format->readability( $this->options['readability'], $setup['selectors'], $setup['details'] ); // Intros foreach ( $setup as $value ) { if ( $value && is_string( $value ) ) { $css = $value . $css; } } // Remove escapables $css = $this->Cleanup->removeInjections( $css ); return $css; } /** * Access to private methods for testing * * @param (string) method: Method to be called * @param (array) args: Array of paramters to be passed in */ public function access( $method, $args ) { if ( method_exists( $this, $method ) ) { return call_user_func_array( array( $this, $method ), $args ); } else { throw new CSSCompression_Exception( "Unknown method in Compress Class - " . $method ); } } }; ?>