require "spec_helper" describe Asciidoctor::RFC::V2::Converter do it "ignores actual Asciidoctor comments" do expect(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~'INPUT', backend: :rfc2, header_footer: true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~'OUTPUT' = Document title :abbrev: abbrev_value :docName: Author == Section1 Text //Ignorable comment //// Multiblock ignorable comment //// INPUT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd"> <rfc submissionType="IETF"> <front> <title abbrev="abbrev_value">Document title</title> <author fullname="Author"/> <date day="1" month="January" year="2000"/> </front><middle> <section anchor="_section1" title="Section1"> <t>Text</t> </section> </middle> </rfc> OUTPUT end it "uses Asciidoc inline NOTE admonition" do expect(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~'INPUT', backend: :rfc2, header_footer: true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~'OUTPUT' = Document title :abbrev: abbrev_value :docName: Author == Section1 Text NOTE: This is a note INPUT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd"> <rfc submissionType="IETF"> <front> <title abbrev="abbrev_value">Document title</title> <author fullname="Author"/> <date day="1" month="January" year="2000"/> </front><middle> <section anchor="_section1" title="Section1"><t>Text<cref>This is a note</cref></t> </section> </middle> </rfc> OUTPUT end it "uses any Asciidoc inline admonition" do expect(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~'INPUT', backend: :rfc2, header_footer: true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~'OUTPUT' = Document title :abbrev: abbrev_value :docName: Author == Section1 Text WARNING: This is a note INPUT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd"> <rfc submissionType="IETF"> <front> <title abbrev="abbrev_value">Document title</title> <author fullname="Author"/> <date day="1" month="January" year="2000"/> </front><middle> <section anchor="_section1" title="Section1"><t>Text<cref>This is a note</cref></t> </section> </middle> </rfc> OUTPUT end it "strips any inline formatting within Asciidoc inline admonition" do expect(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~'INPUT', backend: :rfc2, header_footer: true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~'OUTPUT' = Document title :abbrev: abbrev_value :docName: Author [[sect1]] == Section1 Text WARNING: Text _Text_ *Text* `Text` ~Text~ ^Text^[linktext] <<ref>> [bibliography] == References ++++ <reference anchor='ref' target=''> <front> <title>ISO/IEC FDIS 10118-3 -- Information technology -- Security techniques -- Hash-functions -- Part 3: Dedicated hash-functions</title> <author> <organization>International Organization for Standardization</organization> <address> <postal> <street>BIBC II</street> <street>Chemin de Blandonnet 8</street> <street>CP 401</street> <city>Vernier</city> <region>Geneva</region> <code>1214</code> <country>Switzerland</country> </postal> <phone>+41 22 749 01 11</phone> <email></email> <uri></uri> </address> </author> <date day='15' month='September' year='2017'/> </front> </reference> ++++ INPUT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd"> <rfc submissionType="IETF"> <front> <title abbrev="abbrev_value">Document title</title> <author fullname="Author"/> <date day="1" month="January" year="2000"/> </front><middle> <section anchor="sect1" title="Section1"><t>Text<cref>Text _Text_ *Text* `Text` ~Text~ ^Text^[linktext] </cref></t> </section> </middle><back> <references title="References"> <reference anchor="ref" target=""> <front> <title>ISO/IEC FDIS 10118-3 -- Information technology -- Security techniques -- Hash-functions -- Part 3: Dedicated hash-functions</title> <author> <organization>International Organization for Standardization</organization> <address> <postal> <street>BIBC II</street> <street>Chemin de Blandonnet 8</street> <street>CP 401</street> <city>Vernier</city> <region>Geneva</region> <code>1214</code> <country>Switzerland</country> </postal> <phone>+41 22 749 01 11</phone> <email></email> <uri></uri> </address> </author> <date day="15" month="September" year="2017"/> </front> </reference> </references> </back> </rfc> OUTPUT end it "uses Asciidoc block admonition" do expect(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~'INPUT', backend: :rfc2, header_footer: true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~'OUTPUT' = Document title :abbrev: abbrev_value :docName: Author == Section1 Text [IMPORTANT] .Feeding the Werewolves ==== While werewolves are hardy community members, keep in mind the following dietary concerns: . They are allergic to *cinnamon*. . More than two glasses of orange juice in 24 hours makes them howl in harmony with alarms and sirens. . Celery makes them sad. .... <tagging> .... ==== INPUT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd"> <rfc submissionType="IETF"> <front> <title abbrev="abbrev_value">Document title</title> <author fullname="Author"/> <date day="1" month="January" year="2000"/> </front><middle> <section anchor="_section1" title="Section1"><t>Text<cref>While werewolves are hardy community members, keep in mind the following dietary concerns: They are allergic to cinnamon. More than two glasses of orange juice in 24 hours makes them howl in harmony with alarms and sirens. Celery makes them sad. <tagging></cref></t> </section> </middle> </rfc> OUTPUT end it "uses all options of the Asciidoc block admonition" do expect(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~'INPUT', backend: :rfc2, header_footer: true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~'OUTPUT' = Document title :abbrev: abbrev_value :docName: Author == Section1 Text [[id]] [NOTE,source=GBS] .Note Title ==== Any admonition inside the body of the text is a comment. ==== INPUT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd"> <rfc submissionType="IETF"> <front> <title abbrev="abbrev_value">Document title</title> <author fullname="Author"/> <date day="1" month="January" year="2000"/> </front><middle> <section anchor="_section1" title="Section1"><t>Text<cref anchor="id" source="GBS">Any admonition inside the body of the text is a comment.</cref></t> </section> </middle> </rfc> OUTPUT end it "has a comment at the start of a section" do expect(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~'INPUT', backend: :rfc2, header_footer: true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~'OUTPUT' = Document title Author == Section 1 NOTE: This is an initial note Text INPUT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd"> <rfc submissionType="IETF"> <front> <title>Document title</title> <author fullname="Author"/> <date day="1" month="January" year="2000"/> </front><middle> <section anchor="_section_1" title="Section 1"><t><cref>This is an initial note</cref></t> <t>Text</t></section> </middle> </rfc> OUTPUT end it "renders inline XML comments" do expect(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~'INPUT', backend: :rfc2)).to be_equivalent_to <<~'OUTPUT' = Document title Author == Section 1 A:: B [comment]#This is a comment# C D C [comment]#This is another comment#:: D INPUT <section anchor="_section_1" title="Section 1"> <t> <list style="hanging"> <t hangText="A"><vspace blankLines="1"/>B <!--This is a comment--> C D</t> <t hangText="C "><vspace blankLines="1"/>D</t> </list> </t> </section> OUTPUT end it "renders XML comment paragraphs" do expect(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~'INPUT', backend: :rfc2)).to be_equivalent_to <<~'OUTPUT' = Document title Author == Section 1 [.comment] This is a _paragraph comment_. INPUT <section anchor="_section_1" title="Section 1"> <!--This is a _paragraph comment_.--> </section> OUTPUT end it "renders XML comment blocks" do expect(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~'INPUT', backend: :rfc2)).to be_equivalent_to <<~'OUTPUT' = Document title Author == Section 1 [.comment] -- This is a _paragraph comment_. And the comment runs over several paragraphs. -- INPUT <section anchor="_section_1" title="Section 1"> <!--This is a _paragraph comment_. And the comment runs over several paragraphs. --> </section> OUTPUT end end