class TomlRB::Examples def self.example_v_0_4_0 { "table" => { "key" => "value", "subtable" => { "key" => "another value" }, "inline" => { "name" => { "first" => "Tom", "last" => "Preston-Werner" }, "point" => { "x" => 1, "y" => 2 } } }, "x" => { "y" => { "z" => { "w" => {} } } }, "string" => { "basic" => { "basic" => "I'm a string. \"You can quote me\". Name\tJos\\u00E9\nLocation\tSF." }, "multiline" => { "key1" => "One\nTwo", "key2" => "One\nTwo", "key3" => "One\nTwo", "continued" => { "key1" => "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", "key2" => "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", "key3" => "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." } }, "literal" => { "winpath" => "C:\\Users\\nodejs\\templates", "winpath2" => "\\\\ServerX\\admin$\\system32\\", "quoted" => "Tom\"Dubs\"Preston-Werner", "regex" => "<\\i\\c*\\s*>", "multiline" => { "regex2" => "I[ dw ]on'tneed\\d{ 2 }apples", "lines" => "Thefirstnewlineis\ntrimmedinrawstrings.\nAllotherwhitespace\nispreserved.\n" } } }, "integer" => { "key1" => 99, "key2" => 42, "key3" => 0, "key4" => -17, "underscores" => { "key1" => 1000, "key2" => 5349221, "key3" => 12345 } }, "float" => { "fractional" => { "key1" => 1.0, "key2" => 3.1415, "key3" => -0.01 }, "exponent" => { "key1" => 5.0e+22, "key2" => 1000000.0, "key3" => -0.02 }, "both" => { "key" => 6.626e-34 }, "underscores" => { "key1" => 9224617.445991227, "key2" => 1e1_000 } }, "boolean" => { "True" => true, "False" => false }, "datetime" => { "key1" => Time.utc(1979, 05, 27, 07, 32, 0), "key2" =>, 05, 27, 00, 32, 0, '-07:00'), "key3" =>, 05, 27, 00, 32, 0.999999, '-07:00') }, "array" => { "key1" => [1, 2, 3], "key2" => %w(red yellow green), "key3" => [[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]], "key4" => [[1, 2], %w(a b c)], "key5" => [1, 2, 3], "key6" => [1, 2] }, "products" => [ { "name" => "Hammer", "sku" => 738594937 }, {}, { "name" => "Nail", "sku" => 284758393, "color" => "gray" } ], "fruit" => [ { "name" => "apple", "physical" => { "color" => "red", "shape" => "round" }, "variety" => [ { "name" => "red delicious" }, { "name" => "granny smith" } ] }, { "name" => "banana", "variety" => [ { "name" => "plantain" } ] } ] } end def self.example { 'title' => 'TomlRB Example', 'owner' => { 'name' => 'Tom Preston-Werner', 'organization' => 'GitHub', 'bio' => "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer.", 'dob' => Time.utc(1979, 05, 27, 07, 32, 00) }, 'database' => { 'server' => '', 'ports' => [8001, 8001, 8002], 'connection_max' => 5000, 'enabled' => true }, 'servers' => { 'alpha' => { 'ip' => '', 'dc' => 'eqdc10' }, 'beta' => { 'ip' => '', 'dc' => 'eqdc10' } }, 'clients' => { 'data' => [%w(gamma delta), [1, 2]], 'hosts' => %w(alpha omega) }, 'amqp' => { 'exchange' => { 'durable' => true, 'auto_delete' => false } } } end def self.hard_example { 'the' => { 'test_string' => "You'll hate me after this - #", 'hard' => { 'test_array' => ['] ', ' # '], 'test_array2' => ['Test #11 ]proved that', 'Experiment #9 was a success'], 'another_test_string' => ' Same thing, but with a string #', 'harder_test_string' => " And when \"'s are in the string, along with # \"", 'bit#' => { 'what?' => "You don't think some user won't do that?", 'multi_line_array' => [']'] } } }, 'parent' => { 'child1' => { 'key' => 'value' }, 'child2' => [ { 'key2' => 'value' }, { 'key3' => 'value' } ] }, 'a' => { 'b' => [ { 'c' => 3 } ] } } end end