# frozen_string_literal: true require 'h1p' require 'qeweney/request' require_relative './http2_adapter' module Tipi # HTTP1 protocol implementation class HTTP1Adapter attr_reader :conn # Initializes a protocol adapter instance def initialize(conn, opts) @conn = conn @opts = opts @first = true @parser = H1P::Parser.new(@conn, :server) end def each(&block) while true headers = @parser.parse_headers break unless headers # handle_request returns true if connection is not persistent or was # upgraded break if handle_request(headers, &block) end rescue SystemCallError, IOError, H1P::Error # connection or parser error, ignore ensure finalize_client_loop end def handle_request(headers, &block) scheme = (proto = headers['x-forwarded-proto']) ? proto.downcase : scheme_from_connection headers[':scheme'] = scheme @protocol = headers[':protocol'] if @first headers[':first'] = true @first = nil end return true if upgrade_connection(headers, &block) request = Qeweney::Request.new(headers, self) if !@parser.complete? request.buffer_body_chunk(@parser.read_body_chunk(true)) end block.call(request) return !persistent_connection?(headers) end def persistent_connection?(headers) if headers[':protocol'] == 'http/1.1' return headers['connection'] != 'close' else connection = headers['connection'] return connection && connection != 'close' end end def finalize_client_loop @parser = nil @splicing_pipe = nil @conn.shutdown if @conn.respond_to?(:shutdown) rescue nil @conn.close end # Reads a body chunk for the current request. Transfers control to the parse # loop, and resumes once the parse_loop has fired the on_body callback def get_body_chunk(request, buffered_only = false) @parser.read_body_chunk(buffered_only) end def get_body(request) @parser.read_body end def complete?(request) @parser.complete? end def protocol @protocol end # Upgrades the connection to a different protocol, if the 'Upgrade' header is # given. By default the only supported upgrade protocol is HTTP2. Additional # protocols, notably WebSocket, can be specified by passing a hash to the # :upgrade option when starting a server: # # def ws_handler(conn) # conn << 'hi' # msg = conn.recv # conn << "You said #{msg}" # conn << 'bye' # conn.close # end # # opts = { # upgrade: { # websocket: Tipi::Websocket.handler(&method(:ws_handler)) # } # } # Tipi.serve('', 1234, opts) { |req| ... } # # @param headers [Hash] request headers # @return [boolean] truthy if the connection has been upgraded def upgrade_connection(headers, &block) upgrade_protocol = headers['upgrade'] return nil unless upgrade_protocol upgrade_protocol = upgrade_protocol.downcase.to_sym upgrade_handler = @opts[:upgrade] && @opts[:upgrade][upgrade_protocol] return upgrade_with_handler(upgrade_handler, headers) if upgrade_handler return upgrade_to_http2(headers, &block) if upgrade_protocol == :h2c nil end def upgrade_with_handler(handler, headers) @parser = nil handler.(self, headers) true end def upgrade_to_http2(headers, &block) headers = http2_upgraded_headers(headers) body = @parser.read_body HTTP2Adapter.upgrade_each(@conn, @opts, headers, body, &block) true end # Returns headers for HTTP2 upgrade # @param headers [Hash] request headers # @return [Hash] headers for HTTP2 upgrade def http2_upgraded_headers(headers) headers.merge( ':scheme' => 'http', ':authority' => headers['host'] ) end def websocket_connection(request) Tipi::Websocket.new(@conn, request.headers) end def scheme_from_connection @conn.is_a?(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket) ? 'https' : 'http' end # response API CRLF = "\r\n" # Sends response including headers and body. Waits for the request to complete # if not yet completed. The body is sent using chunked transfer encoding. # @param request [Qeweney::Request] HTTP request # @param body [String] response body # @param headers def respond(request, body, headers) written = H1P.send_response(@conn, headers, body) request.tx_incr(written) end CHUNK_LENGTH_PROC = ->(len) { "#{len.to_s(16)}\r\n" } def respond_from_io(request, io, headers, chunk_size = 2**14) formatted_headers = format_headers(headers, true, true) request.tx_incr(formatted_headers.bytesize) # assume chunked encoding Thread.current.backend.splice_chunks( io, @conn, formatted_headers, "0\r\n\r\n", CHUNK_LENGTH_PROC, "\r\n", chunk_size ) end # Sends response headers. If empty_response is truthy, the response status # code will default to 204, otherwise to 200. # @param request [Qeweney::Request] HTTP request # @param headers [Hash] response headers # @param empty_response [boolean] whether a response body will be sent # @param chunked [boolean] whether to use chunked transfer encoding # @return [void] def send_headers(request, headers, empty_response: false, chunked: true) formatted_headers = format_headers(headers, !empty_response, http1_1?(request) && chunked) request.tx_incr(formatted_headers.bytesize) @conn.write(formatted_headers) end def http1_1?(request) request.headers[':protocol'] == 'http/1.1' end # Sends a response body chunk. If no headers were sent, default headers are # sent using #send_headers. if the done option is true(thy), an empty chunk # will be sent to signal response completion to the client. # @param request [Qeweney::Request] HTTP request # @param chunk [String] response body chunk # @param done [boolean] whether the response is completed # @return [void] def send_chunk(request, chunk, done: false) if done data = chunk ? "#{chunk.bytesize.to_s(16)}\r\n#{chunk}\r\n0\r\n\r\n" : "0\r\n\r\n" elsif chunk data = "#{chunk.bytesize.to_s(16)}\r\n#{chunk}\r\n" else return end request.tx_incr(data.bytesize) @conn.write(data) end def send_chunk_from_io(request, io, r, w, chunk_size) len = w.splice(io, chunk_size) if len > 0 Thread.current.backend.chain( [:write, @conn, "#{len.to_s(16)}\r\n"], [:splice, r, @conn, len], [:write, @conn, "\r\n"] ) else @conn.write("0\r\n\r\n") end len end # Finishes the response to the current request. If no headers were sent, # default headers are sent using #send_headers. # @return [void] def finish(request) request.tx_incr(5) @conn << "0\r\n\r\n" end def close @conn.shutdown if @conn.respond_to?(:shutdown) rescue nil @conn.close end private INTERNAL_HEADER_REGEXP = /^:/.freeze # Formats response headers into an array. If empty_response is true(thy), # the response status code will default to 204, otherwise to 200. # @param headers [Hash] response headers # @param body [boolean] whether a response body will be sent # @param chunked [boolean] whether to use chunked transfer encoding # @return [String] formatted response headers def format_headers(headers, body, chunked) status = headers[':status'] status ||= (body ? Qeweney::Status::OK : Qeweney::Status::NO_CONTENT) lines = format_status_line(body, status, chunked) headers.each do |k, v| next if k =~ INTERNAL_HEADER_REGEXP collect_header_lines(lines, k, v) end lines << CRLF lines end def format_status_line(body, status, chunked) if !body empty_status_line(status) else with_body_status_line(status, body, chunked) end end def empty_status_line(status) if status == 204 +"HTTP/1.1 #{status}\r\n" else +"HTTP/1.1 #{status}\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n" end end def with_body_status_line(status, body, chunked) if chunked +"HTTP/1.1 #{status}\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" else +"HTTP/1.1 #{status}\r\nContent-Length: #{body.is_a?(String) ? body.bytesize : body.to_i}\r\n" end end def collect_header_lines(lines, key, value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.inject(lines) { |_, item| lines << "#{key}: #{item}\r\n" } else lines << "#{key}: #{value}\r\n" end end end end