require 'better_html/parser' require 'better_html/test_helper/safety_error' require 'better_html/test_helper/safe_erb/base' require 'better_html/test_helper/safe_erb/no_statements' require 'better_html/test_helper/safe_erb/allowed_script_type' require 'better_html/test_helper/safe_erb/no_javascript_tag_helper' require 'better_html/test_helper/safe_erb/tag_interpolation' require 'better_html/test_helper/safe_erb/script_interpolation' require 'better_html/tree/tag' module BetterHtml module TestHelper module SafeErbTester SAFETY_TIPS = <<-EOF ----------- The javascript snippets listed above do not appear to be escaped properly in a javascript context. Here are some tips: Never use html_safe inside a html tag, since it is _never_ safe: ^^^^^^^^^^ Always use .to_json for html attributes which contain javascript, like 'onclick', or twine attributes like 'data-define', 'data-context', 'data-eval', 'data-bind', etc:
^^^^^^^^ Always use raw and to_json together within ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ----------- EOF def assert_erb_safety(data, **options) options = options.present? ? options.dup : {} options[:template_language] ||= :html parser =, options) tester_classes = [ SafeErb::NoStatements, SafeErb::AllowedScriptType, SafeErb::NoJavascriptTagHelper, SafeErb::ScriptInterpolation, ] if options[:template_language] == :html tester_classes << SafeErb::TagInterpolation end testers = do |tester_klass| tester = end testers.each(&:validate) errors = messages = do |error| <<~EOL On line #{error.location.line} #{error.message} #{error.location.line_source_with_underline}\n EOL end messages << SAFETY_TIPS assert_predicate errors, :empty?, messages.join end end end end