require 'thread' require "net/http" require "uri" require "base64" module Errplane class Worker MAX_POST_LINES = 200 POST_RETRIES = 5 class << self include Errplane::Logger def indent_lines(lines, num) lines.split("\n").map {|line| (" " * num) + line}.join("\n") end def post_data(data) if Errplane.configuration.ignore_current_environment? log :debug, "Current environment is ignored, skipping POST." else log :debug, "Posting data:\n#{indent_lines(data, 13)}" url = "/api/v2/time_series/applications/#{Errplane.configuration.application_id}/environments/#{Errplane.configuration.rails_environment}?api_key=#{Errplane.configuration.api_key}" log :debug, "Posting to: #{url}" retry_count = POST_RETRIES begin http ="", "80") response =, data) log :debug, "Response code: #{response.code}" rescue => e retry_count -= 1 unless log :info, "POST failed, retrying." sleep 10 retry end log :info, "Unable to POST after retrying, aborting!" end end end def current_threads() {|t| t[:errplane]} end def current_thread_count() Thread.list.count {|t| t[:errplane]} end def spawn_threads() Errplane.configuration.queue_worker_threads.times do |thread_num| log :debug, "Spawning background worker thread #{thread_num}." do Thread.current[:errplane] = true while true sleep Errplane.configuration.queue_worker_polling_interval check_background_queue(thread_num) end end end end def check_background_queue(thread_num = 0) log :debug, "Checking background queue on thread #{thread_num} (#{current_threads.count} active)" data = [] while data.size < MAX_POST_LINES && !Errplane.queue.empty? n = Errplane.queue.pop(true) rescue next; log :debug, "Found data in the queue! (#{n[:name]})" begin case n[:source] when "active_support" case n[:name].to_s when "process_action.action_controller" timestamp = n[:finish].utc.to_i controller_runtime = ((n[:finish] - n[:start])*1000).ceil view_runtime = (n[:payload][:view_runtime] || 0).ceil db_runtime = (n[:payload][:db_runtime] || 0).ceil data << "controllers/#{n[:payload][:controller]}/#{n[:payload][:action]} #{controller_runtime} #{timestamp}" data << "views #{view_runtime} #{timestamp}" data << "db #{db_runtime} #{timestamp}" end when "exception" Errplane.transmitter.deliver n[:data], n[:url] when "custom" line = "#{n[:name]} #{n[:value] || 1} #{n[:timestamp]}" line = "#{line} #{Base64.encode64(n[:message]).strip}" if n[:message] data << line end rescue => e log :info, "Instrumentation Error! #{e.inspect}" end end post_data(data.join("\n")) unless data.empty? end end end end