module Superstore module Associations extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :association_reflections self.association_reflections = {} end module ClassMethods # === Options # [:class_name] # Use if the class cannot be inferred from the association # [:polymorphic] # Specify if the association is polymorphic # Example: # class Driver < Superstore::Base # end # class Truck < Superstore::Base # end def belongs_to(name, options = {}), name, options) end def has_many(name, options = {}), name, options) end def has_one(name, options = {}), name, options) end def generated_association_methods @generated_association_methods ||= begin mod = const_set(:GeneratedAssociationMethods, include mod mod end end end # Returns the belongs_to instance for the given name, instantiating it if it doesn't already exist def association(name) instance = association_instance_get(name) if instance.nil? reflection = association_reflections[name] instance =, reflection) association_instance_set(name, instance) end instance end private def clear_associations_cache associations_cache.clear if persisted? end def associations_cache @associations_cache ||= {} end def association_instance_get(name) associations_cache[name.to_sym] end def association_instance_set(name, association) associations_cache[name.to_sym] = association end end end