# typed: true module Parlour class RbiGenerator # Represents a method definition. class Method < RbiObject extend T::Sig sig do params( generator: RbiGenerator, name: String, parameters: T::Array[Parameter], return_type: T.nilable(String), abstract: T::Boolean, implementation: T::Boolean, override: T::Boolean, overridable: T::Boolean, class_method: T::Boolean, block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(x: Method).void) ).void end # Creates a new method definition. # @note You should use {Namespace#create_method} rather than this directly. # # @param generator [RbiGenerator] The current RbiGenerator. # @param name [String] The name of this method. You should not specify +self.+ in # this - use the +class_method+ parameter instead. # @param parameters [Array] An array of {Parameter} instances representing this # method's parameters. # @param return_type [String, nil] A Sorbet string of what this method returns, such as # +"String"+ or +"T.untyped"+. Passing nil denotes a void return. # @param abstract [Boolean] Whether this method is abstract. # @param implementation [Boolean] Whether this method is an implementation of a # parent abstract method. # @param override [Boolean] Whether this method is overriding a parent overridable # method. # @param overridable [Boolean] Whether this method is overridable by subclasses. # @param class_method [Boolean] Whether this method is a class method; that is, it # it is defined using +self.+. # @param block A block which the new instance yields itself to. # @return [void] def initialize(generator, name, parameters, return_type = nil, abstract: false, implementation: false, override: false, overridable: false, class_method: false, &block) super(generator, name) @parameters = parameters @return_type = return_type @abstract = abstract @implementation = implementation @override = override @overridable = overridable @class_method = class_method yield_self(&block) end sig { params(other: Object).returns(T::Boolean) } # Returns true if this instance is equal to another method. # # @param other [Object] The other instance. If this is not a {Method} (or a # subclass of it), this will always return false. # @return [Boolean] def ==(other) Method === other && name == other.name && parameters == other.parameters && return_type == other.return_type && abstract == other.abstract && implementation == other.implementation && override == other.override && overridable == other.overridable && class_method == other.class_method end sig { returns(T::Array[Parameter]) } # An array of {Parameter} instances representing this method's parameters. # @return [Array] attr_reader :parameters sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) } # A Sorbet string of what this method returns, such as "String" or # "T.untyped". Passing nil denotes a void return. # @return [String, nil] attr_reader :return_type sig { returns(T::Boolean) } # Whether this method is abstract. # @return [Boolean] attr_reader :abstract sig { returns(T::Boolean) } # Whether this method is an implementation of a parent abstract method. # @return [Boolean] attr_reader :implementation sig { returns(T::Boolean) } # Whether this method is overriding a parent overridable method. # @return [Boolean] attr_reader :override sig { returns(T::Boolean) } # Whether this method is overridable by subclasses. # @return [Boolean] attr_reader :overridable sig { returns(T::Boolean) } # Whether this method is a class method; that is, it it is defined using # +self.+. # @return [Boolean] attr_reader :class_method sig do implementation.params( indent_level: Integer, options: Options ).returns(T::Array[String]) end # Generates the RBI lines for this method. # # @param indent_level [Integer] The indentation level to generate the lines at. # @param options [Options] The formatting options to use. # @return [Array] The RBI lines, formatted as specified. def generate_rbi(indent_level, options) return_call = return_type ? "returns(#{return_type})" : 'void' sig_params = parameters.map(&:to_sig_param) sig_lines = parameters.length >= options.break_params \ ? [ options.indented(indent_level, 'sig do'), options.indented(indent_level + 1, "#{qualifiers}params("), ] + ( parameters.empty? ? [] : sig_params.map.with_index do |x, i| options.indented( indent_level + 2, # Don't include the comma on the last parameter. parameters.length == i + 1 ? "#{x}" : "#{x}," ) end ) + [ options.indented(indent_level + 1, ").#{return_call}"), options.indented(indent_level, 'end') ] : [options.indented( indent_level, "sig { #{qualifiers}#{ parameters.empty? ? '' : "params(#{sig_params.join(', ')})" }#{ qualifiers.empty? && parameters.empty? ? '' : '.' }#{return_call} }" )] generate_comments(indent_level, options) + sig_lines + generate_definition(indent_level, options) end sig do implementation.params( others: T::Array[RbiGenerator::RbiObject] ).returns(T::Boolean) end # Given an array of {Method} instances, returns true if they may be merged # into this instance using {merge_into_self}. For instances to be # mergeable, their signatures and definitions must be identical. # # @param others [Array] An array of other {Method} instances. # @return [Boolean] Whether this instance may be merged with them. def mergeable?(others) others.all? { |other| self == other } end sig do implementation.params( others: T::Array[RbiGenerator::RbiObject] ).void end # Given an array of {Method} instances, merges them into this one. # This particular implementation in fact does nothing, because {Method} # instances are only mergeable if they are identical, so nothing needs # to be changed. # You MUST ensure that {mergeable?} is true for those instances. # # @param others [Array] An array of other {Method} instances. # @return [void] def merge_into_self(others) # We don't need to change anything! We only merge identical methods end sig { override.returns(String) } # Returns a human-readable brief string description of this method. # # @return [String] def describe # TODO: more info "Method #{name} - #{parameters.length} parameters, " + " returns #{return_type}" end private sig do overridable.params( indent_level: Integer, options: Options ).returns(T::Array[String]) end # Generates the RBI lines for this method. # # @param indent_level [Integer] The indentation level to generate the lines at. # @param options [Options] The formatting options to use. # @return [Array] The RBI lines, formatted as specified. def generate_definition(indent_level, options) def_params = parameters.map(&:to_def_param) name_prefix = class_method ? 'self.' : '' def_line = options.indented( indent_level, "def #{name_prefix}#{name}#{ "(#{def_params.join(', ')})" unless parameters.empty?}; end" ) [def_line] end sig { returns(String) } # Returns the qualifiers which go in front of the +params+ part of this # method's Sorbet +sig+. For example, if {abstract} is true, then this # will return +abstract.+. # # @return [String] def qualifiers result = '' result += 'abstract.' if abstract result += 'implementation.' if implementation result += 'override.' if override result += 'overridable.' if overridable result end end end end