== Grumblr == Grumblr is an application to post messages to Tumblr blogs from a GTK-enabled Linux desktop environment. === Licence === New BSD License === Requirements: === * Ruby http://www.ruby-lang.org/ * GTK+ http://www.mozilla.org/ * LibXml Ruby http://libxml.rubyforge.org/ * REST Client http://github.com/archiloque/rest-client === Installation === Install the most recent grumblr gem with rubygems, as usual: $ sudo gem install grumblr Change directory to the installed gem folder (may vary) and run setup script to copy images and a launcher to their places: $ cd /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/grumblr-2.4.0 $ sudo ruby setup.rb === Homepage === http://themactep.com/grumblr/ === Authors === Paul Philippov