# coding: utf-8 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' context "ONIX::Reader" do before(:each) do @data_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","data") @file1 = File.join(@data_path, "9780194351898.xml") @file2 = File.join(@data_path, "two_products.xml") @long_file = File.join(@data_path, "Bookwise_July_2008.xml") @entity_file = File.join(@data_path, "entities.xml") @utf_16_file = File.join(@data_path, "utf_16.xml") @iso_8859_1_file = File.join(@data_path, "iso_8859_1.xml") end specify "should initialize with a filename" do reader = ONIX::Reader.new(@file1) reader.instance_variable_get("@reader").should be_a_kind_of(Nokogiri::XML::Reader) end specify "should initialize with an IO object" do File.open(@file1,"rb") do |f| reader = ONIX::Reader.new(f) reader.instance_variable_get("@reader").should be_a_kind_of(Nokogiri::XML::Reader) end end specify "should provide access to various XML metadata from file" do filename = File.join(@data_path, "reference_with_release_attrib.xml") reader = ONIX::Reader.new(filename) reader.release.should eql(BigDecimal.new("2.1")) end specify "should provide access to the header in an ONIX file" do reader = ONIX::Reader.new(@file1) reader.header.should be_a_kind_of(ONIX::Header) end specify "should iterate over all product records in an ONIX file" do reader = ONIX::Reader.new(@file1) counter = 0 reader.each do |product| product.should be_a_kind_of(ONIX::Product) counter += 1 end counter.should eql(1) end specify "should iterate over all product records in an ONIX file" do reader = ONIX::Reader.new(@file2) products = [] reader.each do |product| products << product end products.size.should eql(2) products[0].record_reference.should eql("365-9780194351898") products[1].record_reference.should eql("9780754672326") end # libxml can handle the 3 standard entities fine (& < and ^gt;) but # barfs when it encounters others. In theory other entities are defined in the # ONIX DTD, but I can't work out how to get libxml to recognise them specify "should correctly parse a file that has an entity in it" do reader = ONIX::Reader.new(@entity_file) products = [] reader.each do |product| products << product end products.size.should eql(1) products.first.titles.size.should eql(1) products.first.titles.first.title_text.should eql("High Noon\342\200\223in Nimbin") products.first.record_reference.should eql("9780732287573") end # for some reason I'm getting segfaults when I read a file with more than 7 records specify "should correctly parse a file with more than 7 records in in" do reader = ONIX::Reader.new(@long_file) counter = 0 reader.each do |product| counter += 1 end counter.should eql(346) end specify "should transparently convert a iso-8859-1 file to utf-8" do reader = ONIX::Reader.new(@iso_8859_1_file) product = nil reader.each do |p| product = p end # ROXML appears to munge the string encodings if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" utf8 = Encoding.find("utf-8") product.contributors[0].person_name_inverted.encoding.should eql(utf8) end product.contributors[0].person_name_inverted.should eql("Küng, Hans") end specify "should transparently convert a utf-16 file to utf-8" do reader = ONIX::Reader.new(@utf_16_file) product = nil reader.each do |p| product = p end # ROXML appears to munge the string encodings if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" utf8 = Encoding.find("utf-8") product.contributors[0].person_name_inverted.encoding.should eql(utf8) end product.contributors[0].person_name_inverted.should eql("Küng, Hans") end end