# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copied from blacklight 3.0. Do not change this file inside hydra. Override in app/helpers/hydra/blacklight_helper_behavior.rb # When Blacklight 3.2 comes out, remove this file. # # Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the hosting application # module Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior include HashAsHiddenFields include RenderConstraintsHelper def application_name 'Blacklight' end ## # This method should be included in any Blacklight layout, including # custom ones. It will output results of #render_js_includes, # #render_stylesheet_includes, and all the content of # current_controller#extra_head_content. # # Uses controller methods #extra_head_content, #javascript_includes, # and #stylesheet_links to find content. Tolerates it if those # methods don't exist, silently skipping. # # By a layout outputting this in html HEAD, it provides an easy way for # local config or extra plugins to add HEAD content. # # Add your own css or remove the defaults by simply editing # controller.stylesheet_links, controller.javascript_includes, # or controller.extra_head_content. # # # # in an initializer or other startup file (plugin init.rb?): # # == Apply to all actions in all controllers: # # ApplicationController.before_filter do |controller| # # remove default jquery-ui theme. # controller.stylesheet_links.each do |args| # args.delete_if {|a| a =~ /^|\/jquery-ui-[\d.]+\.custom\.css$/ } # end # # # add in a different jquery-ui theme, or any other css or what have you # controller.stylesheet_links << 'my_css.css' # # controller.javascript_includes << "my_local_behaviors.js" # # controller.extra_head_content << '' # end # # == Apply to a particular action in a particular controller: # # CatalogController.before_filter :only => :show |controller| # controller.extra_head_content << '' # end # # == Or in a view file that wants to add certain header content? no problem: # # <% stylesheet_links << "mystylesheet.css" %> # <% javascript_includes << "my_js.js" %> # <% extra_head_content << capture do %> # <%= tag :link, { :href => some_method_for_something, :rel => "alternate" } %> # <% end %> # # == Full power of javascript_include_tag and stylesheet_link_tag # Note that the elements added to stylesheet_links and javascript_links # are arguments to Rails javascript_include_tag and stylesheet_link_tag # respectively, you can pass complex arguments. eg: # # stylesheet_links << ["stylesheet1.css", "stylesheet2.css", {:cache => "mykey"}] # javascript_includes << ["myjavascript.js", {:plugin => :myplugin} ] def render_head_content render_stylesheet_includes + render_js_includes + render_extra_head_content end ## # Assumes controller has a #stylesheet_link_tag method, array with # each element being a set of arguments for stylesheet_link_tag # See #render_head_content for instructions on local code or plugins # adding stylesheets. def render_stylesheet_includes return "".html_safe unless respond_to?(:stylesheet_links) stylesheet_links.uniq.collect do |args| stylesheet_link_tag(*args) end.join("\n").html_safe end ## # Assumes controller has a #js_includes method, array with each # element being a set of arguments for javsascript_include_tag. # See #render_head_content for instructions on local code or plugins # adding js files. def render_js_includes return "".html_safe unless respond_to?(:javascript_includes) javascript_includes.uniq.collect do |args| javascript_include_tag(*args) end.join("\n").html_safe end ## # Assumes controller has a #extra_head_content method # def render_extra_head_content return "".html_safe unless respond_to?(:extra_head_content) extra_head_content.join("\n").html_safe end # Create links from a documents dynamically # provided export formats. Currently not used by standard BL layouts, # but available for your custom layouts to provide link rel alternates. # # Returns empty string if no links available. # # :unique => true, will ensure only one link is output for every # content type, as required eg in atom. Which one 'wins' is arbitrary. # :exclude => array of format shortnames, formats to not include at all. def render_link_rel_alternates(document=@document, options = {}) options = {:unique => false, :exclude => []}.merge(options) return nil if document.nil? seen = Set.new html = "" document.export_formats.each_pair do |format, spec| unless( options[:exclude].include?(format) || (options[:unique] && seen.include?(spec[:content_type])) ) html << tag(:link, {:rel=>"alternate", :title=>format, :type => spec[:content_type], :href=> catalog_url(document.id, format)}) << "\n" seen.add(spec[:content_type]) if options[:unique] end end return html.html_safe end def render_opensearch_response_metadata render :partial => 'catalog/opensearch_response_metadata' end def render_body_class extra_body_classes.join " " end # collection of items to be rendered in the @sidebar def sidebar_items @sidebar_items ||= [] end def extra_body_classes @extra_body_classes ||= ['blacklight-' + controller.controller_name, 'blacklight-' + [controller.controller_name, controller.action_name].join('-')] end # # Blacklight.config based helpers -> # # used in the catalog/_facets partial def facet_field_labels Blacklight.config[:facet][:labels] end # used in the catalog/_facets partial def facet_field_names Blacklight.config[:facet][:field_names] end # used in the catalog/_facets partial and elsewhere # Renders a single section for facet limit with a specified # solr field used for faceting. Can be over-ridden for custom # display on a per-facet basis. def render_facet_limit(solr_field) render( :partial => "catalog/facet_limit", :locals => {:solr_field =>solr_field }) end def render_document_list_partial options={} render :partial=>'catalog/document_list' end # Save function area for search results 'index' view, normally # renders next to title. Includes just 'Folder' by default. def render_index_doc_actions(document, options={}) content_tag("div", :class=>"documentFunctions") do raw("#{render(:partial => 'bookmark_control', :locals => {:document=> document}.merge(options))} #{render(:partial => 'folder_control', :locals => {:document=> document}.merge(options))}") end end # Save function area for item detail 'show' view, normally # renders next to title. By default includes 'Folder' and 'Bookmarks' def render_show_doc_actions(document=@document, options={}) content_tag("div", :class=>"documentFunctions") do raw("#{render(:partial => 'bookmark_control', :locals => {:document=> document}.merge(options))} #{render(:partial => 'folder_control', :locals => {:document=> document}.merge(options))}") end end # used in the catalog/_index_partials/_default view def index_field_names Blacklight.config[:index_fields][:field_names] end # used in the _index_partials/_default view def index_field_labels Blacklight.config[:index_fields][:labels] end def spell_check_max Blacklight.config[:spell_max] || 0 end def render_index_field_label args field = args[:field] html_escape index_field_labels[field] end def render_index_field_value args value = args[:value] value ||= args[:document].get(args[:field], :sep => nil) if args[:document] and args[:field] render_field_value value end # Used in the show view for displaying the main solr document heading def document_heading @document[Blacklight.config[:show][:heading]] || @document.id end def render_document_heading content_tag(:h1, document_heading) end # Used in the show view for setting the main html document title def document_show_html_title @document[Blacklight.config[:show][:html_title]] end # Used in citation view for displaying the title def citation_title(document) document[Blacklight.config[:show][:html_title]] end # Used in the document_list partial (search view) for building a select element def sort_fields Blacklight.config[:sort_fields] end # Used in the document list partial (search view) for creating a link to the document show action def document_show_link_field Blacklight.config[:index][:show_link].to_sym end # Used in the search form partial for building a select tag def search_fields Blacklight.search_field_options_for_select end # used in the catalog/_show/_default partial def document_show_fields Blacklight.config[:show_fields][:field_names] end # used in the catalog/_show/_default partial def document_show_field_labels Blacklight.config[:show_fields][:labels] end def render_document_show_field_label args field = args[:field] html_escape document_show_field_labels[field] end def render_document_show_field_value args value = args[:value] value ||= args[:document].get(args[:field], :sep => nil) if args[:document] and args[:field] render_field_value value end def render_field_value value=nil value = [value] unless value.is_a? Array value = value.collect { |x| x.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? x.force_encoding("UTF-8") : x} return value.map { |v| html_escape v }.join(field_value_separator).html_safe end def field_value_separator ', ' end # Return a normalized partial name that can be used to contruct view partial path def document_partial_name(document) # .to_s is necessary otherwise the default return value is not always a string # using "_" as sep. to more closely follow the views file naming conventions # parameterize uses "-" as the default sep. which throws errors display_type = document[Blacklight.config[:show][:display_type]] return 'default' unless display_type display_type = display_type.join(" ") if display_type.respond_to?(:join) "#{display_type.gsub("-"," ")}".parameterize("_").to_s end # given a doc and action_name, this method attempts to render a partial template # based on the value of doc[:format] # if this value is blank (nil/empty) the "default" is used # if the partial is not found, the "default" partial is rendered instead def render_document_partial(doc, action_name) format = document_partial_name(doc) begin render :partial=>"catalog/_#{action_name}_partials/#{format}", :locals=>{:document=>doc} rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate render :partial=>"catalog/_#{action_name}_partials/default", :locals=>{:document=>doc} end end # Search History and Saved Searches display def link_to_previous_search(params) link_to(raw(render_search_to_s(params)), catalog_index_path(params)).html_safe end # # facet param helpers -> # # Standard display of a facet value in a list. Used in both _facets sidebar # partial and catalog/facet expanded list. Will output facet value name as # a link to add that to your restrictions, with count in parens. # first arg item is a facet value item from rsolr-ext. # options consist of: # :suppress_link => true # do not make it a link, used for an already selected value for instance def render_facet_value(facet_solr_field, item, options ={}) (link_to_unless(options[:suppress_link], item.value, add_facet_params_and_redirect(facet_solr_field, item.value), :class=>"facet_select label") + " " + render_facet_count(item.hits)).html_safe end # Standard display of a SELECTED facet value, no link, special span # with class, and 'remove' button. def render_selected_facet_value(facet_solr_field, item) content_tag(:span, render_facet_value(facet_solr_field, item, :suppress_link => true), :class => "selected label") + link_to("[remove]", remove_facet_params(facet_solr_field, item.value, params), :class=>"remove") end # Renders a count value for facet limits. Can be over-ridden locally # to change style, for instance not use parens. And can be called # by plugins to get consistent display. def render_facet_count(num) content_tag("span", "(" + format_num(num) + ")", :class => "count") end # adds the value and/or field to params[:f] # Does NOT remove request keys and otherwise ensure that the hash # is suitable for a redirect. See # add_facet_params_and_redirect def add_facet_params(field, value) p = params.dup p[:f] = (p[:f] || {}).dup # the command above is not deep in rails3, !@#$!@#$ p[:f][field] = (p[:f][field] || []).dup p[:f][field].push(value) p end # Used in catalog/facet action, facets.rb view, for a click # on a facet value. Add on the facet params to existing # search constraints. Remove any paginator-specific request # params, or other request params that should be removed # for a 'fresh' display. # Change the action to 'index' to send them back to # catalog/index with their new facet choice. def add_facet_params_and_redirect(field, value) new_params = add_facet_params(field, value) # Delete page, if needed. new_params.delete(:page) # Delete any request params from facet-specific action, needed # to redir to index action properly. Blacklight::Solr::FacetPaginator.request_keys.values.each do |paginator_key| new_params.delete(paginator_key) end new_params.delete(:id) # Force action to be index. new_params[:action] = "index" new_params end # copies the current params (or whatever is passed in as the 3rd arg) # removes the field value from params[:f] # removes the field if there are no more values in params[:f][field] # removes additional params (page, id, etc..) def remove_facet_params(field, value, source_params=params) p = source_params.dup # need to dup the facet values too, # if the values aren't dup'd, then the values # from the session will get remove in the show view... p[:f] = p[:f].dup p[:f][field] = p[:f][field].nil? ? [] : p[:f][field].dup p.delete :page p.delete :id p.delete :counter p.delete :commit #return p unless p[field] p[:f][field] = p[:f][field] - [value] p[:f].delete(field) if p[:f][field].size == 0 p end # true or false, depending on whether the field and value is in params[:f] def facet_in_params?(field, value) params[:f] and params[:f][field] and params[:f][field].include?(value) end # # shortcut for built-in Rails helper, "number_with_delimiter" # def format_num(num); number_with_delimiter(num) end # # link based helpers -> # # create link to query (e.g. spelling suggestion) def link_to_query(query) p = params.dup p.delete :page p.delete :action p[:q]=query link_url = catalog_index_path(p) link_to(query, link_url) end def render_document_index_label doc, opts label = nil label ||= doc.get(opts[:label]) if opts[:label].instance_of? Symbol label ||= opts[:label].call(doc, opts) if opts[:label].instance_of? Proc label ||= opts[:label] if opts[:label].is_a? String label ||= doc.id end # link_to_document(doc, :label=>'VIEW', :counter => 3) # Use the catalog_path RESTful route to create a link to the show page for a specific item. # catalog_path accepts a HashWithIndifferentAccess object. The solr query params are stored in the session, # so we only need the +counter+ param here. We also need to know if we are viewing to document as part of search results. def link_to_document(doc, opts={:label=>Blacklight.config[:index][:show_link].to_sym, :counter => nil, :results_view => true}) label = render_document_index_label doc, opts link_to_with_data(label, catalog_path(doc.id), {:method => :put, :class => label.parameterize, :data => opts}).html_safe end # link_back_to_catalog(:label=>'Back to Search') # Create a link back to the index screen, keeping the user's facet, query and paging choices intact by using session. def link_back_to_catalog(opts={:label=>'Back to Search'}) query_params = session[:search] ? session[:search].dup : {} query_params.delete :counter query_params.delete :total link_url = catalog_index_path + "?" + query_params.to_query link_to opts[:label], link_url end # Create form input type=hidden fields representing the entire search context, # for inclusion in a form meant to change some aspect of it, like # re-sort or change records per page. Can pass in params hash # as :params => hash, otherwise defaults to #params. Can pass # in certain top-level params keys to _omit_, defaults to :page def search_as_hidden_fields(options={}) options = {:params => params, :omit_keys => [:page]}.merge(options) my_params = options[:params].dup options[:omit_keys].each {|omit_key| my_params.delete(omit_key)} # removing action and controller from duplicate params so that we don't get hidden fields for them. my_params.delete(:action) my_params.delete(:controller) # commit is just an artifact of submit button, we don't need it, and # don't want it to pile up with another every time we press submit again! my_params.delete(:commit) # hash_as_hidden_fields in hash_as_hidden_fields.rb return hash_as_hidden_fields(my_params) end def link_to_previous_document(previous_document) return if previous_document == nil link_to_document previous_document, :label=>'« Previous', :counter => session[:search][:counter].to_i - 1 end def link_to_next_document(next_document) return if next_document == nil link_to_document next_document, :label=>'Next »', :counter => session[:search][:counter].to_i + 1 end # Use case, you want to render an html partial from an XML (say, atom) # template. Rails API kind of lets us down, we need to hack Rails internals # a bit. code taken from: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/339130/how-do-i-render-a-partial-of-a-different-format-in-rails def with_format(format, &block) old_format = @template_format @template_format = format result = block.call @template_format = old_format return result end # This is an updated +link_to+ that allows you to pass a +data+ hash along with the +html_options+ # which are then written to the generated form for non-GET requests. The key is the form element name # and the value is the value: # # link_to_with_data('Name', some_path(some_id), :method => :post, :html) def link_to_with_data(*args, &block) if block_given? options = args.first || {} html_options = args.second concat(link_to(capture(&block), options, html_options)) else name = args.first options = args.second || {} html_options = args.third url = url_for(options) if html_options html_options = html_options.stringify_keys href = html_options['href'] convert_options_to_javascript_with_data!(html_options, url) tag_options = tag_options(html_options) else tag_options = nil end href_attr = "href=\"#{url}\"" unless href "#{h(name) || h(url)}".html_safe end end # This is derived from +convert_options_to_javascript+ from module +UrlHelper+ in +url_helper.rb+ def convert_options_to_javascript_with_data!(html_options, url = '') confirm, popup = html_options.delete("confirm"), html_options.delete("popup") method, href = html_options.delete("method"), html_options['href'] data = html_options.delete("data") data = data.stringify_keys if data html_options["onclick"] = case when method "#{method_javascript_function_with_data(method, url, href, data)}return false;" else html_options["onclick"] end end # This is derived from +method_javascript_function+ from module +UrlHelper+ in +url_helper.rb+ def method_javascript_function_with_data(method, url = '', href = nil, data=nil) action = (href && url.size > 0) ? "'#{url}'" : 'this.href' submit_function = "var f = document.createElement('form'); f.style.display = 'none'; " + "this.parentNode.appendChild(f); f.method = 'POST'; f.action = #{action};"+ "if(event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey){f.target = '_blank';};" # if the command or control key is being held down while the link is clicked set the form's target to _blank if data data.each_pair do |key, value| submit_function << "var d = document.createElement('input'); d.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); " submit_function << "d.setAttribute('name', '#{key}'); d.setAttribute('value', '#{escape_javascript(value.to_s)}'); f.appendChild(d);" end end unless method == :post submit_function << "var m = document.createElement('input'); m.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); " submit_function << "m.setAttribute('name', '_method'); m.setAttribute('value', '#{method}'); f.appendChild(m);" end if protect_against_forgery? submit_function << "var s = document.createElement('input'); s.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); " submit_function << "s.setAttribute('name', '#{request_forgery_protection_token}'); s.setAttribute('value', '#{escape_javascript form_authenticity_token}'); f.appendChild(s);" end submit_function << "f.submit();" end # determines if the given document id is in the folder def item_in_folder?(doc_id) session[:folder_document_ids] && session[:folder_document_ids].include?(doc_id) ? true : false end # puts together a collection of documents into one refworks export string def render_refworks_texts(documents) val = '' documents.each do |doc| if doc.respond_to?(:to_marc) val += doc.export_as_refworks_marc_txt + "\n" end end val end # puts together a collection of documents into one endnote export string def render_endnote_texts(documents) val = '' documents.each do |doc| if doc.respond_to?(:to_marc) val += doc.export_as_endnote + "\n" end end val end def render_document_unapi_microformat(document, options={}) render(:partial=>'catalog/unapi_microformat', :locals => {:document=> document}.merge(options)) end end