require_relative 'global_helpers' require_relative 'expansion' module Livetext::Helpers Space = " " Sigil = "." # Can't change yet ESCAPING = { "'" => ''', '&' => '&', '"' => '"', '<' => '<', '>' => '>' } TTY ="/dev/tty", "w") def friendly_error(err) return graceful_error(err) if self.respond_to?(:graceful_error) return self.parent.graceful_error(err) if self.respond_to?(:parent) raise err rescue => myerr TTY.puts "--- Warning: friendly_error #{myerr.inspect}" end def escape_html(string) enc = string.encoding unless enc.ascii_compatible? if enc.dummy? origenc = enc enc = Encoding::Converter.asciicompat_encoding(enc) string = enc ? string.encode(enc) : string.b end table = Hash[ {|pair| {|s|s.encode(enc)}}] string = string.gsub(/#{"['&\"<>]".encode(enc)}/, table) string.encode!(origenc) if origenc return string end string.gsub(/['&\"<>]/, ESCAPING) end def showme(obj, tag = "") whence = caller[0] file, line, meth = whence.split(":") file = File.basename(file) meth = meth[4..-2] tag << " =" if tag hide_class = [true, false, nil].include?(obj) klass = hide_class ? "" : "(#{obj.class}) " puts " #{tag} #{klass}#{obj.inspect} in ##{meth} [#{file} line #{line}]" end def debug(*args) puts(*args) if ENV['debug'] end def find_file(name, ext=".rb", which="imports") failed = "#{__method__}: expected 'imports' or 'plugin'" raise failed unless %w[imports plugin].include?(which) paths = [Livetext::Path.sub(/lib.livetext/, "#{which}/"), "./"] base = "#{name}#{ext}" paths.each do |path| file = path + base # ::Livetext::TTY.puts " Checking: #{file}" return file if File.exist?(file) end # ::Livetext::TTY.puts " ...oops" return nil end def self.rx(str, space=nil) Regexp.compile("^" + Regexp.escape(str) + "#{space}") end Comment = rx(Sigil, Space) DotCmd = rx(Sigil) DollarDot = /^ *\$\.[A-Za-z]/ ## FIXME process_file[!] should call process[_text] ? def process_file(fname, btrace=false) graceful_error FileNotFound(fname) unless File.exist?(fname) setfile(fname) text = File.readlines(fname) enum = text.each @backtrace = btrace @main.source(enum, fname, 0) line = nil loop do line = @main.nextline break if line.nil? success = process_line(line) break unless success end val = @main.finalize rescue nil @body # FIXME? @body.join("\n") # array return true end def process_line(line) success = true case line # must apply these in order when Comment success = handle_scomment(line) when DotCmd success = handle_dotcmd(line) when DollarDot success = handle_dollar_dot(line) else api.passthru(line) # must succeed? end success end def handle_dollar_dot(line) indent = line.index("$") + 1 @indentation.push(indent) line.sub!(/^ *\$/, "") success = handle_dotcmd(line) indentation.pop success end def invoke_dotcmd(name, data="") # FIXME Add cmdargs stuff... depends on name, etc. = data # should permit _ in function names at least args = data.split api.args = args retval = @main.send(name) # , *args) retval rescue => err graceful_error(err) end def handle_dotcmd(line, indent = 0) indent = @indentation.last # top of stack line = line.sub(/# .*$/, "") # FIXME Could be problematic? name, data = get_name_data(line) success = true # Be optimistic... :P case when name == :end # special case graceful_error EndWithoutOpening() when @main.respond_to?(name) success = invoke_dotcmd(name, data) else graceful_error UnknownMethod(name) end success end def handle_scomment(line) return true end def get_name_data(line) line = line.chomp blank = line.index(" ") if blank name = line[1..(blank-1)] data0 = line[(blank+1)..-1] else name = line[1..-1] data0 = "" end name = "dot_" + name if %w[include def].include?(name) @main.check_disallowed(name) # = data # FIXME kill this = data0 # FIXME kill this? [name.to_sym, data0] end def check_disallowed(name) friendly_error DisallowedName(name) if disallowed?(name) end def check_file_exists(file) return File.exist?(file) end def read_variables(file) pairs = File.readlines(file).map {|x| x.chomp.split } @api.setvars(pairs) end def set_variables(pairs) @api.setvars(pairs) end def grab_file(fname) rescue ::STDERR.puts "Can't find #{fname.inspect} \n " return nil end def search_upward(file) value = nil return file if File.exist?(file) count = 1 loop do front = "../" * count count += 1 here = break if here == "/" path = front + file value = path if File.exist?(path) break if value end ::STDERR.puts "Cannot find #{file.inspect} from #{Dir.pwd}" unless value return value rescue ::STDERR.puts "Can't find #{file.inspect} from #{Dir.pwd}" return nil end def include_file(file) api.args = [file] dot_include end def onoff(arg) # helper arg ||= "on" raise ExpectedOnOff unless String === arg case arg.downcase when "on" return true when "off" return false else raise ExpectedOnOff end end def setvar(var, val) api.setvar(var, val) # str, sym = var.to_s, var.to_sym # Livetext::Vars[str] = val # Livetext::Vars[sym] = val # @_vars[str] = val # @_vars[sym] = val end def setfile(file) if file api.setvar(:File, file) dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(file)) api.setvar(:FileDir, dir) else api.setvar(:File, "[no file]") api.setvar(:FileDir, "[no dir]") end end def setfile!(file) # FIXME why does this variant exist? api.setvar(:File, file) end end