require 'active_record/validations' # This class can be used as a container of form submitted values. It # includes an ActiveRecord errors object so that it is compatible with Rails form # tag helpers and the highlighting of form fields that are in error. It also # mixes in ActiveRecord::Validations so all the validates_* methods are available. # # Example # ---------------------------------- # class MyObject < FormObject # attr_accessor :field1, :field2, :field3 # validates_presence_of :field1 # validates_length_of :field2, :within => (0..5) # validates_format_of :field3, :with => /^[0-9]+$/ # end # # form_data = # form_data.valid? <= returns false unless field1, field2, field3 are set appropriately # # In controller actions, you can create an instance of your object using the params hash: # # @my_object =[:my_object]) # # Instances of FormObject can be used by the form_for helper to generate # form fields with fancy error highlighting. class FormObject def initialize(attrs = {}) unless attrs.nil? attrs.each do |name, value| self.send("#{name}=", value) if self.respond_to?("#{name}=".to_sym) end end end # Does nothing def save end # Does nothing def save! end # Always returns true def new_record? true end # Updates an attribute def update_attribute(name, value) self.send("#{name}=", value) if self.respond_to?("#{name}=".to_sym) end # Needed to display field specific error messages. Override in subclass # if you don't want the attribute name capitalized when displaying # a field error message. def self.human_attribute_name(attr_name) return attr_name.capitalize end # Add validation methods include ActiveRecord::Validations # Dynamically loads the class with the given name or fully qualified path. # Example class_get("Foo") or class_get("Bar::Baz::Bip") def self.class_get(class_name_or_path) klass = class_name_or_path.split(/::/).inject(Object) { |k, n| k.const_get(n) } end end