/** * Internationalization: Spanish language * * Depends on jWYSIWYG, $.wysiwyg.i18n * * By: Esteban Beltran (academo) * */ (function ($) { if (undefined === $.wysiwyg) { throw "lang.es.js depends on $.wysiwyg"; } if (undefined === $.wysiwyg.i18n) { throw "lang.es.js depends on $.wysiwyg.i18n"; } $.wysiwyg.i18n.lang.es = { controls: { "Bold": "Negrilla", "Colorpicker": "", "Copy": "Copiar", "Create link": "Crear Link", "Cut": "Cortar", "Decrease font size": "Disminuir tamaño fuente", "Fullscreen": "", "Header 1": "Titulo 1", "Header 2": "Titulo 2", "Header 3": "Titulo 3", "View source code": "Ver fuente", "Increase font size": "Aumentar tamaño fuente", "Indent": "Agregar Sangría", "Insert Horizontal Rule": "Insertar linea horizontal", "Insert image": "Insertar Imagen", "Insert Ordered List": "Insertar lista numérica", "Insert table": "Insertar Tabla", "Insert Unordered List": "Insertar Lista viñetas", "Italic": "Cursiva", "Justify Center": "Centrar", "Justify Full": "Justificar", "Justify Left": "Alinear a la Izquierda", "Justify Right": "Alinear a la derecha", "Left to Right": "Izquierda a derecha", "Outdent": "Quitar Sangría", "Paste": "Pegar", "Redo": "Restaurar", "Remove formatting": "Quitar Formato", "Right to Left": "Derecha a izquierda", "Strike-through": "Invertir", "Subscript": "Subíndice", "Superscript": "Superíndice", "Underline": "Subrayar", "Undo": "Deshacer" }, dialogs: { // for all "Apply": "", "Cancel": "", colorpicker: { "Colorpicker": "", "Color": "" }, image: { "Insert Image": "", "Preview": "", "URL": "", "Title": "", "Description": "", "Width": "", "Height": "", "Original W x H": "", "Float": "", "None": "", "Left": "", "Right": "" }, link: { "Insert Link": "", "Link URL": "", "Link Title": "", "Link Target": "" }, table: { "Insert table": "", "Count of columns": "", "Count of rows": "" } } }; })(jQuery);