Sun Jan 13 2013 arton *test/test.rb add bignum argument test *ext/rjb.c accept bignum argument for 'J' RJB_VERSION -> 1.4.5 for new gem Tue Dec 17 arton *test/test.rb add test_norarg_invoke *ext/rjb.c _invoke accepts noarg method call (reported by xiao li, thanks) RJB_VERSION -> 1.4.4 for new gem Wed Nov 14 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.4.3 for new gem *ext/extconf.rb remove checking dl.h, rjb not need to include it. Sat Oct 6 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.4.2 *test/osx_jvmcheck.rb display vendor and version of JRE for OSX load test *test/osx_loadtest.rb add Oracle JVM support test for OSX *lib/rjb.rb add Oracle JVM support for OSX Sun Aug 19 arton *ext/rjb.c export bound object's original ruby object as @wrapped RJB_VERSION -> 1.4.1 *lib/rjb.rb define Rjb_JavaBridge class for support @wrapped delegation *test/test.rb add @wrapped object invoking test Sun Apr 22 arton *ext/rjb.c add Rjb_JavaProxy#initialize_proxy method for preparing proxy instance. RJB_VERSION -> 1.4.0 *lib/rjb add rjb own directory *lib/rjbextension.rb move contents into rjb/extension.rb *lib/rjb/extension.rb extension library to handle package name easily. *lib/rjb/list.rb implements each method for Iterable and Iterator. Sun Apr 22 arton *ext/rjb.c use URLClassLoader#addJar for Rjb::add_jar method. It accepts unhierarchic load order. *test/jartest2.jar for test Rjb::add_jar. this jar contains a class that extends class in jartest.jar *test/jartest.rb testing Rjb::add_jar, first jartest2.jar then jartest.jar *test/jartest2.rb testing Rjb::add_jar for an array. *test/jartest3.rb testing Rjb::add_jar in NoClassDefError condition. Sat Jan 28 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.3.9 *ext/jniwrap.h skip __int64 definition if already defined (for latest mingw/gcc). Sat Dec 03 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.3.8 ignore attach_jvm after rjb was unloaded. (Bug #29451) *test/test_unload.rb add test for unload. if Rjb run after unloading then it causes crush. Wed Nov 09 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.3.7 *test/test.rb (test_reraise_exception) skip test if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8/ Wed Nov 09 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.3.6 *ext/rjbexception.c add to_str method into the exception class. ruby internally calls the method when reraising the exception. *test/test.rb (test_reraise_exception) add reraise test Mon Jul 18 arton *ext/rjb.c fix inhiritance test. add anonymous inner class feature (as JRuby) *test/test.rb add anonymous inner class test *test/ for anonymous inner class test *test/ for anonymous inner class test Sat Jul 16 arton *ext/laod.c load server JVM if _WIN64 *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.3.5 *test/test.rb add primitive_conversion and generic test. *test/ add method that takes generic map and returns it Mon Nov 22 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.3.4 require 'iconv' only if RUBY_VERSION < 1.9.0 implicitly accept ruby's String for [B (byte array) copy back byte[] contents into original String *test/test.rb add string buffer test (test_bothdirection_buffer) Wed Nov 17 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.3.3 *ext/load.c Check JAVA_HOME before load JVM (OS X specific) change int -> size_t for 64bit OS *test/test_osxjvm.rb add new test for OS X specific JVM detection. Sat Oct 30 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.3.2 *extconf.rb Change OSX's include path detecting Tue Oct 26 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.3.1 *rjb.rake make universal-darwin gem for Mac bundled ruby. Sun Oct 24 arton *sample/filechooser.rb omit Thread use (cause JVM crush with 1.9 and StackOverflow with 1.8) Sat Oct 23 arton *ext/rjb.c RJV_VERSION -> 1.3.0 add loaded? class method. add add_classpath method (add jars without invoking load method) *ext/load.c OSX default jvm name changes to "JavaVM" (bug#28667 reported by Jeff Adams, thanks Jeff !) *ext/extconf.rb OSX javahome set to /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK *lib/rjbextension.rb use Rjb::add_classpath method instead of Kernel's class vars. *test/test.rb, test/exttest.rb fix add_jar test, previous version load them from jp directory. Tue Sep 22 arton *ext/rjb.c RJV_VERSION -> 1.2.10 add add_jars method. add_jar and add_jars can take an array of jars. *test/test.rb add calling add_jar with an array test. Tue Sep 21 arton *ext/rjb.h export ClassLoader methods *ext/load.c move ClassLoader interaction codes into rjb.c *ext/rjb.c RJV_VERSION -> 1.2.9 add add_jar method. loading classes throgh URLClassLoader if the user add Jars *lib/rjb.rb change MODIFIER module into a constant. Because it implys Rjb::import. change Config -> RbConfig for 1.9 *test/test.rb add Rjb::add_jar test *test/ *test/jartest.jar add for Rjb::add_jar test Fri Sep 17 arton *test/test.rb sort arguments order for test_java_methods (the order is implement dependent) add fixnum conversion test for 64bit platform (test_64fixnum) *ext/rjb.c RJV_VERSION -> 1.2.8 fix rv2jlong bug, the solution was suggested by Ary Borenszweig Sun Aug 29 arton *ext/rjb.c ignore no arguments method signature. name base classes under Rjb module. *lib/rjb.rb implements public_methods and methods *test/test.rb add non arguments method sig test add methods, public_methods, java_methods test Thu Jul 22 arton *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.2.6 export jv2rv for rjbexception.c *ext/rjb.h export jv2rv for rjbexception.c *ext/rjbexception.c create and keep java exception object for its properties. *test/test.rb add Exception#cause test Wed Jun 9 arton *ext/load.c accept JAVA_HOME having an extra slash at the end *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.2.5 Fri Jun 5 arton *ext/rjb.h defin HAVE_LONG_LONG if no HAVE_LONG_LONG but LP64 *ext/rjb.c remove unused variables RJB_VERSION -> 1.2.4 Fri Jun 4 arton *ext/riconv.c remove unused function if build with Ruby 1.9 *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.2.3 to accomodate with rubinius *ext/load.c to accomodate with rubinius *ext/rjbexception.c to accomodate with rubinius Sun May 30 arton *lib/rjbextension.rb Rjb extension from Andreas Ronge's neo4j - directly import jar by require method - Rjb::import without quotations (Java class as Ruby object) *test/exttest.rb test for rjbextension.rb *test/rjbtest.jar test file for rjbextension.rb Sat May 29 arton on behalf of atoulme *ext/rjb.c *ext/load.c *ext/rjbexception.c to accomodate with rubinius thanks atoulme ! Wed May 12 arton *test/test.rb add Class name for TestMixin module because ruby 1.9 doesn't handle the constant. Tue May 11 arton *ext/rjb.c fix duplicate method registering while no alias. add class methods for inspecting method signatures. add class_eval method for extending Java class *test/test.rb add class methods test for inspecting method signatures. add mixin tests Tue May 4 arton *ext/load.c corrected wrong function signature (BUG#28088), pointed and fixed by Romulo A. Ceccon (thanks) *ext/rjb.c using inheritance check while inspecting a object is RJB's instance (for extending it). Tue Mar 16 arton *ext/riconv.c change locale setting "" to "C", fixed by Fabien Sartor (rjb-Bugs-27968) *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.2.1 Sun Nov 1 arton *ext/load.c load jvm pointed by JVM_LIB environment variable first (suggested by Ittay Dror). *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.2.0 Sun Oct 11 arton *ext/extconf.rb add double quotation around include path for mingw compiler, original patched by Roger Pack (thanks) remove double quotaion around java_home variable for existing checking by File.directoy? *rjb.rake adding mingw support for the older version compatibility checking Thu Sep 10 arton *ext/load.c Correct previous code (always reload jvm if OSX < Snow Leopard) Clear DL's exception if success *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.1.9 *ext/rjbexception.c fit arguments for rb_raise to shut warning down Mon Sep 07 arton *ext/load.c Check no compat type dylib after loading was failed (for Snow Leopard) *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.1.8 Sun Feb 15 arton *test/test/rb add $KCODE and magic comment for iconv *ext/rjb.c RJB_VERSION -> 1.1.7 Thu Feb 5 kuwa1 *test/ *test/test.rb add tests(Umlaut) *ext/rjb.c *ext/load.c fix for ruby19 Sun Nov 16 arton *ext/load.c apply hpux patch, contributed by Ittay Dror. thanks Tue Aug 26 arton *ext/load.c, rjb.c, rjb.h export safe_funcall under the prefix 'rjb'. calling DL with rb_protect for avoiding exception. Mon Aug 25 arton *ext/load.c Fix checking the result for loading alternate_jvm_type. (patch from Kumar, thanks) Thu Aug 14 arton *ext/rjb.c, load.c, etc change comment line // -> /* */ because AIX's compiler add _AIX for load.c (this patch from Ittay Dror, thanks) *ext/load.c add ALT_JVM_TYPE for alternative jvm directory (by Kumar) Sun Jul 13 arton *ext/rjb.c display warning when Rjb load jvm implicitly if $DEBUG or $VERBOSE. Mon May 26 arton *ext/rjb.c correct char primitive conversion for Bigendian machine. use macroes for loading classes *ext/load.c adjust OS X's directory *ext/extconf.rb adjust OS X's directory if Home exists Thu Mar 27 arton *ext/rjb.c mark version 1.1.4 for the next release. *test/test.rb remove unload, because it fails. It's more important to assert each functions. Thu Mar 27 arton *ext/riconv.c activate conv tables for getenv configuration. Tue Mar 5 Kuwashima *ext/rjb.c *ext/rjb.h *ext/rjbexception.c add auto load method. Tue Mar 4 Kuwashima *ext/rjbexception.c *ext/rjb.c *test/test.rb clear(ignore) exception in current java thread, before some operation. *ext/rjbexception.c *ext/rjb.c add auto load for Rjb::bind, Rjb::throw *ext/rjb.c *test/test.rb add Rjb::unbind *test/test.rb add loading rubygems Sat Feb 23 arton *test/test.rb let test_field metod use Test.class instead of Point.class *test/ add a public field for testing Fri Feb 22 arton *ext/rjb.c mark version 1.1.3 for the next release. Fri Feb 22 arton *ext/rjb.c fix field reference (bug# 18238) Wed Jan 9 arton *ext/rjb.h add some ruby macros that defined after 1.8.6 for compatibility Change RBridge.class by 1.4.2 *data/rjb/jp/co/infoseek/hp/arton/rjb/RBridge.class compiled by 1.4.2 version of Java *rjb.c mark version 1.1.2 for the next release. Tue Dec 27 Kuwashima *test/ *test/test.rb *ext/depend *ext/load.c *ext/extconf.rb *ext/rjbexception.c *ext/rjb.c *ext/riconv.c change for compatibility with Ruby-1.9.0 Tue Nov 20 arton *rjb.c mark version 1.10.12 for next relase. *load.c omit useless double-quotations from JAVA_HOME, maybe specifies a longpathname (but useless). Wed Nov 14 Kuwashima *rjb.c add error check to constructor. Fri Nov 9 arton *test.rb * add test for reproducing rjb-bugs-15430 *rjb.c fix rjb-bugs-15430 that caused by bad array conversion. (generics method result signature is an object, but the real result is typed array) *riconv.c correct to get the number of array element. Tue Oct 23 Kuwashima *riconv.c Change string encoding conversion rule. Mon Oct 22 Kuwashima *riconv.c *riconv.h recycle iconv instance. *test/test.rb add cases for test_kjconv Sun Sep 23 arton *rjb.c version 1.0.9 convert to Ruby's type if Rjb::primitive_converion is enalbed and the result type is java.lang.Object support the object conversion for a bignum to long. Sat Sep 15 arton *rjb.c version 1.0.8 correction of 1.0.7, support long type. Fri Sep 14 arton *rjb.c version 1.0.7 add auto primitive conversion toggled by Rjb::primitive_conversion *test.rb add test_auto_conv Sun Jun 17 arton *rjb.c add method aliases. setXxYy -> xx_yy= getXxYy -> xx_yy isXxYy -> xx_yy? xxYyZz -> xx_yy_zz *test.rb add a test for the method alias feature. Tue Nov 21 arton *rjb.c Skip the constant registering process, if the constant was already defined. *load.c *rjb.c *rjbexception.c *rjb.h add prefix 'rjb' for externed symbol names to avoid confliction. Sun Oct 08 arton (on behalf of richard apodaca) *load.c support AMD64 Mon Sep 11 arton *test.rb add a test of arguments types are various array. * add a test of arguments types are various array. *rjb.c accept nil for array parameter. Sun Sep 10 arton *test.rb add a test of return type is an object wrapped an array * add a method that returns an object wrapped an array *rjb.c check array-mark in jv2rv for returned object was an array Tue Aug 1 arton *load.c *rjb.c change load pathname of the bridge class. *post-install.rb add for remove previous installed *rjb.rake add for build Gem. *rjb.rb for preparing the pathname constant of the bridge class. *depend chage binary name from to *extconf.rb chage binary name from to Mon Jul 31 arton *load.c fix buffer allocation Sun Jul 16 (Jun 22) Kuwashima and arton *rjb.c version 0.2.8 *MANIFEST *depend *load.c *rjbexception.c change jni.h to jniwrap.h. change the bridge class's header according to JDK 5.0's javah. *jniwrap.h wrap jni.h for Cygin Sat Jun 10 14:10:05 2006 arton *rjb.c version 0.2.7 support an array of arrays from ruby to java. Mon May 8 08:52:12 2006 arton *load.c revision 5 support both Intel and PPC Mac. Patched version was contributed by Demetrius Nunes. Wed Apr 12 03:57:12 2006 arton *rjb.c version 0.2.6 support an array of arrays. *test.rb add an array of arrays test, some tests are contributed by Darren Day. * add a test method that returns an array of arrays, some tests are contributed by Darren Day. Sat Dec 24 18:56:38 2005 arton *rjb.c version 0.2.5 release String, Float, Array object after method call. *gctest.rb add for String object gc test Mon Sep 19 01:09:30 2005 arton *rjb.c version 0.2.4 use null instead of empty string when String argument is nil omit unused local variable from jstring2val *test.rb add null string test (bug since utf-8 support) Tue Jun 28 01:57:07 2005 arton *rjb.c version 0.2.3 convert result object to imported class if object is an instance of Class call Class#forName if argument count is 1 *test.rb add test_importobj contributed by Mr. Kuwashima, thanks. Mon Jun 27 20:30:50 2005 arton treat Class.forName as Rjb::import *rjb.c version 0.2.2 add method 'forName' into imported Class object if pass imported object to JVM, extract Class object from ruby object *test.rb add above tests Sat Jun 25 05:58:36 2005 arton most bugs were reported by Mr. Micael Weller, thanks. *rjb.c version 0.2.1 correct derived static method search search class methods then class's instance methods when called by class avoid register non capitalized named constants into constants table correct capitalized named method search *riconv.c never call iconv if $KCODE is nil *load.c using path separator ; for cygwin (by Ryugate) Sun Apr 24 05:26:16 2005 arton *rb.c version 0.2.0 delete localref if globalref was created. load can take the second argument for jvm *load.c load can take the second argument for jvm Mon Jan 17 02:40:21 2005 arton *rjb.c add 'throw' module function. move java exception handling functions into newly created rjbexception.c *rjb.h declations for rjb.c and rjbexception.c *rjbexception.c java exception handling functions, and 'throw' module function. *test.rb adding throw test. Wed Jan 12 00:01:08 2005 Kaspar Schiess and arton *rjb.c correct Rjb::load parameter evaluation (classpath). - many thanks to Mr.Schiess. Sun Nov 21 02:51:43 2004 Kuwashima and arton *rjb.c move dbcs-utf-8 auto conversion feature into riconv.? remove JNI version argument from Rjb::load. (bug reported by Mr.Tateishi) *load.c correct CLASSPATH setting (bad environment name).(bug reported by Mr.Tateishi) *riconv.c riconv.h (contributed by Mr.Kuwashima) DBCS - utf-8 auto conversion functions. *depend MANIFEST add riconv.? - many tanks to Mr.Kuwashima and Mr.Tateishi. Tue Oct 5 23:08:59 2004 Kuwashima and arton *test.rb add kanji conversion test *rjb.c add dbcs(sjis and euc-jp) - utf-8 auto conversion feature. the patch was contributed by Mr.Kuwashima, many thanks. Sun Oct 3 18:24:42 2004 arton *load.c JNIEnv* now using local variable instead of global one. Because AWT event use a worker thread, and JNI need thread's owned JNIEnv. *rjb.c JNIEnv* now using local variable instead of global one. Because AWT event use a worker thread, and JNI need thread's owned JNIEnv. This change was suggested by Mr.Kuwashima, he also tested the behavior, and gave me some test codes. and attach_current_thread is from Mr.Kuwashima's patch. Many thanks to Mr.Kuwashima. Sat Sep 25 03:25:45 2004 arton *rjb.c implements interface's method argument conversion. *test.rb add Comparable test (interface with method arguments) * add Comparable test method. Wed Sep 22 02:30:15 2004 arton *rjb.c correct constants load, using mid-class. convert null string to nil Wed Sep 22 00:05:32 2004 arton *rjb.c correct ruby type checking. If the parameter type is java.lang.String, rjb instance is always accepted. Mon Sep 20 22:02:53 2004 arton *rjb.c checking method/constructor signature with class when the argument is rjb's instance. Sun Sep 19 00:54:35 2004 arton *rjb.c convert Java exception to Ruby's StandardError derived class. checking method/constructor signature when invoking if no signatur argument is supplied. adding field accessor. Sun Sep 12 21:42:00 2004 arton *rjb.c call exception description when verbose = true. correct recursive import call (for Boolean). corrent method not found message creation.