#include <Gosu/Text.hpp> #include <Gosu/Bitmap.hpp> #include <Gosu/Graphics.hpp> #include <Gosu/Image.hpp> #include <Gosu/Math.hpp> #include <Gosu/TR1.hpp> #include <Gosu/Utility.hpp> #include "Common.hpp" #include "FormattedString.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <map> #include <vector> using namespace std; namespace Gosu { namespace { // Just a very simple heuristic that should make Chinese and Japanese text working in most // of the cases. bool isBreakingAsianGlyph(wchar_t ch) { if (ch >= 0x3040 && ch <= 0x3096) return true; // Hiragana if (ch >= 0x30a0 && ch <= 0x30fa) return true; // Katakana if (ch >= 0x4e00 && ch <= 0x9fff) return true; // CJK Unified Ideographs if (ch >= 0x3400 && ch <= 0x4db5) return true; // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A return false; } struct WordInfo { FormattedString text; unsigned width; unsigned spaceWidth; }; typedef vector<WordInfo> Words; // Local helper class which manages building the bitmap from the // collected words. class TextBlockBuilder { Bitmap bmp; unsigned usedLines, allocatedLines; wstring fontName; unsigned fontHeight; int lineSpacing; TextAlign align; unsigned spaceWidth_; void allocNextLine() { ++usedLines; if (usedLines == allocatedLines) { allocatedLines += 10; bmp.resize(bmp.width(), fontHeight * allocatedLines + lineSpacing * (allocatedLines - 1), Color::NONE); } } public: TextBlockBuilder(const wstring& fontName, unsigned fontHeight, int lineSpacing, unsigned width, TextAlign align) { usedLines = 0; allocatedLines = 10; bmp.resize(width, (lineSpacing + fontHeight) * allocatedLines, 0x00ffffff); this->fontName = fontName; this->fontHeight = fontHeight; this->lineSpacing = lineSpacing; this->align = align; spaceWidth_ = textWidth(FormattedString(L" ", 0)); } unsigned width() const { return bmp.width(); } unsigned textWidth(const FormattedString& text) const { if (text.length() == 0) return 0; if (text.entityAt(0)) return entityBitmap(text.entityAt(0)).width(); vector<FormattedString> parts = text.splitParts(); unsigned result = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) result += Gosu::textWidth(parts[i].unformat(), fontName, fontHeight, parts[i].flagsAt(0)); return result; } void addLine(Words::const_iterator begin, Words::const_iterator end, unsigned wordsWidth, bool overrideAlign) { allocNextLine(); unsigned words = end - begin; unsigned totalSpacing = 0; if (begin < end) for (Words::const_iterator i = begin; i != end - 1; ++i) totalSpacing += i->spaceWidth; // Where does the line start? (y) unsigned top = (usedLines - 1) * (fontHeight + lineSpacing); // Where does the line start? (x) double pos; switch (align) { // Start so that the text touches the right border. case taRight: pos = bmp.width() - wordsWidth - totalSpacing; break; // Start so that the text is centered. case taCenter: pos = bmp.width() - wordsWidth - totalSpacing; pos /= 2; break; // Just start at the left border. default: pos = 0; } for (Words::const_iterator cur = begin; cur != end; ++cur) { vector<FormattedString> parts = cur->text.splitParts(); int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) { FormattedString& part = parts[i]; if (part.entityAt(0)) { Gosu::Bitmap entity = entityBitmap(part.entityAt(0)); multiplyBitmapAlpha(entity, part.colorAt(0).alpha()); bmp.insert(entity, trunc(pos) + x, trunc(top)); x += entity.width(); continue; } wstring unformattedPart = part.unformat(); drawText(bmp, unformattedPart, trunc(pos) + x, trunc(top), part.colorAt(0), fontName, fontHeight, part.flagsAt(0)); x += Gosu::textWidth(unformattedPart, fontName, fontHeight, part.flagsAt(0)); } if (align == taJustify && !overrideAlign) pos += cur->width + 1.0 * (width() - wordsWidth) / (words - 1); else pos += cur->width + cur->spaceWidth; } } void addEmptyLine() { allocNextLine(); } Bitmap result() const { Bitmap result = bmp; result.resize(result.width(), fontHeight * usedLines + lineSpacing * (usedLines - 1)); return result; } unsigned spaceWidth() const { return spaceWidth_; } }; void processWords(TextBlockBuilder& builder, const Words& words) { if (words.empty()) return builder.addEmptyLine(); // Index into words to the first word in the current line. Words::const_iterator lineBegin = words.begin(); // Used width, in pixels, of the words [lineBegin..w[. unsigned wordsWidth = 0; // Used width of the spaces between (w-lineBegin) words. unsigned spacesWidth = 0; for (Words::const_iterator w = words.begin(); w != words.end(); ++w) { unsigned newWordsWidth = wordsWidth + w->width; if (newWordsWidth + spacesWidth <= builder.width()) { // There's enough space for the words [lineBegin..w] plus // the spaces between them: Proceed with the next word. wordsWidth = newWordsWidth; spacesWidth += w->spaceWidth; } else { // No, this word wouldn't fit into the current line: Draw // the current line, then start a new line with the current // word. builder.addLine(lineBegin, w, wordsWidth, false); lineBegin = w; wordsWidth = w->width; spacesWidth = w->spaceWidth; } } // Draw the last line as well. if (words.empty() || lineBegin != words.end()) builder.addLine(lineBegin, words.end(), wordsWidth, true); } void processParagraph(TextBlockBuilder& builder, const FormattedString& paragraph) { Words collectedWords; unsigned beginOfWord = 0; for (unsigned cur = 0; cur < paragraph.length(); ++cur) { WordInfo newWord; if (paragraph.charAt(cur) == L' ') { // Whitespace: // Add last word to list if existent if (beginOfWord != cur) { newWord.text = paragraph.range(beginOfWord, cur); newWord.width = builder.textWidth(newWord.text); newWord.spaceWidth = builder.spaceWidth(); collectedWords.push_back(newWord); } beginOfWord = cur + 1; } else if (isBreakingAsianGlyph(paragraph.charAt(cur))) { // Asian glyph (treat as single word): // Add last word to list if existent if (beginOfWord != cur) { newWord.text = paragraph.range(beginOfWord, cur); newWord.width = builder.textWidth(newWord.text); newWord.spaceWidth = 0; collectedWords.push_back(newWord); } // Add glyph as a single "word" newWord.text = paragraph.range(cur, cur + 1); newWord.width = builder.textWidth(newWord.text); newWord.spaceWidth = 0; collectedWords.push_back(newWord); beginOfWord = cur + 1; } } if (beginOfWord < paragraph.length()) { WordInfo lastWord; lastWord.text = paragraph.range(beginOfWord, paragraph.length()); lastWord.width = builder.textWidth(lastWord.text); lastWord.spaceWidth = 0; collectedWords.push_back(lastWord); } processWords(builder, collectedWords); } void processText(TextBlockBuilder& builder, const FormattedString& text) { vector<FormattedString> paragraphs = text.splitLines(); for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs.size(); ++i) processParagraph(builder, paragraphs[i]); } } } Gosu::Bitmap Gosu::createText(const wstring& text, const wstring& fontName, unsigned fontHeight, int lineSpacing, unsigned width, TextAlign align, unsigned fontFlags) { if (lineSpacing <= -static_cast<int>(fontHeight)) throw logic_error("negative line spacing of more than line height impossible"); FormattedString fs(text.c_str(), fontFlags); if (fs.length() == 0) return Bitmap(width, fontHeight); // Set up the builder object which will manage all the drawing and // conversions for us. TextBlockBuilder builder(fontName, fontHeight, lineSpacing, width, align); // Let the process* functions draw everything. processText(builder, fs); // Done! return builder.result(); } // Very easy special case. Gosu::Bitmap Gosu::createText(const wstring& text, const wstring& fontName, unsigned fontHeight, unsigned fontFlags) { FormattedString fs(text.c_str(), fontFlags); if (fs.length() == 0) return Bitmap(1, fontHeight); vector<FormattedString> lines = fs.splitLines(); Bitmap bmp(1, lines.size() * fontHeight); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { if (lines[i].length() == 0) continue; unsigned x = 0; vector<FormattedString> parts = lines[i].splitParts(); for (int p = 0; p < parts.size(); ++p) { const FormattedString& part = parts[p]; if (part.length() == 1 && part.entityAt(0)) { Gosu::Bitmap entity = entityBitmap(part.entityAt(0)); multiplyBitmapAlpha(entity, part.colorAt(0).alpha()); bmp.resize(max(bmp.width(), x + entity.width()), bmp.height()); bmp.insert(entity, x, i * fontHeight); x += entity.width(); continue; } assert(part.length() > 0); wstring unformattedText = part.unformat(); unsigned partWidth = textWidth(unformattedText, fontName, fontHeight, part.flagsAt(0)); bmp.resize(max(bmp.width(), x + partWidth), bmp.height()); drawText(bmp, unformattedText, x, i * fontHeight, part.colorAt(0), fontName, fontHeight, part.flagsAt(0)); x += partWidth; } } return bmp; } namespace { map<wstring, tr1::shared_ptr<Gosu::Bitmap> > entities; } void Gosu::registerEntity(const wstring& name, const Gosu::Bitmap& replacement) { entities[name].reset(new Bitmap(replacement)); } bool Gosu::isEntity(const wstring& name) { return entities[name].get(); } const Gosu::Bitmap& Gosu::entityBitmap(const wstring& name) { tr1::shared_ptr<Gosu::Bitmap>& ptr = entities[name]; if (!ptr) throw runtime_error("Unknown entity: " + Gosu::wstringToUTF8(name)); return *ptr; }