JS.ENV.Server.ExtensionsSpec = JS.Test.describe("Server extensions", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { this.engine = {} stub(Faye.Engine, "get").returns(engine) this.server = new Faye.Server() }}) describe("with an incoming extension installed", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { var extension = { incoming: function(message, callback) { message.ext = {auth: "password"} callback(message) } } server.addExtension(extension) this.message = {channel: "/foo", data: "hello"} }}) it("passes incoming messages through the extension", function() { with(this) { expect(engine, "publish").given({channel: "/foo", data: "hello", ext: {auth: "password"}}) server.process(message, false, function() {}) }}) it("does not pass outgoing messages through the extension", function() { with(this) { stub(server, "handshake").yields([message]) stub(engine, "publish") var response = null server.process({channel: "/meta/handshake"}, false, function(r) { response = r }) assertEqual( [{channel: "/foo", data: "hello", advice: anything()}], response ) }}) }}) describe("with an outgoing extension installed", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { var extension = { outgoing: function(message, callback) { message.ext = {auth: "password"} callback(message) } } server.addExtension(extension) this.message = {channel: "/foo", data: "hello"} }}) it("does not pass incoming messages through the extension", function() { with(this) { expect(engine, "publish").given({channel: "/foo", data: "hello"}) server.process(message, false, function() {}) }}) it("passes outgoing messages through the extension", function() { with(this) { stub(server, "handshake").yields([message]) stub(engine, "publish") var response = null server.process({channel: "/meta/handshake"}, false, function(r) { response = r }) assertEqual( [{channel: "/foo", data: "hello", advice: anything(), ext: {auth: "password"}}], response ) }}) }}) }})