Capistrano.configuration(:must_exist).load do set :trac_password_file, lambda { "#{trac_path}/conf/users.htdigest" } set :trac_pidfile, lambda { "#{deploy_to}/shared/pids/" } set :tracd_port, '9000' set (:trac_path) do deploy_to ? "#{deploy_to}/trac" : Capistrano::CLI.prompt('path to trac config: ') end set (:trac_account) do Capistrano::CLI.prompt('enter new trac user account name: ') end set :trac_passwordfile_exists, true # hack - should check on remote system instead task :trac_install, :roles => :scm do version = 'trac-0.10.4' set :src_package, { :file => version + '.tar.gz', :md5sum => '52a3a21ad9faafc3b59cbeb87d5a69d2 trac-0.10.4.tar.gz', :dir => version, :url => "{version}.tar.gz", :unpack => "tar zxf #{version}.tar.gz;", :install => 'python ./ install --prefix=/usr/local;' } enable_universe apt.install( {:base => %w(python-sqlite sqlite python-clearsilver)}, :stable ) deprec.download_src(src_package, src_dir) deprec.install_from_src(src_package, src_dir) end task :trac_create_pid_dir, :roles => :scm do deprec.mkdir(File.dirname(trac_pidfile)) end task :trac_setup, :roles => :scm do trac_init trac_config # create trac account for current user set :trac_account, user set :trac_passwordfile_exists, false # hack - should check on remote system instead trac_user_add trac_create_pid_dir end task :trac_init, :roles => :scm do sudo "trac-admin #{trac_path} initenv #{application} sqlite:db/trac.db svn #{repos_root} /usr/local/share/trac/templates" trac_set_default_permissions end task :trac_set_default_permissions, :roles => :scm do trac_anonymous_disable trac_authenticated_enable end # desc "disable anonymous access to everything" task :trac_anonymous_disable, :roles => :scm do sudo "trac-admin #{trac_path} permission remove anonymous '*'" end # desc "enable authenticated users access to everything" task :trac_authenticated_enable, :roles => :scm do sudo "trac-admin #{trac_path} permission add authenticated TRAC_ADMIN" end task :trac_config, :roles => :scm do deprec.render_template_to_file('trac.ini.erb', "#{trac_path}/conf/trac.ini") end task :trac_start, :roles => :scm do # XXX enable this for cap2 # XXX run "echo point your browser to http://$CAPISTRANO:HOST$:#{tracd_port}/trac" auth_string = "--auth=*,#{trac_password_file},#{application}" sudo "tracd #{auth_string} --daemonize --single-env --port=#{tracd_port} --pidfile=#{trac_pidfile} #{trac_path}" end task :trac_stop, :roles => :scm do sudo "kill `cat #{trac_pidfile}` >/dev/null 2>&1" sudo "rm -f #{trac_pidfile}" end desc "create a trac user" task :trac_user_add, :roles => :scm do create_file = trac_passwordfile_exists ? '' : ' -c ' htdigest = '/usr/local/apache2/bin/htdigest' # XXX check if htdigest file exists and add '-c' option if not # sudo "test -f #{trac_path/conf/users.htdigest} create_file = trac_passwordfile_exists ? '' : ' -c ' sudo_with_input("#{htdigest} #{create_file} #{trac_path}/conf/users.htdigest #{application} #{trac_account}", /password:/) end desc "list trac users" task :trac_list_users, :roles => :scm do sudo "cat #{trac_path}/conf/users.htdigest" end end