Feature: Manage my site In order to manage my site As an administrator I want to edit/delete my site Background: Given I have the site: "test site" set up Scenario: Site settings are not accessible for non authenticated accounts Given I am not authenticated When I go to the site settings Then I should see "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing" Scenario: Add a new site Given I am an authenticated user When I go to the account settings And I follow "new site" Then I should see "Fill in the form below to create your new site." When I fill in "Name" with "Acme" And I fill in "Subdomain" with "acme" And I press "Create" Then I should see "Site was successfully created." in the html code And I should be a administrator of the "Acme" site Scenario: Add a new site with chosen locale Given I am an authenticated user When I go to the account settings And I follow "new site" When I fill in "Name" with "Acme" And I fill in "Subdomain" with "acme" And I select "Russian" from "First language" When I press "Create" Then I should see "Site was successfully created." in the html code Scenario: Change timezone of site Given I am an authenticated user When I go to the site settings And I select "(GMT+03:00) Moscow" from "Timezone" Then I press "Save" Then I should see "My site was successfully updated." in the html code @javascript Scenario: Adding a domain to a site Given I am an authenticated user Then I should be able to add a domain to my site @javascript Scenario: Removing a domain from a site Given I am an authenticated user Then I should be able to remove a domain from my site @javascript Scenario: Removing a membership Given I am an authenticated user Then I should be able to remove a membership from my site @javascript Scenario: Saving a site with AJAX Given I am an authenticated user Then I should be able to save the site with AJAX Given multi_sites is disabled Then I should be able to save the site with AJAX @javascript Scenario: Multiple saves Given I am an authenticated user When I go to the site settings And I press "Save" Then I should see "My site was successfully updated." When I press "Save" Then I should see "My site was successfully updated."