class String # Standard in Ruby 1.8.7+. See official documentation[] Backports.alias_method self, :bytesize, :length Backports.make_block_optional self, :each_byte, :each_line, :test_on => "abc" # Standard in Ruby 1.8.7+. See official documentation[] Backports.alias_method self, :bytes, :each_byte Backports.make_block_optional self, :each, :test_on => "abc" if "is there still an each?".respond_to? :each # gsub: Left alone because of $~, $1, etc... which needs to be "pushed" up one level # It's possible to do so, but gsub is used everywhere so i felt # the performance hit was too big compared to the dubious gain. # Standard in Ruby 1.8.7+. See official documentation[] unless method_defined? :each_char def each_char return to_enum(:each_char) unless block_given? scan(/./m) {|c| yield c} end Backports.alias_method self, :chars, :each_char end Backports.alias_method self, :lines, :each_line # Standard in Ruby 1.8.7+. See official documentation[] def end_with?(*suffixes) suffixes.any? do |suffix| if suffix.respond_to? :to_str suffix = suffix.to_str self[-suffix.length, suffix.length] == suffix end end end unless method_defined? :end_with? # Standard in Ruby 1.8.7+. See official documentation[] unless ("check partition".partition(" ") rescue false) def partition_with_new_meaning(pattern = Backports::Undefined) return partition_without_new_meaning{|c| yield c} if pattern == Backports::Undefined pattern = Backports.coerce_to(pattern, String, :to_str) unless pattern.is_a? Regexp i = index(pattern) return [self, "", ""] unless i if pattern.is_a? Regexp match = Regexp.last_match [match.pre_match, match[0], match.post_match] else last = i+pattern.length [self[0...i], self[i...last], self[last...length]] end end Backports.alias_method_chain self, :partition, :new_meaning end # Standard in Ruby 1.8.7+. See official documentation[] def rpartition(pattern) pattern = Backports.coerce_to(pattern, String, :to_str) unless pattern.is_a? Regexp i = rindex(pattern) return ["", "", self] unless i if pattern.is_a? Regexp match = Regexp.last_match [match.pre_match, match[0], match.post_match] else last = i+pattern.length [self[0...i], self[i...last], self[last...length]] end end unless method_defined? :rpartition # Standard in Ruby 1.8.7+. See official documentation[] def start_with?(*prefixes) prefixes.any? do |prefix| if prefix.respond_to? :to_str prefix = prefix.to_str self[0, prefix.length] == prefix end end end unless method_defined? :start_with? # Standard in Ruby 1.8.7+. See official documentation[] unless ("abc".upto("def", true){} rescue false) def upto_with_exclusive(to, excl=false) return upto_without_exclusive(to){|s| yield s} if block_given? && !excl enum =, to, excl).to_enum return enum unless block_given? enum.each{|s| yield s} self end Backports.alias_method_chain self, :upto, :exclusive end end