# frozen_string_literal: true
module HTML
class Pipeline
# Base class for user content HTML filters. Each filter takes an
# HTML string or Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment, performs
# modifications and/or writes information to the result hash. Filters must
# return a DocumentFragment (typically the same instance provided to the call
# method) or a String with HTML markup.
# Example filter that replaces all images with trollface:
# class FuuuFilter < HTML::Pipeline::Filter
# def call
# doc.search('img').each do |img|
# img['src'] = "http://paradoxdgn.com/junk/avatars/trollface.jpg"
# end
# end
# end
# The context Hash passes options to filters and should not be changed in
# place. A Result Hash allows filters to make extracted information
# available to the caller and is mutable.
# Common context options:
# :base_url - The site's base URL
# :repository - A Repository providing context for the HTML being processed
# Each filter may define additional options and output values. See the class
# docs for more info.
class Filter
class InvalidDocumentException < StandardError; end
def initialize(doc, context = nil, result = nil)
if doc.is_a?(String)
@html = doc.to_str
@doc = nil
@doc = doc
@html = nil
@context = context || {}
@result = result || {}
# Public: Returns a simple Hash used to pass extra information into filters
# and also to allow filters to make extracted information available to the
# caller.
attr_reader :context
# Public: Returns a Hash used to allow filters to pass back information
# to callers of the various Pipelines. This can be used for
# #mentioned_users, for example.
attr_reader :result
# The Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment to be manipulated. If the filter was
# provided a String, parse into a DocumentFragment the first time this
# method is called.
def doc
@doc ||= parse_html(html)
# The String representation of the document. If a DocumentFragment was
# provided to the Filter, it is serialized into a String when this method is
# called.
def html
raise InvalidDocumentException if @html.nil? && @doc.nil?
@html || doc.to_html
# The main filter entry point. The doc attribute is guaranteed to be a
# Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment when invoked. Subclasses should modify
# this document in place or extract information and add it to the context
# hash.
def call
raise NotImplementedError
# Make sure the context has everything we need. Noop: Subclasses can override.
def validate; end
# The Repository object provided in the context hash, or nil when no
# :repository was specified.
# It's assumed that the repository context has already been checked
# for permissions
def repository
# The User object provided in the context hash, or nil when no user
# was specified
def current_user
# The site's base URL provided in the context hash, or '/' when no
# base URL was specified.
def base_url
context[:base_url] || '/'
# Ensure the passed argument is a DocumentFragment. When a string is
# provided, it is parsed and returned; otherwise, the DocumentFragment is
# returned unmodified.
def parse_html(html)
# Helper method for filter subclasses used to determine if any of a node's
# ancestors have one of the tag names specified.
# node - The Node object to check.
# tags - An array of tag name strings to check. These should be downcase.
# Returns true when the node has a matching ancestor.
def has_ancestor?(node, tags)
while node = node.parent
break true if tags.include?(node.name.downcase)
# Perform a filter on doc with the given context.
# Returns a HTML::Pipeline::DocumentFragment or a String containing HTML
# markup.
def self.call(doc, context = nil, result = nil)
new(doc, context, result).call
# Like call but guarantees that a DocumentFragment is returned, even when
# the last filter returns a String.
def self.to_document(input, context = nil)
html = call(input, context)
# Like call but guarantees that a string of HTML markup is returned.
def self.to_html(input, context = nil)
output = call(input, context)
if output.respond_to?(:to_html)
# Validator for required context. This will check that anything passed in
# contexts exists in @contexts
# If any errors are found an ArgumentError will be raised with a
# message listing all the missing contexts and the filters that
# require them.
def needs(*keys)
missing = keys.reject { |key| context.include? key }
if missing.any?
raise ArgumentError,
"Missing context keys for #{self.class.name}: #{missing.map(&:inspect).join ', '}"