Feature: The scaffold GLI generates works As a developer who wants to make a GLI-powered command-line app When I generate a GLI-powered app Things work out of the box Background: Given I have GLI installed And GLI's libs are in my path And my terminal size is "80x24" Scenario: Scaffold generates and things look good When I run `gli init --rvmrc todo add complete list` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain exactly: """ Creating dir ./todo/lib... Creating dir ./todo/bin... Creating dir ./todo/test... Created ./todo/bin/todo Created ./todo/README.rdoc Created ./todo/todo.rdoc Created ./todo/todo.gemspec Created ./todo/test/default_test.rb Created ./todo/test/test_helper.rb Created ./todo/Rakefile Created ./todo/Gemfile Created ./todo/features Created ./todo/lib/todo/version.rb Created ./todo/lib/todo.rb Created ./todo/.rvmrc """ And the following directories should exist: |todo | |todo/bin | |todo/test | |todo/lib | And the following files should exist: |todo/bin/todo | |todo/README.rdoc | |todo/todo.rdoc | |todo/todo.gemspec | |todo/test/default_test.rb | |todo/test/test_helper.rb | |todo/Rakefile | |todo/Gemfile | |todo/lib/todo/version.rb | |todo/lib/todo.rb | |todo/.rvmrc | When I cd to "todo" And I make sure todo's lib dir is in my lib path And I run `bin/todo` Then the output should contain: """ NAME todo - Describe your application here SYNOPSIS todo [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION 0.0.1 GLOBAL OPTIONS -f, --flagname=The name of the argument - Describe some flag here (default: the default) --help - Show this message -s, --[no-]switch - Describe some switch here COMMANDS add - Describe add here complete - Describe complete here help - Shows a list of commands or help for one command list - Describe list here """ And I run `bin/todo --help` Then the output should contain: """ NAME todo - Describe your application here SYNOPSIS todo [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION 0.0.1 GLOBAL OPTIONS -f, --flagname=The name of the argument - Describe some flag here (default: the default) --help - Show this message -s, --[no-]switch - Describe some switch here COMMANDS add - Describe add here complete - Describe complete here help - Shows a list of commands or help for one command list - Describe list here """ When I run `bin/todo help add` Then the output should contain: """ NAME add - Describe add here """ And the output should contain: """ SYNOPSIS todo [global options] add [command options] Describe arguments to add here """ And the output should contain: """ COMMAND OPTIONS -f arg - Describe a flag to add (default: default) -s - Describe a switch to add """ When I run `rake test` Then the output should contain: """ . """ And the output should contain: """ 1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors """ Given todo's libs are no longer in my load path When I run `rake features` Then the output should contain: """ 1 scenario (1 passed) """ And the output should contain: """ 2 steps (2 passed) """ Scenario Outline: Scaffold generates and respects flags to create ext dir and avoid test dir When I run `` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain exactly: """ Creating dir ./todo/lib... Creating dir ./todo/bin... Creating dir ./todo/ext... Created ./todo/bin/todo Created ./todo/README.rdoc Created ./todo/todo.rdoc Created ./todo/todo.gemspec Created ./todo/Rakefile Created ./todo/Gemfile Created ./todo/lib/todo/version.rb Created ./todo/lib/todo.rb """ And the following directories should exist: |todo | |todo/bin | |todo/ext | |todo/lib | And the following directories should not exist: |todo/test| And the following files should exist: |todo/bin/todo | |todo/README.rdoc | |todo/todo.rdoc | |todo/todo.gemspec | |todo/Rakefile | |todo/Gemfile | |todo/lib/todo/version.rb | |todo/lib/todo.rb | Examples: | command | | gli init -e --notest todo add complete list | | gli init todo add complete list -e --notest | Scenario: Running commands the normal way Given I successfully run `gli init todo add complete compute list` And I cd to "todo" And I make sure todo's lib dir is in my lib path When I successfully run `bin/todo add` Then the output should contain "add command ran" When I successfully run `bin/todo complete` Then the output should contain "complete command ran" When I run `bin/todo foobar` Then the stderr should contain "error: Unknown command 'foobar'" And the exit status should not be 0 Scenario: Running commands using short form Given I successfully run `gli init todo add complete compute list` And I cd to "todo" And I make sure todo's lib dir is in my lib path When I successfully run `bin/todo a` Then the output should contain "add command ran" When I successfully run `bin/todo l` Then the output should contain "list command ran" When I successfully run `bin/todo compl` Then the output should contain "complete command ran" Scenario: Ambiguous commands give helpful output Given I successfully run `gli init todo add complete compute list` And I cd to "todo" And I make sure todo's lib dir is in my lib path When I run `bin/todo comp` Then the stderr should contain "Ambiguous command 'comp'. It matches complete,compute" And the exit status should not be 0 Scenario: Running generated command without bundler gives a helpful error message Given I successfully run `gli init todo add complete compute list` And I cd to "todo" When I run `bin/todo comp` Then the exit status should not be 0 Then the stderr should contain "In development, you need to use `bundle exec bin/todo` to run your app" And the stderr should contain "At install-time, RubyGems will make sure lib, etc. are in the load path" And the stderr should contain "Feel free to remove this message from bin/todo now"